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Discussion Board in English What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am?
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What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am?

04-14-2013, 06:48 PM
Registered: 10-10-2002
Total Posts: 6736

What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am?

    Hello all members of the English forum. I have a question and I hope to find its answer here. My question is:
    What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am?
    By the way I have made a little Google search and returned more confused. Pardon me to mention that I want your answer in your own words not just a copy and paste.
    Thanks much in advance.

Arabic Forum

04-14-2013, 07:13 PM
Registered: 10-10-2002
Total Posts: 6736

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: ombadda)

    Say that Ali Omer Zeyd married to Sadia Obeid Yasir. How will be the titles written?
    P.s: The above mentioned names are not for real persons. It is just examples.

Arabic Forum

04-15-2013, 03:49 AM
جواهر ابراهيم
<aجواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: ombadda)

    Salam Dr. Ombadda,
    Let me try to expalin it the way I understand it, Ustaza Aisha will be the right one to confim it

    Your example: Ali Omer Zeyd married to Sadia Obeid Yasir:

    -If I know how Sadia want to be addressed...I will go with that....she might prefer to be adressed by first name only.

    if not then:
    - Mrs.Zeyd(husband's last name):if she is using the same last name as her husband...means she changed it after marraige.

    -Ms. Yasir (her last name):if I am not sure is she single/ married/ or changed her last name to husband last name or not.
    -Miss. Sadia: likely if she is single and realtively young.

    -ma'am I noticed this one used only during conversation e.g yes ma'am or ma'am, please have a seat
    it shows respect for any lady but too formal.

    Hope I did not confuse you more :)


    (Edited by جواهر ابراهيم on 04-15-2013, 03:51 AM)


Arabic Forum

04-15-2013, 08:15 PM
Registered: 10-10-2002
Total Posts: 6736

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)

    Hi Jawahir.
    Thank you for you answer and your effort to clarify the exact use of each title.
    An other point is the pronunciation of "Ms" and "Miss". Is it the same? and if so, how the listener discriminate between them?
    Also, ma'am. Is it an abbreviation of "madam"?
    People who live in English speaking countries may see it stupid questions. Therefore accept my apologies. Sometimes we find ourselves in front of an English speaking guest and we have to use the proper title and the proper greeting. By the way what about "hi"? is it a formal greeting or not?
    Thanks again Jawahir and waiting your further clarification. Also invite Aysha , Asmaa, Osama, MustAfa Mudathir..etc and many others to give help and educate us.

    (Edited by ombadda on 04-15-2013, 08:25 PM)


Arabic Forum

04-16-2013, 03:25 AM
جواهر ابراهيم
<aجواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: ombadda)

    Salams Dr. Ombadda,
    Quote: People who live in English speaking countries may see it stupid questions.

    I don't think so, because english is a second language for us it's not that big deal to make some mistakes or not knowing some stuff...we can always learn from others around us...no one knows everything. For myself, when it comes to learning or improving my knoweldge, I just go for it no ego attached what so ever...I learned a lot form others even from my kids and still learing...my english is not that perfect.... I didn't know much about those titles till I moved to Canada and start preparing for OSCEs- part of process of getting my medical licence here.
    Pronouncing Ms: trun the"S" to Z slightly---> MZ...and you will be fine
    Miss: just like it sounds---> Miss
    Hi----> it's just fine... more warmer if it follows a name.. e.g Hi Sadia,.....etc
    ma'am: yes, as you mentioned same as madam---> you can say madam Sadia but not ma'am Sadia...I know it's a bit confusing...to be safe I would go with madam Sadia (here used mostly by French Canadians)
    Hope others can expalin it better

    sorry for any mistakes in my writting...end of the day when exchusated brain not functioning properly :)

Arabic Forum

04-16-2013, 09:52 PM
Registered: 10-10-2002
Total Posts: 6736

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)

    Dr. Jawahir
    I think that everyone live in an English speaking country as a permanent resident is competent in English language. Their whole communication in English whether in work or street or market..etc .
    Anyhow, things are now being clarified but still some points need further explanations. I will point it later.
    By the way, pleased to know that you are practicing medicine in that country. Really, Sudaneseonline.com forum include great people and I am proud to be here.

Arabic Forum

04-17-2013, 03:26 AM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: ombadda)

    salam Ombadda and Jawahir

    Mrs. is falling out of use because it is used to make women drop their family's name and pick up the husband's family name. it was from the days that women were treated as property bought by the husbands, hence the shunning of the title. However, it is still in use. for Sudanese and other Muslim women it is out of the question as we have to adhere to our fathers' names. except in Pakistan that kept the old English tradition, but getting out of it gradually.
    unmarried ladies, old or young, go for Miss or Ms. Those who would like to make it perfectly clear that they are not married usually go by Miss.
    Ms. is used for all even women who keep their husbands' family names are opting for Ms. now
    In the United Stated Madam or Ma'am is used to address senior women ( senior is the "politically correct" title for old people). many women do not like it as it remind us of being old ladies.

    on a lighter note
    Ms. is trying to fix a mistake she committed a few days or years ago
    Miss is an advertisement of availability
    Mrs. is I live in a feudal system, no help needed
    Ma'am is for don't mess with me I have been there done that.
    As Jawahir sair Ma'am is used without being followed by the name
    Also Madam unlike Ma'am is used to indicate a woman who is in the business of fixing dates between men and women, as in the "Washington Madam"

    (Edited by Asma Abdel Halim on 04-17-2013, 03:27 AM)
    (Edited by Asma Abdel Halim on 04-17-2013, 03:30 AM)
    (Edited by Asma Abdel Halim on 04-17-2013, 03:35 AM)


Arabic Forum

04-22-2013, 00:10 AM
جواهر ابراهيم
<aجواهر ابراهيم
Registered: 01-23-2013
Total Posts: 186

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    Thank you Dr.Ombadda for including me with those you feel proud to be among here in sudanseseonline forum.
    I am a simple person, just love to be myself among those I feel comprotable with despite my shy demeanor.
    Please drop the tilte before my name...Jawahir just fine.
    I am glad Asma added more clarification...hope it all work well for you.
    and yes, I agree with you, communication in English almost all the time here is very helpful to be fluent in English, however, I do not consider myself as perfect in english ...I guess it is a balance between being confident and being humble to create space for personal growth

    Tacke care

    (Edited by جواهر ابراهيم on 04-22-2013, 05:42 AM)


Arabic Forum

04-23-2013, 04:45 PM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)

    Dear Ombada and friends,
    Sorry not to have interacted earlier as I seem to have a problem posting
    to the Board…
    Mrs.: is the form used as a title for married women followed by the husband family name or a hyphenated husband and wife family names as she chooses to call herself: (Mrs. Asha M. El Said-Abdel Hai) or (Mrs. Asha Musa El Said) or
    (Mrs. Abdel Hai).
    Ms. Is used when a woman chooses not to be identified as married or unmarried or we are not sure whether she is married or unmarried:
    (Ms. Asha Musa El Said).
    Miss. Is used for an unmarried lady, meaning that if she is divorced or widowed, she would still be called Mrs.
    Ma’am: is short for Madam; and is used as polite form to address women (like Sir for men) especially at work places and the plural form is Mesdames and has nothing to do with being married or single. The origin of the word is French.
    While: Madame, plural form Mesdames, is used for married women and the origin is French.
    Mme: (You didn’t ask about this one, but) is short form for Mademoiselle and is the French call for an unmarried lady or a nanny!

    All the above is according to my out-of-date knowledge of formal English, unaffected with modern and American ‘jargon’. I stick to RP English or Oxford English as used to be called.
    Greetings to All.

Arabic Forum

04-23-2013, 05:19 PM
محمد حمزة الحسين
<aمحمد حمزة الحسين
Registered: 04-22-2013
Total Posts: 1437

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: جواهر ابراهيم)

    Hi Dr Ombda
    Even idon`t care about that
    but i think ma`am it`s very kindly and informal


Arabic Forum

04-25-2013, 12:43 PM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: محمد حمزة الحسين)

    Dear Asha:
    The good Ole way is always clearer than following the trend, but
    Woman! get with the time, be trendy (a line of those ugly smilies).
    All aside have you noticed how all of those suffixes are linked to the status of woman according to her relationship to a man?
    Thank Goodness for Ms.
    A reverse of this condition must be sought. may we please have a Mr. (his mother) or Mr. (his wife) in this day and age,
    or should we wait for another 4000 years?

Arabic Forum

04-25-2013, 12:48 PM
Asma Abdel Halim
<aAsma Abdel Halim
Registered: 05-01-2006
Total Posts: 1028

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    By the way of 4000 years. It is a known fact that the Halfawein (of Halfa) still keep a feature of the old matriarchal Nubian civilization; it is a tradition
    of calling each other by mothers' names.
    My great teacher Abu Bakr Abuelreesh -my Allah bless his soul- told me that he responds faster to Bakri Shariefa than to Bakri Abuelreesh.

Arabic Forum

04-25-2013, 07:26 PM
Registered: 10-10-2002
Total Posts: 6736

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: Asma Abdel Halim)

    Glad to see such contributions by Asmaa, Aysha, and Jawahir and sorry for delay in replying.
    I will come back soon. Till that time please continue the discussion.
    Two points till I come back:
    * What about boys and girls?
    Do they have titles?
    * In resurrection the God call people by the name of their mothers. Like this " Ya Ali ibn Fatima".
    in Egypt I note that people call women using the name of their old son, like this " Om Ali" even if Ali has a sister older than him ! and people around that woman may not know her real name forever. They just call her "Om Ali" till her death.
    In Sudan people may call a man or a boy using the name of his mother. Like this "Wad

Arabic Forum

04-28-2013, 08:25 AM
عائشة موسي السعيد
<aعائشة موسي السعيد
Registered: 07-10-2010
Total Posts: 1638

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: ombadda)

    Dear Asma and Ombadda,

    I read Ombadda's question as collection of factual data for a research or so...
    Had I realized it was thrown for discussion, my contribution would have been totally
    different...You both know I am a Kordofaneia where mothers are queens of the clan!
    However, my real view is that real life need no titles even if it is to satisfy the
    curiousity of the listeners, not to mention the 'pride'. We are all born just as male or female and, morally, we
    should stay so..
    As to boys and girls ya Ombadda, according to my logic, should stay just Ali wa Nada..or ya bit and ya walad
    or or whatever the vernacular calls them...and to h... with titles...

    If a classic or academic interpretation ya Ombadda is needed, we are here when you ' come back soon' for more

Arabic Forum

05-08-2013, 07:23 PM
Registered: 10-10-2002
Total Posts: 6736

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: عائشة موسي السعيد)

    I'm back.
    Hello friends.
    Aysha, thanks for your reply and we are looking for more. Really I drop some questions about "titles before names" and get prompt quick answers. Instead of closing this post I think that it is an opportunity to discuss related aspects of using titles before names one the light of our different cultural backgrounds and compare it to other nations cultures.
    So, the discussion will continue.

    (Edited by ombadda on 05-09-2013, 07:04 PM)


Arabic Forum

06-02-2013, 07:36 AM
Registered: 04-01-2006
Total Posts: 2641

Re: What is the difference between Mrs., Ms., Miss., and ma' am? (Re: ombadda)

    Great post and contributions :-)
    I agree, Ms. is most apt as it references the woman in her own right.

Arabic Forum

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