منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية .
تعرض منعم الجاك الناشط الحقوقي بالخرطوم إلى التعذيب مساء اليوم الأربعاء 26 نوفمبر ؛ تم ذلك بعد إعتقاله وإحتجازه للمرة الثانية في غضون هذا الأسبوع .
منعم الآن تحت الرعاية الطبية . عثمان حميده لا يزال معتقلاً منذ يوم 24 نوفمبر وهو يتعرض للتعذيب كما منعت عنه أدويته التي يُفـترض أن يتناولها بشكل يومي .
وضع عثمان حميده حرج للغاية ، وهو يحتاج للتضامن الشديد وللإتصالات المكثفة والمراسلات لكل الجهات المعنية لإطلاق سراحه وحمايته .
Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: Elmoiz Abunura)
عثمان حميدة معتقل لدى مكاتب الأمن في مدينة الخرطوم بحري بجوار "موقف شندي " . تدور التحقيقات حول العلاقة مع المحكمة الجنائية الدولية ، إضافة للمشكلة القائمة بين مركز الخرطوم لحقوق الإنسان من جهة والمنظمة السودانية لمناهضة التعذيب من جهة أخرى .
صباح اليوم ، وصلت مجموعة من أفراد جهاز الأمن إلى مبنى مركزالخرطوم بمدينة الديم جنوبي الخرطوم ، وطلبوا التقارير السنوية التي يتقدم بها المركز .
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: خالد العبيد)
PUBLIC AI Index: AFR 54/044/2008 26 November 2008 UA 325/08 Incommunicado detention/risk of torture
SUDAN Osman Hummaida (m), aged 45, human rights defender Abdel Monim Elgak (m), aged 34, human rights defender
Human rights defenders Osman Hummaida and Abdel Monim Elgak are being held by the National Security and Intelligence Services (NISS) in the capital Khartoum. Amnesty International fears for their safety and has concerns that they could be at risk of torture or other forms of ill-treatment.
Osman Hummaida is the former director of Sudanese Organization against Torture (SOAT) and a United Kingdom citizen. He has been held in incommunicado detention by the NISS since 24 November. He was arrested at noon, together with Abdel Monim Elgak, by three agents from NISS. They were reportedly stopped in the streets of Khartoum. On the same day, a third human rights defender, Amir Suleiman was also arrested by the NISS in Khartoum. Information available to Amnesty International indicates that the three men were held in the NISS offices in Bahri area in Khartoum. They were allegedly interrogated for hours by NISS officers.
Amir Suleiman was released without charges at 9 pm on 24 November, whilst Abdel Monim Elgak was reportedly released at 2:30 pm on 25 November. According to reports received by Amnesty International, neither of the men was subjected to any violence or ill-treatment whilst in detention. However, Abdel Monim Elgak was rearrested on 26 November by the NISS after being summoned to their offices for interrogation. Amir Suleiman was also summoned by the NISS at 9pm on 25 November and interrogated for four hours before being released at 1am on 26 November.
Osman Hummaida was not released following his detention, and is being held incommunicado by the NISS. There is no information on his current whereabouts or about the state and conditions of his detention. Although a member of his family has reportedly asked to be allowed to visit him, access has been denied by the NISS.
Osman Hummaida suffers from high blood pressure and asthma. Amnesty International fears for his health as reports received indicate that although he has been given access to his medicine, he has not been given access to a doctor while in detention. Concerns for his safety are heightened by the fact that he was previously arrested in 1990 and spent a year and a half in the “ghost houses” of the NISS, where he was subjected to torture and other forms of ill-treatment.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION Torture or ill-treatment of human rights activist by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) is often reported in Sudan, in particular when those detained are not given access to the outside world. Amnesty International documented cases of torture and ill-treatment in detention against human rights activists in the course of the last months, in particular in relation to the clamp down by NISS and police on Darfuris following the 10 May attack on Khartoum by one of the Darfuri armed opposition groups, the Justice and Equality Movement.
Prolonged incommunicado detention is prohibited by international human rights standards, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), ratified by Sudan. Article 9 of the ICCPR states that anyone “arrested or detained on a criminal charge shall be brought promptly before a judge”. Although Sudan’s Criminal Procedure Code contains safeguards against incommunicado detention, Article 31 of the National Security Forces Act, which governs arrests by the NISS, allows prolonged incommunicado detention without charge or trial. Such incommunicado detention without access to the outside world and without any outside inspection increases the likelihood of torture taking place. Amnesty International has criticised in the past the provisions under the National Security Forces Act.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Please send appeals to arrive as quickly as possible, in Arabic, English or your own language: - urging the authorities to immediately release Osman Hummaida and Abdel Monim Elgak or else to charge them with a recognizable criminal offence; -urging the authorities to immediately allow Osman Hummaida, as UK citizen, access to Consular representation; -urging the authorities to allow Osman Hummaida and Abdel Monim Elgak access to legal representation as well as family visits and any medical attention they might require - urging the authorities to immediately stop the harassment and unlawful arrests of human rights activists in Sudan; - urging the authorities to repeal Article 31 of the National Security Forces Act, which allows detainees to be held for up to nine months without access to judicial review.
APPEALS TO: His Excellency Lieutenant General Omar Hassan al-Bashir President of Sudan Office of the President, People's Palace, PO Box 281, Khartoum, Sudan Fax: +249 183782541 Salutation: Your Excellency
Mr Abdel Basit Sabderat Minister of Justice Federal Ministry of Justice, PO Box 302, Khartoum, Sudan Fax: +249 183 770883 Salutation: Dear Minister
Mr Ibrahim Mohamed Hamed Federal Ministry of the Interior PO Box 2793, Khartoum, Sudan Fax: +249 1 8377 6554 Salutation: Dear Minister
Deng Alor Kuol Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs PO Box 873 Khartoum Sudan Email: [email protected] Salutation: Dear Minister
COPIES TO: Dr Abdel Moneim Osman Taha Rapporteur, Advisory Council for Human Rights, Khartoum, Sudan Fax: +249 183 77 08 83
Dr Priscilla Joseph Chair of the Human Rights Committee, National Assembly, Omdurman, Sudan Fax: +249 187 560 950
and to diplomatic representatives of Sudan accredited to your country.
PLEASE SEND APPEALS IMMEDIATELY. Check with the International Secretariat, or your section office, if sending appeals after 7 January 2009.
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: esam gabralla)
قصيدتين لأحمد مطر الأولى
حينما اقتيد أسيراً قفزت دمعته ضاحكة ها قد تحررت أخيراً
وقفت في زنزانتي أقلب الأفكار أنا السجين هاهنا أم ذلك الجالس في الجوار فكل ما يفصلنا جدار وفي الجدار فتحة يرى الظلام من ورائها وأرقب النهار لحارسي صغار وزوجة ودار لكنه مثلي هنا جاء به وجاء بي قرار وبيننا الجدار يوشك أن ينهار حدثني الجدار .. فقال لي إن الذي ترثي له قد جاء باختياره وجئت بالإجبار وقبل أن ينهار فيما بيننا حدثني عن أسد سجّانه حمار
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: طلال عفيفي)
كامل تضامني مع الاستاذين منعم ، عثمان انه لمؤسف ما يجري و لكن ليس بغريب علي حكومة انتهجت سياسة البطش و السفك و التعذيب
يجب ان نوحد الجهود .. و العمل .. الرجاء ارسال الرسائل لكل الجهات التي يمكن ان تساهم في حل المشكلة ..
حمور زيادة القصيدة هي : وقفت في زنزانتي أقلب الأفكار أنا السجين هاهنا أم ذلك الحارس بالجوار فكل ما يفصلنا جدارو وفي الجدار فتحة ، يرى الظلام من خلالها وأرقب النهار لصاحبي ، ولي زوجة ودار وصغار جاء بي ، وجاء به قرار وبيننا الجدار يوشك أن ينهار حدثني الجدار : إن الذي ترثي عليه جاء باختياره وجئت بالاجبار وقبل أن ينهار حدثني عن أسد سجانه حمار و فعلا البيت الاخير معبر تماما
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: طلال عفيفي)
Sudan: Human Rights Activists Arrested Harassment of Those Speaking Out Against Abuses Increasing November 26, 2008
The Sudanese government is well-known for having little tolerance for criticism. This is part of a wider pattern of trying to silence those who support international justice and to suppress information about the human rights situation in Sudan. Georgette Gagnon, Africa director
(New York, November 26, 2008) - Sudanese authorities have arrested and detained three human rights defenders in Khartoum, two of whom remain in detention, Human Rights Watch said today. On November 24, 2008, Sudanese authorities in Khartoum summoned the three men to the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) offices, where they were detained and questioned about their human rights activities.
One, Amir Suliman, was released the same day. Abdelmoneim Aljak was released early the following morning but re-arrested on November 26, and Osman Hummaida, who is British, also remains in custody. The security service has not charged any of the men with any crime. They were questioned only regarding their human rights activities.
"The Sudanese government is well-known for having little tolerance for criticism," said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. "This is part of a wider pattern of trying to silence those who support justice and to suppress information about the human rights situation in Sudan."
Over the last year, the Sudanese government has increasingly targeted those who have spoken out about human rights abuses, the situation in Darfur, or international justice. This harassment intensified considerably following the May 10 attack by the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on the capital and the announcement by the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court on July 14 requesting an arrest warrant for President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Journalists trying to publish articles about the situation in Darfur or the May 10 events and staff members of national NGOs working on these issues have been summoned and forced to censor any articles regarded as critical of the authorities.
Hummaida and Aljak work as consultants to civil society and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Suliman is chairperson of the Khartoum Centre for Human Rights and Environmental Development (KCHRED). The three were summoned by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) political section in Khartoum North at around noon on November 24. A colleague was allowed to bring medicine for Hummaida later that afternoon.
Suliman was released at 8 p.m. and summoned again and detained briefly the following evening. Aljak was released the following day without charge, but was summoned again on November 26 and remains in the security service's custody. Hummaida is still being held without charge and has not been allowed to speak to his lawyer.
Sudanese authorities have not said on what basis the three were summoned or detained, but they are active in the Sudanese human rights movement and have participated in awareness-raising campaigns on justice and accountability, as well as highlighting the ongoing human rights situation in Sudan.
The three men were summoned by the political affairs section of NISS, which deals with civil society organizations and political parties. All three have previously been detained on several occasions because of their human rights activities.
"As well as being concerned for Osman Hummaida and Abdelmoneim Aljak's well-being, we fear that these arrests of human rights activists will not be the last," said Gagnon.
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: esam gabralla)
وقفت في زنزانتي أقلب الأفكار أنا السجين هاهنا أم ذلك الحارس بالجوار فكل ما يفصلنا جدارو وفي الجدار فتحة ، يرى الظلام من خلالها وأرقب النهار لصاحبي ، ولي زوجة ودار وصغار جاء بي ، وجاء به قرار وبيننا الجدار يوشك أن ينهار حدثني الجدار : إن الذي ترثي عليه جاء باختياره وجئت بالاجبار وقبل أن ينهار حدثني عن أسد سجانه حمار
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: عبد المنعم سيد احمد)
مناشدة تعرض نهار الإثنين 24 نوفمبر 2008 للإعتقال من قبل جهاز الأمن والمخابرات السودانى وذلك بمدينة الخرطوم ، كل من :- عبد المنعم الجاك ، سودانى وناشط حقوقى وعضو عدد من المنظمات العالمية والإقليمية أمير سليمان،محام سودانى وناشط يشغل مدير مركز الخرطوم لحقوق الإنسان وتنمية البيئة عثمان حميدة، سودانى وناشط فى مجالل حقوق الإنسان ويحمل الجنسية البريطانية كذلك وهو عضو بعدد من المنظمات المحلية والعالمية والإقليمية وتم فى صبيحة الثلاثاء 25 نوفمبر إطلاق سراح السيدين/ عبد المنعم الجاك وأمير سليمان، وبقى عثمان حميدة بالمعتقل يعانى المرض حيث حالته الصحية سيئة ويعانى كثيراً من الأمراض المزمنة، ورفضت السلطات السماح بإعطائه العقاقير التى جلبتها أسرته وعلمنا بتدهور حالته الصحية وتراجعها من مصادر عدة ومساء الثلاثاء 25 نوفمبر قامت سلطات جهاز الأمن والمخابرات بإعتقال المحامى والناشط / عبد الله الكارب الذى يشغل منصب سكرتير مجلس أمناء المرصد السودانى لحقوق الإنسان وأطلق سراحه بعد ست ساعات وفى ذات اليوم أعيد إعتقال أمير سليمان وعبد المنعم الجاك، وبعد ساعات أطلق سراح أمير سليمان حتى الآن لا يزال عثمان حميدة يعانى من الأم والمرض ومصيره مجهول وترفض السلطات الأمنية علاجه ويتعرض الأستاذ عبد المنعم الجاك للتعذيب
تم إتهامهم جميعا بالتعاون والتخابر مع المحكمة الجنائية الدولية *** إن ما تقوم به السلطات الأمنية لهو قتل بطئ لهؤلاء الناشطين وهى رسالة لقمع روح المجتمع المدنى السودانى ونشطائه مناشدة:- برجاء التحرك السريع لإنقاذ حياة عثمان حميدة وعبد المنعم الجاك والضغط على السلطات المحلية بالخرطوم لعلاجهم وإطلاق سراحهم فورا ً كما نناشد بالمطالبة بتدخل السفارة البريطانية بالخرطوم ووزارة الشئن الخارجية البريطانية للتحرك وإخراج مواطنها عثمان حميدة ، حيث أنها ابلغت فى حينه ولم يحدث شئ عمرو كمال خليل محام الخرطوم نأئب سكرتير المرصد السودانى لحقوق الإنسان
**** نسخة مرسلة لعدد من المنظمات العالمية والاقليمية
ارجو التحرك
ويمكن اسنخدامها مع التعديل الواجب كسبا للوقت
***كل من لديه عناوين مراسلات عليه دعم البوستات بها
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: Aymen Tabir)

لم تتوقف جرائم التعذيب و إنتهاك حقوق الإنسان فى محطة الناشطين السياسين أمثال رفيقنا د/ عمر النجيب الذى عبر عن مأساته الفنان المبدع عمر دفع الله ولكن إستشرت جرائم الإسلاميين , لتطال حتى ناشطى حماية حقوق الإنسان .فتبا للمجرمين و ليعلموا أنا سنلاحقهم بالقصاص متى ما أمكن ذلك وانه لن تسقط من ذاكرتنا جريمة واحده فلا تنعموا بطول سلامه .
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: Manal Mohamed Ali)
هذه رسلتي التي ارسلتها لكل الايميلات المرفقة في البوست ده بكرة بفزع في ايميلات المنظمات الهنا في نيويورك Subject: Osman Hummaida
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Osman Hummaida, he is British citizen of Sudanese origin who is spending his second day in detention in Sudan.
There are reports that he has been subjected to torture by the Sudanese security organ in Khartoum North. His name is Osman Hummaida He is a well known human rights advocate. He used to be the director of Sudan Organization Against Torture
Argo House Kilbrun Park RD London NW6 5 LF - Tel +44-(0)207-6258055 fax +44(0)207 3722656
He was detained and interrogated by the Sudan security officials in regard to his human rights activities especially in Darfor. Sudan
Osman Hummaida suffers from hypertension and asthma. It has been reported that he was denied medication as well as visits. Please put your pressure to secure him immediate and release him from detention, as no charges were pressed against him.
الله يساعدك ايها الجميل حميده صديقي منعم الجاك..انت لها ونحن معك ايهاالصبور المخلص للفكرة وللوطن
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: طلال عفيفي)
Done Dear Supporter,
Thank you for your email message to Amnesty International UK's Individuals At Risk Programme. We are temporarily experiencing a high level of enquiries and limited capacity to respond. Our reply will therefore take a little longer than normal. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
Individuals At Risk Team.
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: طلال عفيفي)
تحية خاصة للأصدقاء الذين سلكوا طريقآ حتمآ سوف يؤدي إلى محاصرة الهمج أعني المبادر عادل عثمان وعصام جبرالله ومنال محمد علي وهذه سكة دولية مفيدة وفيها ايضآ سلك صلاح بندر
لكن أين السكك الوطنية أعني - سعادة نائب رئيس جهاز الأمن والمخابرات عن الحركة الشعبية - نواب الحركة الشعبية وقوى المعارضة في المجلس الوطني الإنتقالي - دور الأحزاب والتنظيمات والمنظمات - الحركة الجماهيرية والشارع السياسي
أين ؟
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: أبو ساندرا)
أوقفوا انتهاك الدستور أطلقوا سراح عثمان حميدة وكل معتقلى الرأى. November 25, 2008 (PARIS) — Two rights watchdogs today called for the release of a human right activists who was detained this week along with two others who were subsequently released.
On Monday the Sudanese authorities detained three human right activists and interrogated them on their links with the International Criminal Court (ICC).
Those arrested by Sudan’s National Security and Intelligence Service include Osman Hummida, Moniem El-Gak and Amir Suleiman.
El-Gak and Suleiman were subsequently released but Hummida remains in the custody of the security bureau and his whereabouts are unknown.
“The Sudanese government is well-known for having little tolerance for criticism,” said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch (HRW). “This is part of a wider pattern of trying to silence those who support justice and to suppress information about the human rights situation in Sudan.”
Amnesty International (AI) expressed concern for the health conditions of Hummida.
“Osman Hummida suffers from high blood pressure and asthma. Amnesty International fears for his health as reports received indicate that although he has been given access to his medicine, he has not been given access to a doctor while in detention” the UK based rights group said in a statement.
Hummida was one of the founders of Sudanese Organization against Torture (SOAT). He and El-Gak work as consultants to civil society and nongovernmental organizations. Suleiman is chairman of the Khartoum Center for Human Rights and Environmental Development (KCHRED).
No charges have been formally brought against any of the three figures. The Sudanese authorities did not comment on the incident.
HRW accused Khartoum of stepping up harassment of human right activists and NGO’s following Darfur rebel attack on the capital last May and ICC indictment of president Omer Hassan Al-Bashir.
No views in support of the ICC have been allowed inside Sudan and press censorship was tightened.
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: naeem ali)
Left Aligned[/LEFT Dear Sir or Madam
I would like to prompt your swift response to protect the life and the safety of two human rights defenders who are now being detained by the government of the Sudan. Credible reports have indicated that the two gentlemen may have been subjected to torture while held incommunicado by the National Security and Intelligence Services in Khartoum. Osman Hummaida, a Brit of a Sudanese origin, has been arrested on November 24, 2008. He is a former director of the London-based Sudanese Organization against Torture (SOAT.) Mr. Hummaida suffers from serious health conditions that need a special and continuous medical care. Abdel Monim Elgak, a Sudanese citizen, has been arrested on November 26, 2008 for the second time within the week. Mr. Elgak is the Regional Program Coordinator of the Strategic Initiative for Women in the Horn of Africa (SIHA network.) Some reports have stated that the arrest is based on government allegations that have linked the two gentlemen to the ongoing ICC case against the president of the Sudan. While ill-treatment of human rights activists by the NSIS is widely documented, I urge you to pursue and/or to undertake whatever measures available to urgently secure the safety of these two human rights activists. Sincerely yours, Mohamed Elnuman, Human Rights Lawyer. USA
A copy of the above letter has been communicated to the following
Amnesty International, USA Human Rights Watch, Human Rights Defenders, USA Human Rights First, USA British Consulate, Sudan Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sudan LEFT]Left Aligned
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: naeem ali)
كامل التضامن مع الأخ عثمان حميدة وأسرته الوجلة انهم يعرفونه جيدا ويعرفون قدراته فى الحركة , وهو من أفضل ناشطى حقوق الانسان , الذين أبلو بلاءا حسنا عند انعقاد جلسات لجنة حقوق الانسان بمدينة جنيف وكان له القدح المعلى مع آخرين فى الادانات المتكررة التى تعرضت لها الحكومة السودانية فى سجل حقوق الانسان. لذا سيخضعونه للتعذيب والتشفى والانتقام , اذن لا بد من التحرك العاجل لانقاذ حياته . عاجل الشفاء للأستاذ عبدالمنعم الجاك , ولا بد من تحريك دعوى جنائية أقلاها لحفظ الحقوق .
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: نصر الدين عثمان)
كلمة هيومان رايتس :
(New York, November 26, 2008) – Sudanese authorities have arrested and detained three human rights defenders in Khartoum, two of whom remain in detention, Human Rights Watch said today. On November 24, 2008, Sudanese authorities in Khartoum summoned the three men to the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) offices, where they were detained and questioned about their human rights activities.
One, Amir Suliman, was released the same day. Abdelmoneim Aljak was released early the following morning but re-arrested on November 26, and Osman Hummaida, who is British, also remains in custody. The security service has not charged any of the men with any crime. They were questioned only regarding their human rights activities.
“The Sudanese government is well-known for having little tolerance for criticism,” said Georgette Gagnon, Africa director at Human Rights Watch. “This is part of a wider pattern of trying to silence those who support justice and to suppress information about the human rights situation in Sudan.”
Over the last year, the Sudanese government has increasingly targeted those who have spoken out about human rights abuses, the situation in Darfur, or international justice. This harassment intensified considerably following the May 10 attack by the rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on the capital and the announcement by the prosecutor for the International Criminal Court on July 14 requesting an arrest warrant for President Omar al-Bashir for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. Journalists trying to publish articles about the situation in Darfur or the May 10 events and staff members of national NGOs working on these issues have been summoned and forced to censor any articles regarded as critical of the authorities.
Hummaida and Aljak work as consultants to civil society and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Suliman is chairperson of the Khartoum Centre for Human Rights and Environmental Development (KCHRED). The three were summoned by the National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) political section in Khartoum North at around noon on November 24. A colleague was allowed to bring medicine for Hummaida later that afternoon.
Suliman was released at 8 p.m. and summoned again and detained briefly the following evening. Aljak was released the following day without charge, but was summoned again on November 26 and remains in the security service’s custody. Hummaida is still being held without charge and has not been allowed to speak to his lawyer.
Sudanese authorities have not said on what basis the three were summoned or detained, but they are active in the Sudanese human rights movement and have participated in awareness-raising campaigns on justice and accountability, as well as highlighting the ongoing human rights situation in Sudan.
The three men were summoned by the political affairs section of NISS, which deals with civil society organizations and political parties. All three have previously been detained on several occasions because of their human rights activities.
“As well as being concerned for Osman Hummaida and Abdelmoneim Aljak’s well-being, we fear that these arrests of human rights activists will not be the last,” said Gagnon.
For more Human Rights Watch reporting on Sudan, please visit:
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: طلال عفيفي)
وقفة قوية و تعاضد مطلوب من الجميع لمنع عودة البلد لايام التعذيب و الانتهاك الوحشي لحقوق الانسان الذي حدث ابان حقبة التسعينات سيئة السمعة.. وقفة قوية مطلوبة من شركاء الحكم -الحركة الشعبية و بقية الاحزاب السياسية...أذا تهاونوا في امور خطيرة كهذه فعلى الدنيا السلام
تعذيب الاخوين المعتقلين يجب أن ينظر اليه على انه جريمة جنائية..على الحركة الشعبية و كذلك العقلاء في المؤتمر الوطني التحرك لمحاسبة و محاكمة المتورطين على الملأ... و ألا فالطوفان قادم!!
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: طلال عفيفي)
تضامني التام مع عثمان ومنعم وأمير وكل ابناء وبنات شعب السودان الشرفاء
الاخ طلال .... سلام يجب ان تعلم ان هذه مقدمة لملاحقة كل ناشطي منظمات المجتمع المدني , واعتقد كل يوم سوف نسمع بمعتقل جديد. لذلك مع الجهود التي ابتدرها كا من عصام وعادل في الخارج ومخاطبة القنصلية البريطانية بالداخل عليكم كناشطين في هذا المجال ان تتوحدوا في البداية وتعاضضوا بعض وتقدموا علي فعل احتجاجي مؤثر, لانه في كل الاحوال انتم ملاحقون لامحالة. مودتي
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: بهاء بكري)
الناشطين في مجالات حقوق الانسان المتواجدين بمدينة نيويورك وباقي ولايات امريكا ... لازم نتحرك عشان نعمل حاجه لان في نيويورك مراكز قرار عالمية .. انا حديثة عهد بامريكا لذا لا اعرف كثير من الناشطين السودانيين فيها. ارجو ان نتفق على مذكرة كافية او تظاهرة للفت نظر العالم بما يحدث الان للناشطين في حقوق الانسان في السودانوالمطالبة باطلاق صراح عثمان حميدة.
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: Manal Mohamed Ali)
عنوان السفارة الامريكية في واشنطون United States, Washington, British Embassy British Embassy 3100 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20008
Washington, DC
Telephone: (1) (202) 588 6500 Fax: (1) (202) 588 7870 Chancery
ليس لديهم ايميل في الويب صايد لذلك اتصلت بهم تلفونياً ووجهوني بارسال رسالتي بالبريد.
المراكز التي يمكن ان تؤثر في مسار القضية الموجودة في امريكيا وممكن نصلها هي 1- بعثة الامم المتحدة في نيويورك 2- السفراة البريطانية في واشنطون 3- بعثة السودان للامم المتحدة والسفارة السودانية في امريكا(للحوار ومحاولة التنبيه لخطورة موقف الانقاذ) 4- مكتب الحركة الشعبية في واشنطون
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Re: منعم الجاك يتعرض للتعذيب ، وعثمان حُميده يحتاج للحماية . (Re: Manal Mohamed Ali)
هل فعلا ضرب منعم الجاك حتي نزف دما. هل تم الضرب والتعذيب امام عثمان حميدة حتي ينهار وينتزع منه اعتراف ؟ بالتاكيد ليس لعثمان حميدة اي ادوية بحوزته الان من سوف يتجمل المسؤلية اين وزير العدل؟ اين نقابة المحامين السودانيين من هذا؟ اين منظمات المجتمع الدولي؟ اين قيادة الحركة الشعبية؟ سلفا كير ياسر عرمان ماهو موقف الحركة هل هي مع التعذيب والاعتقالات اين قادة الاحزاب
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