.. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ...
نحكى عنه ___
توباك أو MAKAVELI شاعر وفارس ومغنى وممثل 93 مليون ألبوم دخل بها موسوعة جينيتس . ولد فى بروكلن فى 16 يونيو 1971 وقتل فى لاس فيقاس فى 13 سبتمبر 1996 سوف نحكى عنه ...
 
Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: نجوان)
كان من ألمع النجوم فى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية . هو ملك ملوك موسيقى الهيب هوب . نشأ فى برونس ببروكلن فى فقر وحرمان . ... هناك ورث الاحساس التاريخى بالمرارة فخرجت تلك الأغانى التى جلبت له كل تلك الشهرة .. توباك المحبوب كان شاعر .. كان كاتبا بارعا لشعر الراب وانسانا عاشقا للفن وللحريات . .. نتابع عنه ..
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
كنت فى المدرسة فى مينيسوتا وكانت فى حصص عن الراب لاول مرة اسمع عن توباك كان ان عرفت ان هناك عدد من الاساتذة (من البيض ) همهم الارشفة والتوثيق لتوباك وحين بدات الاستماع لتوباك وجدت عالم غريب من الحيوات فهو ممثل مغنى شاعر واب كل تلك الوظائف يؤديها على اكمل وجه رغم صغر سنه كتب العشرات ان لم يكن المئات من الاغانى الاغانى المهمومة بحياة اهله اغرب اغنية سمعتها تلك التى وصف فيها موته وحين تستمع اليها لا تتخيل انك تستمع لغغنية صاحبها كتبها قبل رحيله بايام ولم تخرج للمستمعين الا بعد وفاته وبالمناسبة من اعلى اسعار الاسطوانات اسطوانات توباك تقف فى مستوى واحد مع اسطوانات بوب مارلى وحاجة تانية فى ناس بفتكروا انه مامات وحيجى راجع ودا زعم لا يجادل فيه معجبى توباك
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: سلمى الشيخ سلامة)
الأخت العزيزة سلمى الشيخ سلامات والف سلامة . توباك كان يحدثنى عنه TE سكيورتى الشركة التى كنت اعمل بها. و TE هو صديق أبن خالت توباك والمستمع المدمن لفنون توباك . احاول تذكر القليل عن الرجل المطرب الشجاع الذى كان يدافع عن فنه حتى قتل . الف شكر أخت سلمى تحياتى .
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: نجوان)
الأخت العزيزة نجوان وجه الخرطوم المشرق كيفك ؟ أنشاءالله عافيه . مسكين توباك لم يعيش طويلا كان قد هز الدنيا فى تلك السنوات العشرة .. ما بين 1996 و1986 .. سطع نجم توباك وهو فى الخامسة عشرة . .. تحياتى أخت نجوان وشكرى
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: abubakr)
أستاذ أبوبكر سيد أحمد الرطانى الذى علمنا النحو والله مشتاقين انت انسان خفيف الظل كما يقول شيخ مشايخ العرب ود شيقوق .. توباك ابن مدينتى العزيزة بروكلن . قتل خارجها بعد أن فاض بتلك الفنون الباهرة . __ الف شكر أخ أبوبكر .. وكيف الكنترول على الصحة ؟ تحياتى ..
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: PLAYER)
حزن عليه الناس أشد الحزن توباك الاسم العزيز عند أهالى بروكلن . هناك من يقول أن ابيه مسلم . .. توباك عمورو شكور وكلمة وتوباك تعنى الأفعى . .. ذكى .. كتبت عنه جريدة النيويورك تايمز وعمره سنتين . لديه أخت من أب ثانى اسمه متولى .. ومتولى حكم عليه المسكين بالسجن ستين سنة بتهمة السطو المسلح على بنك كبير . رحل متولى الى السجن وتركهم فى ظروف عصيبة . ونتابع صمود أم توباك وظهور نجم النجوم الأمير الاسود توباك .
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Abomihyar)
أغتيل توباك على طريقة DRIVE BY التى ابتدعت فى العشرينات. كان معه فى سيارة ال B M W صديقه شوج . عندما توقفت بجواره سيارة كاديلاك تم منها اطلاق النار بشكل مكثف . وفى الساعة 4 من صباح يوم الجمعة توفى ملك الراب ..
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: nasir gadora)

توباك مع والدته أفيني
............................................................ the worst question is the first question Why do we work like slaves sweatin' blades to an early grave Never got paid but still we slave
من أعنية Black Cotton
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: عبد العظيم احمد)
اخر ألبومات توباك كانت ألبوم I STILL RISE ثم THE ROSE THAT GREW FROM CONCRETE الوردة التى تنمو فوق الأسمنت ... لقد رسم توباك الشاعر أجمل صور الشعر الشعبى فى أمريكا فكان الاشهر والاشجع . ونتابع ما يقال عن المغنى توباك
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: ناذر محمد الخليفة)
الأخ العزيز ناذر محمد الخليفة سلام شديد وكيف ؟ يا ناذر توباك فنان شامل وكامل . فى تاريخ الفنون يوضع مع الكبار مع العظماء . الرجل شاعر ومغنى وممثل وراقص ومخرج أرجو أن تتابع التسجيل. سوف ارسل اليك الأفلام الأخيرة عن توباك . تحياتى
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Moawia Mohammed)
نعم خسارة . لقد قتل الفارس الناشط فى غناء التحرر فى ليل الف شكر أخ معاويه سلام شديد وشكر كتير على جلبك لنا صور الملك توباك خسارة جد كبيرة للفن العالمى ... يا سلام كيف قتل توباك ؟ يظل موته لغزا مجهولا حتى اليوم .. تحياتى ونتابع
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: ناذر محمد الخليفة)
ألغاز كثيرة فى موت توباك فبعد التحقيقات تاكد أن القاتل هو لاعب الباسكت اورلاندو اندرسون وحكم على اندرسون بالاعدام وقبل تنفيذ الحكم على اندرسون وجد اندرسون ميت فى السجن ... وكان توباك قد تعارك مع اندرسون فى مبارة تايسون وقد صورتهم كاميرات الحلبة عند العراك .. الغاز الغاز وشكوك .. ونتابع
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
Quote: Artist: 2pac Song: Changes Album: Greatest Hits Artist: 2pac
[1] Come on come on I see no changes wake up in the morning and I ask myself is life worth living should I blast myself? I'm tired of bein' poor & even worse I'm black my stomach hurts so I'm lookin' for a purse to snatch Cops give a damn about a negro pull the trigger kill a nigga he's a hero Give the crack to the kids who the hell cares one less hungry mouth on the welfare First ship 'em dope & let 'em deal the brothers give 'em guns step back watch 'em kill each other It's time to fight back that's what Huey said 2 shots in the dark now Huey's dead I got love for my brother but we can never go nowhere unless we share with each other We gotta start makin' changes learn to see me as a brother instead of 2 distant strangers and that's how it's supposed to be How can the Devil take a brother if he's close to me? I'd love to go back to when we played as kids but things changed, and that's the way it is [Bridge w/ changing ad libs] Come on come on That's just the way it is Things'll never be the same That's just the way it is aww yeah [Repeat] [2] I see no changes all I see is racist faces misplaced hate makes disgrace to races We under I wonder what it takes to make this one better place, let's erase the wasted Take the evil out the people they'll be acting right 'cause both black and white is smokin' crack tonight and only time we chill is when we kill each other it takes skill to be real, time to heal each other And although it seems heaven sent We ain't ready, to see a black President, uhh It ain't a secret don't conceal the fact the penitentiary's packed, and it's filled with blacks But some things will never change try to show another way but you stayin' in the dope game Now tell me what's a mother to do bein' real don't appeal to the brother in you You gotta operate the easy way "I made a G today" But you made it in a sleazy way sellin' crack to the kid. " I gotta get paid," Well hey, well that's the way it is [Bridge] [Talking:] We gotta make a change... It's time for us as a people to start makin' some changes. Let's change the way we eat, let's change the way we live and let's change the way we treat each other. You see the old way wasn't working so it's on us to do what we gotta do, to survive. [3] And still I see no changes can't a brother get a little peace It's war on the streets & the war in the Middle East Instead of war on poverty they got a war on drugs so the police can bother me And I ain't never did a crime I ain't have to do But now I'm back with the blacks givin' it back to you Don't let 'em jack you up, back you up, crack you up and pimp slap you up You gotta learn to hold ya own they get jealous when they see ya with ya mobile phone But tell the cops they can't touch this I don't trust this when they try to rush I bust this That's the sound of my tool you say it ain't cool my mama didn't raise no fool And as long as I stay black I gotta stay strapped & I never get to lay back 'Cause I always got to worry 'bout the pay backs some buck that I roughed up way back comin' back after all these years rat-tat-tat-tat-tat that's the way it is uhh [Bridge 'til fade] |
زول بيكتب وبيغنى كلام زى ده أكيد لازم يكون محبوب وما زول هين بالحيل
شول اشوانق
شكراً عثمان موسى
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: نهال كرار)
انا لدي كل أعمال 2pac و مستعد لانزالها هنا في صيغة mp3 التي تعمل علي معظم الاجهزة، و لكن السؤال هل يسبب انزالي لاعماله مشاكل ملكية او ما شاكله
عندنا هنا في اروبا يمكن استخدام الشبكات البينية التي تعمل بين كمبوترات الاشخاص و التي عبرها يمكن رفع و انزال اي مادة دون مشكل قانوني ، و من برامجه الشهيرة emule
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
نبدا البوم البوم (ليس بالترتيب)...
Album: Me Against the World
1 If I Die 2Nite 2 Me Against the World 3 So Many Tearz 4 Temptations 5 Young Niggaz 6 Heavy In the Game 7 Lord Knows 8 Dear Mama 9 It Ain't Easy 10 Can U Get AWay 11 Old School 12 ######## the World 13 Death Around the Corner 14 Outlaw
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
If I Die 2Nite
A coward dies a thousand deaths A soldier dies but once
Verse One:
They say pussy and paper is poetry power and pistols Plottin on murderin motherfuckers 'fore they get you Picturin pitiful punk niggaz coppin pleas Puffin weed as I position myself to clock G's My enemies scatter in suicidal situations Never to witness the wicked #### that they was facin Pockets is packed with presidents, pursue your riches Evadin the playa hatin tricks, while hittin switches Bitches is bad-mouth, cause ballin motherfuckers is bold But y'all some hoes, the game should be sold I'm sick of psychotic society somebody save me Addicted to drama so even mama couldn't raise me Even the preacher and all my teachers couldn't reach me I run in the streets and puffin weed wit my peeps I'm duckin the cop, I hit the weed as I'm clutchin my glock Niggaz is hot when I hit the block, what if I die tonight
If I die tonight (repeat 3X) "Tonight's the night I get in some ####" - Dr. Dre
Verse Two:
Polishin pistols prepare for battle pass the punk When I get to poppin niggaz is droppin then they done Callin the coroner come collect the fuckin corpse He got hit by a killa preocupied with being boast Revenge is the method we're never steppin keep a weapon close Adversaries are overdosed over deadly notes Jealous niggaz and broke bitches equal packed jails Hit the block and fill your pockets makin crack sales Picture perfection pursuin paper with a passion Visions of prisons for all the pussies that I blasted Runnin with criminals individuals with no remorse Try to stop me my pistol posse's usin deadly force In my brain all I can think about is fame The police know my name, a different game, ain't a thing changed I'm seein silly teary photos of my peers Conversatin like they still here, if I die tonight
Verse Three:
Pussy and paper is poetry power and pistols Plottin on murderin motherfuckers 'fore they get you Pray to the heavens three-fifty-sevens to the sky And I hope I'm forgiven for Thug Livin when I die I wonder if heaven got a ghetto for Thug niggaz A stress free life and a spot for drug dealers Pissin while practicin how to pimp and be a playa Overdose of a ########, while drinkin liquor when I lay her Pistol whippin these simps, for bein petrified and lame Disrespectin the game, prayin for punishment and pain Goin insane, never die, live eternal, who shall I fear? Don't shed a tear for me nigga I ain't happy hear I hope they bury me and send me to my rest Headlines readin MURDERED TO DEATH, my last breath Take a look picture a crook on his last stand Motherfuckers don't understand, if I die tonight
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
Quote: Me Against the World
It's just me against tha World
ooohhhhh ooohhhhh
just me against tha world baby
ohhhhhh ohhhhhh
I got nothin' ta lose it's just me against tha world
stuck in tha game me against tha world baby
Can you picture my prophecy? stress in tha city tha cops is hot for me tha projects is full of bullets though bodies is droppin' there ain't no stoppin me constantly moven while maken millions witnessin' killins leavin dead bodies in abandoned buildings caries tha children cause they're illin' addicted to killin' a near appeal from tha cap pealin' what i'm feelin' but will they last or be blasted hard headed ####### maybe he'll listen in his casket tha aftermath more bodies being buried i'm losen my homies in a hurry they're relocating to tha cemetary got me worried stressin' my visions bluried tha question is will I live no one in tha world loves me i'm headed for danger don't trust strangers put one in tha chamber whenever im feelin this anger don't wanna make excuses cause this is how it is what's tha use unless we're shootin' no one notices tha youth It's Just Me against tha World baby
ooohhhhh Me against tha world It's Just me against tha World ooohhhhh
It's Just Me Against tha World Me Against tha World cause it's just me against tha world baby
Me against tha World
ooohhhh yeeah
I got nothin' ta lose It's Just me against tha world baby
I got nothin' ta lose
[Dramacydal's verse]
Could somebody help me? i'm out here all by myself seeing ladies in stores baby capones livin wealthy pictures of my birth on tha surface what i'm dreamin' seein' daddy seein' full of crooked deamons already crazy and screamin' I guess them nightmares as a child had me scared but left me prepared for awhile is there another route? for crooked outlaws that are in a villian of young thugs
everday is more death plus i'm no less im seein more reasons for me to proceed with thievens scheme on schemeing amd leavin' their peeps grievin' cause ain't no bucks ta stack up my nuts is backed up i'm about ta act up go load tha mack up now watch me klack up try makin' fat cuts but yo it ain't workin and evils lurken I can see him smirken when I gets tha bourbon so what go put some work in and make my mail makin' sells risken 25 with a 'L' but oh well
Me Against tha World with nothin' ta lose it's just me against tha world
It's just Me Against tha World baby Me Against tha world I got nothin' ta lose It's just Me Against tha World
It's just Me Against tha World baby
with nothin ta lose it's just me against tha world baby Me against tha world
Me against tha world
I got nothin' ta lose it's just me against tha World baby
[Tupac's verse]
With all this extra stressin' tha question I wonder is after death I feel my last breath when will I finaly get to rest from this supression they punish tha people that's askin questions and those that possess steal from tha ones without possesions tha message I stress to make it stop study your lessons don't settle for less even tha genius asks questions be gratifull for blessins don't ever change keep your essense tha power is in tha people and tha politics we address always do your best don't let this pressure make ya panic and when ya get stranded and things don't go tha way ya planed it dreaming of richs in a position of makin' a difference polititions are hipocrites they don't wanna listen if i'm insane then tha fame ain't about ta change it wasn't nothin' like tha game it's just me Against tha World
Me against tha World nothin ta lose It's just Me Against tha world baby
Me Against tha World got me stuck in tha game It's just Me Against tha World ooohhhh
i'm outshining [???] tha news It's just me against tha world baby hahaha Me against tha World that's right... I know it seem hard someties, but uh... remember one thing through every dark night there's a bright day after that so no matter how hard it get stick ya chest out keep ya head up and handle it
Me against tha World Me against tha world Me against tha world [fades... ] |
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
Quote: So Many Tearz
I shall fear no man, but God though I walk through tha valley of death I shed so many tears Please God walk with me...
back in Elementry, I thrived on misery left me alone I grew up amongst a dying breed as my mind couldn't find a place ta rest untill I got that Thug Life Planted on my chest tell me can ya feel me ? I'm not liven in tha Past, Ya wanna last Be tha first ta blast, remember Kato no longer with us he's deseased call on tha sirens, I seem him murdered in tha streets now rest in peace Is there heaven for a 'G' ? remember me, so many homies in tha cemetary shed so many tears
Lord I suffer through tha years and shed so many tears Lord I lost so many peers, shed so many tears
Now that i'm strugglin' in this business by any means, label me greedy gettin green but seldom seen and ######## tha world cuz i'm cursed I'm havin visions of leaven here in a hurst God can ya feel me ? take me away from all tha pressure and all tha pain show me some happiness again i'm goin' blind I spend my time in this cell, ain't livin' well I know my destiny is hell, where did I fail ? my life is in denial and when I Die, baptised in Eternal Fire shed so many tears...
Lord I suffer through tha years and shed so many tears Lord I lost so many peers, shed so many tears
Now i'm lost and i'm weary so many tears, i'm suicidal, so don't stand near me my every move is a calculated step ta bring me closer to embrace an early death now there's nothing left there was no mercy on tha streets I couldn't rest I'm barely standing, bout to go to pieces, screaming peace and though my soul was deleted, I couldn't see it I had my mind full of deamons tryin' ta break free they planted seeds and they hatched sparking tha flame inside my brain like a match, such a dirty game no memories, just misery painting a picture of my enemies killing me in my sleep will I survive till' tha morning ta see tha sun please lord forgive me for my sins cause here I come...
Lord I suffer through tha years and shed so many tears Lord I lost so many peers, shed so many tears
Lord knows i've tried, been a witness ta homicide drive-bys taken lives, little kids die wonder why as I walk by Broken hearted as I glance at tha chaulk line, gettin' high this ain't tha life for me I wanna change but ain't no future right for me i'm stuck in tha game i'm trapped inside a maze |
really there is so many many tears
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
Quote: Keep Ya Head Up
Little somethin for my godson Elijah and a little girl named Corinne
Verse One:
Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots I give a holler to my sisters on welfare Tupac cares, if don't nobody else care And uhh, I know they like to beat ya down a lot When you come around the block brothas clown a lot But please don't cry, dry your eyes, never let up Forgive but don't forget, girl keep your head up And when he tells you you ain't nuttin don't believe him And if he can't learn to love you you should leave him Cause sista you don't need him And I ain't tryin to cash up, I just call em how I see em You know it makes me unhappy (what's that) When brothas make babies, and leave a young mother to be unhappy And since we all came from a woman Got our name from a woman and our game from a woman I wonder why we take from our women Why we rape our women, do we hate our women? I think it's time to kill for our women Time to heal our women, be real to our women And if we don't we'll have a race of babies That will hate the ladies, that make the babies And since a man can't make one He has no right to tell a woman when and where to create one So will the real men get up I know you're fed up ladies, but keep your head up
Eeewww child things are gonna get easier Eeewww child things are gonna get brighter
Eeewww child things are gonna get easier Eeewww child things are gonna get brighter
Verse Two:
Aiyyo, I remember Marvin Gaye, used to sing ta me He had me feelin like black was tha thing to be And suddenly tha ghetto didn't seem so tough And though we had it rough, we always had enough I huffed and puffed about my curfew and broke the rules Ran with the local crew, and had a smoke or two And I realize momma really paid the price She nearly gave her life, to raise me right And all I had ta give her was my pipe dream Of how I'd rock the mic, and make it to tha bright screen I'm tryin to make a dollar out of fifteen cents It's hard to be legit and still pay tha rent And in the end it seems I'm headin for tha pen I try and find my friends, but they're blowin in the wind Last night my buddy lost his whole family It's gonna take the man in me to conquer this insanity It seems tha rain'll never let up I try to keep my head up, and still keep from gettin wet up You know it's funny when it rains it pours They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor Say there ain't no hope for the youth and the truth is it ain't no hope for tha future And then they wonder why we crazy I blame my mother, for turning my brother into a crack baby We ain't meant to survive, cause it's a setup And even though you're fed up Huh, ya got to keep your head up
Verse Three:
And uhh To all the ladies havin babies on they own I know it's kinda rough and you're feelin all alone Daddy's long gone and he left you by ya lonesome Thank the Lord for my kids, even if nobody else want em Cause I think we can make it, in fact, I'm sure And if you fall, stand tall and comeback for more Cause ain't nuttin worse than when your son wants to kno why his daddy don't love him no mo' You can't complain you was dealt this hell of a hand without a man, feelin helpless Because there's too many things for you to deal with Dying inside, but outside you're looking fearless While tears, is rollin down your cheeks Ya steady hopin things don't all down this week Cause if it did, you couldn't take it, and don't blame me I was given this world I didn't make it And now my son's getten older and older and cold From havin the world on his shoulders While the rich kids is drivin Benz I'm still tryin to hold on to survivin friends And it's crazy, it seems it'll never let up, but please... you got to keep your head up |
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
سلامات يا عثمان موضوع حقيقة شيق وتوباك سيظل مثيرا للجدل وستظل قضية قتله من أكبر القضايا التي تشغل بال المجتمع العالمي وليس الأمريكي فحسب.. وستظل محاولة الإجابة على هذا السؤال بابا مفتوحا أمام كل المحققين والصحفين والمهتمين بقضية توباك شكور أذكر إتهام بيجي بقتله والذي حينما نشر الخبر كان بيجي ذاته في خبر كان شباب مبدع.. مشهور... غني... ويقتلون في أزهى سنوات العمر... الأمر الذي يحيرني أيضا هو قتل الشاهد الذي ذكر إمكانية التعرف على قتله توباك بعد بضعة أيام من الحادث... كيف تم الإعلان عن هذا الأمر الخطير؟ المفترض أن يظل سرا حتى يتمكن الشاهد فعلا من التحقيق والأمر الثاني.. لماذا تم الإنتظار أياما والتفريط في الشاهد الوحيد ليظل (يحوم) في المناطق الخطيرة والتي تتطاير في طلقات الرصاص وتتكاثر فيها الأسلحة...
حاجة تقطع القلب... شكرا يا عثمان..
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: غادة عبدالعزيز خالد)
الأخت العزيزة غادة عبدالعزيز خالد سلامات وكيف الوليدات يا غادة الشاهد الوحيد على عملية اطلاق النار اسمه الحقيقى YAFEU FULA اها الزول ده وجد مقتولا فى EAST ORANGE فى ولاية نيوجرسى .. بعد يومين من الحادث . __ أخت غادة الف شكر تحياتى
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)

شكرآ أسامة موسى ومتابعين
كنت مستاء من صوره التى تغطى جدران غرف أطفالى ولكن الآن مرتاح
أريتهم البوست .. رغم أنهم يعانون من قراءة العربى كانوا سعداء وفخورين بكتابة سودانى عن 2pac
وأخذوا اللنـك الى مدارسهم
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: رأفت ميلاد)
الأخ العزيز رأفت ميلاد سلام شديد وسلام شديد على اولادك حدثنى عنه TE قال لى . تزوجت ام توباك من سودانى بحار سنة 1968 لكن السودانى اختفى. فتزوجت بعمارو شكور ... ونتابع الف شكر أخى رأفت تحياتى اليكم جميعا
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
ذكريات والله ، ذكرتنا يا عثمان قبل ما نودع الاغاني الغربية والغير غربية من قبل ما انجليزيتي تتصلح كان بتعجبني اغنية life goes on وأغاني زي unconditional love و dear mama
كنت وما زلت ما بحب الراب وفي التسعينات زمن 2pac كنت بحب اسمع Boys II men و Whitney Husten و baby Face والاسطورة بوب مارلي طبعاً
بس life goes on وادائها من تو باك أغنية ما في زيها
اهديك الـ"لريكس" لحدي ما "الشفوت" يجو ينزلوها صوت (الحروف على النطق)
Life goes on How many brothas fell victim to tha streetz Rest in peace young nigga, there's a Heaven for a 'G' be a lie, If I told ya that I never thought of death my niggas, we tha last ones left but life goes on.....
[Verse One:]
As I bail through tha empty halls breath stinkin' in my draws ring, ring, ring quiet y'all incoming call plus this my homie from high school he's getting by It's time to bury another brotha nobody cry life as a baller alcohol and booty calls we usta do them as adolecents do you recall? raised as G's loc'ed out and blazed the weed get on tha roof let's get smoked out and blaze with me 2 in tha morning and we still high assed out screamin' 'thug till I die' before I passed out but now that your gone i'm in tha zone thinkin' 'I don't wanna die all alone' but now ya gone and all I got left are stinkin' memories I love them niggas to death i'm drinkin' Hennessy while tryin' ta make it last I drank a 5th for that ####### when you passed.... cause life goes on
[Verse Two:]
Yeah nigga I got tha word as hell Ya blew trial and tha judge gave you 25 with an L Time to prepare to do fed time Won't see parole Imagine life as a convict What's getten' old Plus with tha drama We're lookin out for your babies mama Taken risks, while keepin' cheap tricks from gettin on her... Life in tha hood is all good for nobody Remember gamin' on dumb hoties at chill parties Me and you No true a two While scheming on hits And gettin tricks Ahat maybe we can slide into but now you burried Rest nigga Cause I ain't worried Eyes blurried Sayin' goodbye at the cemetary tho' memories fade I got your name tatted on my arm So we both ball til' my dying days before I say goodbye Kato and Mental rest in peace Thug till I die!
[Verse Three:]
Bury me smilin' with G's in my pocket Have a party at my funeral Let every rapper rock it Let tha hoes that I usta know from way before Kiss me from my head to my toe Give me a paper and a pen So I can write about my life of sin A couple bottles of Gin In case I don't get in Tell all my people i'm a Ridah Nobody cries when we die we outlaws, let me ride until I get free I live my life in tha fast lane got police chasen me to my niggas from old blocks from old crews niggas that guided me through back in tha old school Pour out some liquor Have a toast for tha homies See we both gotta die but ya chose to go before me And brothas miss ya while your gone You left your nigga on his own How long we mourn Life goes on
[Chorus repeats to end] [sung overtop repeating chorus]
Life goes on homie gone on, cause they passed away Niggas doin' life Niggas doin' 50 and 60 years and #### I feel ya nigga, trust me I feel ya You know what I mean Last year We poured out liquor for ya This year nigga, life goes on We're gonna clock now Get money Evade bitches Evade tricks Give players plenty space And basicaly just represent for you baby Next time you see your niggas We're gonna be on top nigga You're gonna be like, Goddamn, them niggas came up' That's right baby Life goes on and we up out this bitch hey Kato, Mental Y'all niggas make sure it's popin' when we get up there Don't front.
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Re: .. كيف قتل مغنى الراب 2pac ... (Re: Osman Musa)
حسب قراءاتي أن أفيني شكور والدة توباك .. تركت المدرسة في عمر مبكر وأصبحت عضو ناشط في منطمة الفهود السود.. وكانت حامل بتوباك عندما كانت مسجونة بتهمة حيازة قنبلة يدوية وتفجيرات مزعومة آنذاك..
فهل تاريخ أمه وتاريخ أسرته المرتبط بمنظمة الفهود السود له علاقة بتصفيته
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