خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين

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10-23-2007, 04:02 PM

بكرى ابوبكر
<aبكرى ابوبكر
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-04-2002
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خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين

10-23-2007, 04:06 PM

Mustafa Mahmoud
<aMustafa Mahmoud
تاريخ التسجيل: 05-16-2006
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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    where is Frankly??

    long time no see

    is he not in Germany?

10-23-2007, 05:55 PM

Abdlaziz Eisa
<aAbdlaziz Eisa
تاريخ التسجيل: 02-03-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 22291

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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: Mustafa Mahmoud)


    ليش التعب ده كله؟؟!!!

    ما الشعب كله معارض ومحاصر في السودان!!

10-23-2007, 06:28 PM

اسعد الريفى
<aاسعد الريفى
تاريخ التسجيل: 01-21-2007
مجموع المشاركات: 6925

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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

10-23-2007, 06:33 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 11-14-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 5395

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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: اسعد الريفى)

    اضربوا جواسيس في كل مكان حتى هنا على المنبر يوجد الكثيرين منهم...

10-23-2007, 10:29 PM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 30766

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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: JOK BIONG)

    أعتقد ان الشخص أردنى وليس سودانى ويسمى ناصر وليس جاسوس انما ارهابى يساعد فى تكوين شبكة ارهابية فى اختيار العناصر والتحويلات المالية

10-24-2007, 00:47 AM

نيازي مصطفى
<aنيازي مصطفى
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-22-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 4646

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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: jini)

    Quote: Germany arrests 'spy for Sudan'
    German authorities have arrested a Sudanese man on suspicion of spying on dissidents living abroad.
    The 39-year-old is alleged to have given the Sudanese government information about opposition activists and dissidents living in Germany.

    The man, whose name has not been given, was arrested on Saturday in Berlin, prosecutors told the AP news agency.

    Under German law, anyone found guilty of espionage faces a jail term of up to five - and occasionally 10 - years.

    German prosecutors say the suspect had been spying on the activities of Sudanese government opponents abroad since 2005.

    The suspect's response to the allegations against him are not known.


    بالجد خبر غير مفهوم !
    يتجسس على شنو وسط السودانيين ؟

10-24-2007, 01:24 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 11660

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    العزيز نيازي
    كيف يتجسس علي شنو وسط السودانيين??
    انا و ود عوج الدرب و ادروب و دوما سابقا ما بسترزق مننا??
    سرور ود جيران في مدني زول علي قدر حاله ايام نميري الامن داهم بيتهم بتهمه انه معارض للنظام,, تاني يوم سألنه ان شاء ما لقوا حاجة ضدك
    المسألة عجبتو
    و رد علين
    العورا ديل نحن عرفنا نعارض ما نعرف ندس الوثايق بتاعتنا
    اسع سيف دا بطالبكم بحماية شخصيه ليهو

10-24-2007, 01:37 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 09-17-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 11660

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    Sudanese spionierte in Berlin
    In Berlin ist ein mutmaßlicher Spion des sudanesischen Geheimdienstes festgenommen worden. Der 39-Jährige soll seit Juli 2005 die Aktivitäten sudanesischer
    Oppositioneller in Deutschland ausgeforscht haben
    23.10.2007 12:07 Uhr

    KARLSRUHE/BERLIN - Die erlangten Informationen soll er an seine Auftraggeber weitergeleitet haben, wie die Bundesanwaltschaft in Karlsruhe mitteilte. Der Beschuldigte Acuil A. wurde bereits am vergangenen Samstag von Beamten des Bundeskriminalamts gefasst.

    Er wurde noch am Samstag dem Ermittlungsrichter des Bundesgerichtshofes vorgeführt, der auf Antrag der Bundesanwaltschaft Haftbefehl erlassen hat. Mit den weiteren Ermittlungen wegen Verdachts der geheimdienstlichen Agententätigkeit wurde das Bundeskriminalamt beauftragt. Spionage wird laut Paragraf 99 des Strafgesetzbuches mit bis zu fünf Jahren und in besonders schweren Fällen mit bis zu zehn Jahren Haft bestraft. (mit ddp)

    دا الخبر من صحيفة المانية
    مافي تفاصيل اكتر من الجابا بكري
    الاعتقال كان السبت الفات و مكتب المدعي الاتحادي عرض المتهم في نفس اليوم علي قاضي من المحكمة الفدرالية الذي اصدر امر قبض و بدأ المحققين تتحقيقاتهم و تركت تهم تنظيم عمل تجسسي لشرطة خاصة بالقضايا الجنائية. و عقوبة التجسس في القانون السجن لمدة تصل 5 اعوام و في حالات استثنائية تصل 10 اعوام..

10-24-2007, 04:50 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 07-27-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 6255

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    شنو يعني غريبة عليهم

    هنا في الامارات معروفين

    وعاملين لي كلو زول ملف كمان

10-24-2007, 05:22 AM

نيازي مصطفى
<aنيازي مصطفى
تاريخ التسجيل: 08-22-2004
مجموع المشاركات: 4646

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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: abas)

    Quote: اسع سيف دا بطالبكم بحماية شخصيه ليهو

    اخي الحبيب نصار
    لك عميق التحايا .
    والله بالجد الناس ديل ان لغاية الان بتجسسوا على الناس تكون عندهم قروش محرقة روحهم ساي وعاوزين يوزعوها
    على جواسيسهم ديل . لانه بالجد ليس هناك في هذا الزمان ما يستحق التجسس فاللعب بقى مفتوح
    زي ما بقول (صبري الباك الله يطراه بالخير ) ، اما حماية الحبيب د سيف انا ما عندي مانع اكون (bodyguard)
    على الاقل يشوف لينا مخارجة من هنا
    تحياتي .

10-24-2007, 05:47 AM

Adrob abubakr

تاريخ التسجيل: 05-10-2006
مجموع المشاركات: 3895

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: بكرى ابوبكر)

    فعلا اللعب بقي علي المكشوف ما في حاجة يتجسسوا عليها...
    وإستراتيجية الكيزان بعد التمكين إتحولت وظيفتها إلي الإحتواء والسيطرة علي الجاليات وتشكيل لوبيات وبعض الإختراقات حاليا بالتركيز بالذات علي حركات دارفور ونشاطات المنتمين إليها وإتصالاتهم الخارجية!

10-24-2007, 07:24 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 02-05-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 30766

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
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Re: خبر طازج اعتقال جاسوس سودانى بالمانيا يتجسس على المعارضة السودانية ببرلين (Re: Adrob abubakr)

    Quote: Southern leaders on terrorist hit list, says Dr. Akol
    Staff writer

    aDr. Lam Akol has said that according to an SPLA intelligence report most Southern Sudan political leaders including himself, religious leaders and high ranking military officers are on the "security threat list of a purported secretly trained special force of young Muslims dedicated to carry out jihad missions in the South," The Juba Post has learnt.

    Dr Lam Akol made these remarks in a meeting with the United Nations Special Representative, acting Secretary General Tay - Brook Zerihoun met with the SPLM in Juba last Saturday to discuss the recent decision made by the SPLM to withdraw from the government of national unity. Key issues concerning security threats to the southern leaders were revealed in that meeting.

    The UN Special Representative, Acting Secretary General met an SPLM delegation headed by Dr. Riak Machar with the participation of Dr. Lam Akol, Pagan Amum and James Wani Igga. The First vice president and president of the Government of South Sudan Lt. Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit was an observer in that gathering.

    The source who attended meeting and spoke on condition of anonymity told The Juba Post that Dr. Akol said that among the Church leaders in the list are the Catholic Archbishop Paulino Lukudu Loro and the Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Sudan Micah Laila Daudi.

    Sudan Mirror last month disclosed the training of a batch of 30 recruits from Greater Equatoria in Hantoub in Gezira state last June under the command of three senior security officers of the national Intelligence and security services.

    The training was carried out between 10-21 June this year for a "carefully selected and chosen" group of recruits. The recruits "have special files detailing the background of the organization in Khartoum,” the Sudan Mirror reported.

    On Tuesday Germany had charged a Jordanian with helping found a group that planned a Sudan terror training camp, according to The Associated Press(AP) article published on October 16, 2007.

    According to AP, German prosecutors said Tuesday that they have charged a Jordanian man with co-founding a terrorist group that allegedly aimed to set up a training camp in Sudan.

    The 33-year-old Jordanian identified only as Thaer A., was charged with founding a terrorist organization abroad, federal prosecutors said in a statement. They said his main job was to take care of financing and money transfers for the group, and that he also was involved in the recruitment of new members.

    Prosecutors alleged that the group was founded by other four co-founders in June or July of 2006.

    One of the others, a dual citizen of Germany and Morocco, went on trial in July. The suspect, identified only as Redouane E.H., was also accused of raising money for al-Qaeda in Iraq and helping to supply foreign fighters for the insurgency in that country.

    Federal prosecutors said that the group's aim was to "build up a front against the 'crusaders' in Sudan and to carry out jihad by committing serious crimes in accordance with a call by Osama bin Laden."

    Prosecutors did not mention who exactly the group might have planned to target. The group aimed to set up a camp in Sudan to train volunteers "and thus to be prepared for a guerrilla war expected to be carried out by the group," they added.

    Thaer A. was arrested in Sweden in March and transferred to Germany the following month. He has remained in custody since then.

    Prosecutors said the charges against him were filed on Sept. 19. There was no immediate word on when his trial might start.

    Quote: On Tuesday Germany had charged a Jordanian with helping found a group that planned a Sudan terror training camp, according to The Associated Press(AP) article published on October 16, 2007.

    According to AP, German prosecutors said Tuesday that they have charged a Jordanian man with co-founding a terrorist group that allegedly aimed to set up a training camp in Sudan.

    The 33-year-old Jordanian identified only as Thaer A., was charged with founding a terrorist organization abroad, federal prosecutors said in a statement. They said his main job was to take care of financing and money transfers for the group, and that he also was involved in the recruitment of new members.

    Prosecutors alleged that the group was founded by other four co-founders in June or July of 2006.

    One of the others, a dual citizen of Germany and Morocco, went on trial in July. The suspect, identified only as Redouane E.H., was also accused of raising money for al-Qaeda in Iraq and helping to supply foreign fighters for the insurgency in that country.

    Federal prosecutors said that the group's aim was to "build up a front against the 'crusaders' in Sudan and to carry out jihad by committing serious crimes in accordance with a call by Osama bin Laden."

    Prosecutors did not mention who exactly the group might have planned to target. The group aimed to set up a camp in Sudan to train volunteers "and thus to be prepared for a guerrilla war expected to be carried out by the group," they added.

    Thaer A. was arrested in Sweden in March and transferred to Germany the following month. He has remained in custody since then.

    Prosecutors said the charges against him were filed on Sept. 19. There was no immediate word on when his trial might

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