Re: حيوا معي البروف حامد رشوان بهذا الإنجاز لسوداننا الحبيب .. (Re: فيصل محمد رشوان)
البروف حامد رشوان له التجلة و الاحترام و هو يترأس بعلمه قلعة من قلاع العلم (الجمعية العالمية لأطباء النساء والتوليد)
Recent Trends and Challenges in Meeting ICPD Goals in Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health in the Arab States, Background Paper presented by Dr. Hamid Rushwan at the Expert Round Table on Ensuring Reproductive Rights and Reproductive Health, Amman-Jordan.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Management during Pregnancy, Childbirth and Post-Partum Period, Background Paper for the WHO Consultation on FGM presented by Dr. Hamid Rushwan, Geneva, 1-3 Sept., 1997.
Reproductive Health Including Family Planning and Safe Motherhood: Issues Concerning the Integration of RH Components, presented by Dr. Hamid Rushwan at the Regional Arab Conference on the Implementation of the ICPD POA, Beirut-Lebanon, 22-25 Sept., 1998.
Health Consequences of Female Genital Mulitation: A health Provider's Perspective, working paper by Dr. Hamid Rushwan, RH/FP CST Advisor.
Rushwan, Hamid et al. Female Circumcision in the Sudan: Prevalence, Complications, Attitudes and Change ; A Report of a Study Conducted by the Faculty of Medicine, University of Khartoum 1977-1982. Khartoum: The Faculty, 1983.
ACQUIRED GENITO-URINARY FISTULAE IN THE SUDAN AsimZaki Mustafa, Senior Lecturer, Hamid M. E. Rushwan, Research Assistant .
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