Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
اذا كنت تسأل عن اشخاص عادل موقوف من المنبر نور موجودة اما اذا كنت تسأل عن الحزب الليبرالي فقد تم حله والاندماج مع 3 تنظيمات اخري واعلان ما يسمي الحزب الديموقراطي الليبرالي الموحد ودا قاعد زيو وزي الحزب الشسيوعي وبقية الاحزاب فالخين في البيانات والشجب والادانة بس
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
هذه المجموعة هي لكل سوداني وصديق للسودان من مؤيدي حزب المستقبل السوداني: الحزب الديمقراطي الليبرالي الموحد ------------------------------------ Background: The United Democratic Liberal Party is a political party in Sudan. The party has been formed on September 4, 2008 through the unification of four democratic and liberal organizations: Sudan Liberal Party, Sudanese Democratic Movement, HAQ Movement- United Leadership and the Sudanese Democratic Party.
معلومات أساسية الحزب الديمقراطي الليبرالي الموحد هو حزب سياسي في السودان وقد تم تشكيله في ديسنبر 2008 عبر توحيد أربع منظمات ليبرالية وديمقراطية وهي :الحزب الليبرالي السوداني والحركة الديمقراطية السودانية والحزب الديمقراطي السوداني وحركة حق – القيادة الموحدة. ------------------------------------ Vision: The UDLP stands for A society free of racism and ethnic considerations, secularism and respect of the different cultures and religions in the Sudan, gender sensitive. UDLP is committed to the rule of law and economic growth and empowerment through participatory governance.
الرؤية : يدعو الحزب الديمقراطي الليبرالي الموحد لمجتمع خال من التحيزات العنصرية والعرقية؛ كما يدعو للعلمانية واحترام الثقافات والأديان المختلفة في السودان وانصاف المراة . الحزب الديمقراطي الليبرالي الموحد ملتزم بسيادة القانون وتحقيق النمو الاقتصادي وتمكين المواطنين من خلال الحكم القائم على المشاركة. ------------------------------------ Mission: Our Mission is to provide quality leadership towards attaining good governance in Sudan by mobilizing and enlightening citizenry towards the creation of a democratic and prosperous nation governed by the rule of law, non-discrimination and equitable distribution of resources for the benefit of all.
المهمة : إن مهمتنا هي توفير قيادة نوعية لتحقيق الحكم الراشد في السودان عن طريق تعبئة المواطنين والتنوير لإنشاء نظام ديمقراطي ومزدهر تحكمه سيادة القانون ، وعدم التمييز ، والتوزيع العادل للموارد لصالح الجميع.
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
Declarartion of Unity
New Party for New Reality
A pledge for a united country through united democrats
Unity Declaration
(as been press-released following the formation of the United Democratic Liberal Party “UDLP” of Sudan)
We, the undersigned, aspire to the greatest possible heights, to the generous signatures of all unity devotees and activists, whose dedication and perseverance to attain a united yet colorful Sudan have aided and corner-stoned our accomplishment today. We did not hide or secretly webbed the call for unification; instead we are still seeking more productive initiatives and close relations with all democratic and liberal bodies to work together to the best interest of our war - shattered and divided Sudan.
We are not merely a temporary political surplus trying to repeat the same failed experiments of as well radical and traditional political trials conducted in Sudan. We would rather very persistently work to improve and prove ourselves as the right candidature to bring about equity, justice and freedom to the heart and face of the current extreme and totalitarian Sudan. Significantly, we aim at changing the existing and previous failures in terms of governance, society and state formation and well-being.
Looking forward to establishing a vivid bright future, we are –herewith- appealing to the great nation of Sudan to accept our well-established and well-shaped initiative, hoping to obtain more luck than those experiments in the past; those experiments which were successful only in bringing injustice, hostilities and bitterness.
The Here and Now, we call upon all esteemed and lively forces of Sudan to come together to embrace united, democratic and prosperous nation and country, out of the present chaotic wreckage and helter skelter predicament.
With all due gratification, we are fully attendant today to glorify and lionize unison and harmony against hatred and warfare, to deeply root freedom and order in the land of fear and poverty, to demonstrate the real meanings of autonomy and citizenship in the ruins of exclusion and suppression.
As keen democrats and candid unity-seekers, we –the undersigned- have willingly and eagerly agreed on the following:
“There will not be a free and well-stand political platform in today’s Sudan without the certainty of a collective and collaborative insight of all genuine democrats and honest Unitarian forces. Therefore, we empower the sonority voice of the great nation of Sudan as the only and mighty reference to authenticate our sincere efforts to bring about the craving change and redemption once and forever. We are profoundly standing here today to declare “the Unity” of the absolute Sudanese democrats, equity and peace lovers. The very same Unity sought by our great ancestors and state founders, Unity of shared goals, destiny and insignia.”
This glorious unity has outcome a second-to-nothing conclusion. An extremely healthy-born and functional strategic entity aims at becoming the vital democratic alternative; quite capable to fill in the blanks in modern Sudanese dilemmas and crossroads.
Honorably, we are -hereof- fervent to introduce to our renowned people and to the world community at large; the (United Democratic Liberal Party “UDLP”.) of Sudan;
It is not, however, irrelevant to stress and high-light the irrefutable independence and oneself of UDLP with its incessant and determined errands constantly associated with and affected by the present and potential political and socio-economic situations of the country.
Plausibly and with all necessary interpretation, we chose to build this irrevocable and irreversible political party in unison; given the historic turning points facing the nation and the miserable political performance of the regime in power. Both, civil elites and military totalitarians failed and continued to fail carrying out rational policies and bringing the country into a one save automated output. Public aspirations and the escalating demands to adopt more fundamental democratic norms and values in Sudan were among the foremost principle factors necessitated and triggered this profound unification achievement. It is more than essential for all people of Sudan to exercise their fundamental rights in electing and organizing themselves in whatever bodies enabling them to carry out sensible freedom and political expression. We do believe that UDLP is the most realistic and best choice to satisfy those basic prerequisite human drives.
Upon releasing this entirely-new paradigmatic unity, we know how easily and reasonably we can defend and justify it. Its accuracy, its time and its righteous good intensions and privileges to the extent that enable us to say; (this is our land; let us come altogether and plough it, seed it, fertilize it and wait for our fruits to ripen..).
What is our mission? And;
What points of view did we share?
We were motivated and energized by the noble desire to distance our generation from the dark spots, the loathing and fanatic policies of modern Sudan history. We are desperate to act ceaselessly to prevent future generations from inheriting these accumulated years of hostility, inequity and civil wars. We will save no effort to see the promising, abrupt and radical change accomplished by this very generation. Change to true democracy instead of suppression, enlightenment in place of ignorance, transparency in lieu of schematic corruption, a lasting peace with no chance for wars to relapse, unity to prevail disintegration, prosperity to predominate poverty, and an All-Party multisystem as the best representation accommodated ever.
One of UDLP’s most advanced goals is to support the inevitable democratic transformation project suggested by UDLP leaders and scholars. In this respect, we are quite able to inaugurate our ambitious short and long run plans of action intended to inject more vigorous political and social bloods into war-torn and vulnerable veins of Sudan; and to eliminate all negative concepts and institutions hindering the easy and permanent transformation.
We are, therefore and hereon, agreed:
1. To adopt collaborative and inclusive approach toward all social and political forces of Sudan; to support every effort to attain and maintain a free democratic Sudan; in contrast to the present NCP Sudan, a symbol of exclusion, disintegration, suppression and ethnic cleavage. 2. To count on and accommodate civil struggle as the only and legitimate way to achieve our political and social goals. 3. To assume and declare that; democracy is the only tool we possess to combat negatives and shortcomings cataracting the tranquil flow of democracy waters. 4. To highly appreciate our people’s endurance and patience in payment of NCP’s prolonged disastrous political behavior; responsible for putting the country’s huge human and natural resources at the verge of total breakdown and collapse. It is the high time for the people of Sudan to be given solemn guarantees for easy access to all possible education, healthcare, employment and social welfare if any progress or development is intended. 5. To declare our commitment and support for fundamental human rights to Sudanese average citizen. To be restored, clearly stated and included in the Sudanese Constitution. To firmly protected and equally practiced in all and every aspect of daily Sudanese legal and civil grounds. At this point, it will be of an infinite significance to emphasis that; there should not be any kind of plain or hidden discrimination that might be based on ethnic origin, race decadency, religious believes; gender or cultural prejudice. This could only be achieved via a crucial formation of proper institutions empowered to enforce and execute constitutional and civil laws in every aspect and capacity. 6. As far the “Sudanese Identity” quandary is concerned, we can adequately define the Sudanese self as “a set of plurality factors that enrich and distinguish religious, cultural, geographic and ethnic diversifications of all Sudanese nations; yet to provide a common ground and a potential attraction to ascertain and assume a distinctive multisystem within the same framework of a possible united state”. 7. We -also- would like to assess and introduce a new set of non-adventitious, indigenously-improved and unity-supporting social and political references and methodology. We want for those approaches to contribute a great deal in shaping an all-new and overall modern Sudanese dictionary. We also fate them as solid back backers to combat ethnic, clannish, exclusive and superiority assumptions in today’s Sudan communities and politics. 8. We can very easily distinguish two major behaviors as being the main damaging factors to the well-being of a modern state in Sudan. Those are; first: the excessive and chronic “centralization” experiences in administrating and managing a vast continental country as Sudan, and second: the absence of genuine democratic parties, inter- and intra-partisanship fruitful performance. Hence, we consider UDLP to be a reasonable contributor to minimize the second factor’s effects in modern Sudan political life through adoption and application of more regional and local self-controlled units’ formation; i.e. a prolific and inexhaustible “federal” system based on rational re-allocation of wealth and power to different Sudanese regions according to their demographic build-up and national economic input. 9. It is not impertinent to emphasis our appreciation to the overall “Nifasha Agreement” as the best stimulus to trigger peace and development in the country, but we would like –however- to point out some discrepancies and inconvenience accompanied its core build as well as its practical adaptation regarding the absence of “true” civil democracy needed for this treaty to take place. 10. Evidently, the bleeding wound in Darfur will remain vulnerable and open to all possibilities without being fully and reparably addressed. Inevitable and sustainable peace contribution equipped with a general disarmament in Darfur is the only roadmap to challenge the present and future entity of modern Sudan. 11. We are to make it bold, italic and underlined that; women basic rights in Sudan must be ensured and practiced. Constitutional equity, social justice and political representation for women are among our foremost priorities and mission goals for changing the life in future Sudan. 12. As a reminder, this masterpiece unity announcement is only a spur to induce more realistic and collaborative initiatives in the Sudanese political pool. It is a gear especially formulated and carefully oiled to support the climate of nationalism and pluralism in the Sudanese socio-political multiplex. As we countdown, we work very hard to make it a platform that can withstand the expected launch ahead. To make it the realistic, affirmative and long-awaited democratic alternative, handcrafted to suit the unspoken majority in Sudan. It is their high time to express their rights and to exhibit their responsibilities. And finally; 13. We are to initiate not to act on behalf, to share not to possess, to introduce not to decide and to seek and prompt your trust instead of throw you away and out of the political reaction of your own country. Standing tall and walking with our people is the most useful experience we underwent and want to share.
United Democratic Liberal Party (UDLP) of Sudan;
Signatures of;
Sudan Liberal Party
Sudanese Democratic Movement
New Democratic Forces Movement – United Leadership
Sudanese Democratic Party
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
الاخ محمد عثمان تحياتي ده سؤال ؟!! الشيوعي في قلب الشارع في الزحمة ومنحنيات الاسواق وصدقني ما بتتلفت كتير في حلتكم ويمكن في بيتكم او العائلة! والجيران والبيوت الطيبة الآمنة هناك بتلقانا شقيش ما تعاين!
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
خالد سلام
قلت لى الشيوعى وين؟
Quote: الشيوعي في قلب الشارع في الزحمة ومنحنيات الاسواق وصدقني ما بتتلفت كتير في حلتكم ويمكن في بيتكم او العائلة! والجيران والبيوت الطيبة الآمنة |
يا راجل قول نكته غيرا
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
سلام يا ياسر تحياتي تعرف الليبرالي قبل يغطس في ثلاثة احزاب كان عندهم شوية فرفرة من يوم اتلمو ومعاهم منو ماعارف السكتة الياها المهم يبدو انو معلوماتك عامة وبسيطة تصدق وتؤمن بالله انا عندي ليهم خبر قنبلة انتظرونا!!
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: محمد عبدالرحمن)
Quote: تعرف الليبرالي قبل يغطس في ثلاثة احزاب كان عندهم شوية فرفرة من يوم اتلمو ومعاهم منو ماعارف السكتة الياها المهم يبدو انو معلوماتك عامة وبسيطة
الليبرالي قبل يغطس مع التلاته تنظيمات الاخري كان تنظيم المستقبل في السودان وماشي بخطي ثابتة نحو بناء الحزب الديموقراطي الكبير ولكن الان لا اظن ذلك
انا بقول الكلام دا وانا كنت جزء من هذا العمل
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Re: اين الليبرالي !!؟ (Re: خالد العبيد)
الاخ عبدالمجيد تحياتي بما انك قيادي وكده بالله اسأل عبدالرحمن السيدعن تكاليف المواقع الجيت لزقتها هنا! كان اداك اجابه ده طرفي من البوست اسأل والبيسأل ما بتوه دارنا نحن قريبه ليك وبقصد دار الحزب !! وتابع عشان تعرف
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