متابعات: لاجئو دارفور يفضلون البقاء بأم نبق، ويرفضون التوغل داخل تشاد

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07-10-2004, 02:28 PM

إيمان أحمد
<aإيمان أحمد
تاريخ التسجيل: 10-08-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 3468

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
متابعات: لاجئو دارفور يفضلون البقاء بأم نبق، ويرفضون التوغل داخل تشاد

    أدناه التقرير اليومي عن حالة اللاجئين السودانيين في تشاد، وموقف الإغاثة الإنسانية والتبرعات

    خلاصة التقرير:

    البطاطين، الأغطية البلاستيكية، أواني الطبخ والجركانات من مخزون مفوضية اللاجئين بالدنمارك. الخيام من الباكستان

    يونيسيف وIRC تقومان بتطعيم الأطفال ضد الحصبة والشلل

    اللاجئون يرفضون الترحيل إلي ميلي، ويفضلون البقاء بقرب أهليهم في أم نبق
    المفوضية تحتاج 55 مليون لمجابهة الأزمة: قدمت الولايات المتحدة 8 مليون، هولندا 555 ألف، لوكسمبورج 121.803 ألف، و636.493 من نيوزيلاندا، بجملة 27.8 مليون فقط


    Briefer: Ron Redmond - Media Relations
    Topics: 1) - CHAD

    This is a summary of what was said by the UNHCR spokesperson at today's
    Palais des Nations press briefing in Geneva. Further information can
    be found on the UNHCR website, www.unhcr.ch, which should also be
    checked for regular media updates on non-briefing days.

    1) - CHAD
    UNHCR is airlifting nearly 180 tons of additional relief items from our
    stocks in Denmark to the emergency in eastern Chad starting early next
    week. Four flights by Ilushyn 76 will bring in more than 49,000
    blankets, 10,000 pieces of plastic sheeting, 8,500 kitchen sets, 20,000 jerry
    cans, and four prefabricated warehouses. At the same time, we are
    continuing our series of 22 flights of 16,100 tents from Pakistan, with the
    eighth flight due to arrive in N'djamena today. To date, UNHCR has
    airlifted more than 2,000 tons of supplies to Chad since the beginning of
    the year.
    More than 120,000 Sudanese refugees have so far been transferred from
    the border to refugee camps in Chad and the operation continues. We plan
    to open a ninth camp in eastern Chad next week, with the first convoys
    of Sudanese refugees from the Chadian border town of Bahai to the new
    camp at Oure Cassoni scheduled for Monday. Three buses and 13 trucks
    will be used for the relocation operation. UNICEF and the International
    Rescue Committee are scheduled to complete a polio and measles
    vaccination campaign in Bahai today. They also began vaccinations in nearby
    Cariari on Wednesday. The campaign is aimed at children from 5 months to
    15 years old.
    In Bahai, our teams report sporadic new arrivals of refugees from
    Darfur. On Wednesday, three families totalling 30 people, mostly women and
    children, arrived in Bahai and began settling in near the wadi
    (seasonal river bed). They told us that they came to Chad because they had run
    out of food in the mountains where they had been hiding for months and
    because they heard that their relatives were in Chad. The families say
    they initially fled their village of Aboulia six months ago when it was
    attacked by three planes and more than 100 militia on camels and horses
    who shot at people in the village, stole cattle and burned houses. One
    woman said she witnessed militia raping girls in the village during the
    attack and that four girls were kidnapped and have not been heard from
    since. The refugees said that 50 families escaped and walked for two
    days to the mountain where they stayed for three months, living on
    mukret seeds. They said they were then again attacked by militia!
    and fled once again, walking for a day and a half to another mountain
    where they had been staying until the food ran out.
    Further south in the Chadian border zone, more refugees have now
    arrived at the site of Am Nabak, where refugees have been heading on their
    own from locations on the border. A few days ago, some 600 refugees
    arrived from the border town of Tine and another 300 came from the town of
    Amdour. The refugees rented two trucks to make the trip to Am Nabak.
    We and our partners are assisting refugees on this site, making regular
    distributions of food from the World Food Program and providing plastic
    sheeting. Oxfam is trucking water to the site from Iriba and Moudre.

    We have offered to transfer the refugees to the camp at Mile, but the
    refugees have turned down this option because they say they want to
    remain near their relatives in the village of Am Nabak.
    Some 6,000 to
    7,000 refugees are now at the Am Nabak site.
    In Touloum camp, on Wednesday, we initiated a refugee women's committee
    to give women an opportunity to express their needs and concerns, as
    very few women are so far part of the official refugee structures in the
    camp. About 80 percent of the refugees staying in Touloum are women
    and children. One woman per block of 90 tents will be designated to take
    part in the committee and will report on any problems or concerns among
    the women living in each block. We also hope that the women's
    committee will encourage women to report any physical or sexual abuses they may
    be facing in or outside of the camp.
    Of the $55.8 million we need for our efforts in Chad, we have now
    received nearly $27.8 million, including recent contributions of $8 million
    from the United States, $555,000 from the Netherlands, $121,803 from
    Luxembourg, and $636,943 from New Zealand.

07-11-2004, 01:53 AM

تاريخ التسجيل: 10-02-2002
مجموع المشاركات: 9450

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20 عاما من العطاء و الصمود
مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: متابعات: لاجئو دارفور يفضلون البقاء بأم نبق، ويرفضون التوغل داخل تشاد (Re: إيمان أحمد)


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