Verdict to be delivered in ICC Al Mahdi case on 27 September 2016: Practical information
05:29 PM September, 20 2016 Sudanese Online ICC Public Affairs Unit-Hague- Netherlands. My Library Short URL Media advisory: 20.09.2016
Situation: Mali Case: The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi The verdict and, if applicable, the sentence in the case The Prosecutor v. Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi will be delivered by Trial Chamber VIII of the International Criminal Court (ICC) on Tuesday 27 September 2016 at 11:30 (The Hague local time), during a public hearing at the seat of the Court in The Hague (Netherlands). Trial Chamber VIII is composed of Judge Raul C. Pangalangan, Presiding Judge, Judge Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua, and Judge Bertram Schmitt. On 22 August 2016, at the opening of the trial, Mr Al Mahdi admitted guilt for the war crime of destroying historical and religious monuments in Timbuktu (Mali), between around 30 June 2012 and 11 July 2012. This is the first international trial focusing on the destruction of historical and religious monuments, and the first ICC case where the defendant made an admission of guilt. Subsequently, the Prosecution presented its evidence and called three witnesses. The Legal representative of the victims and the Defence presented their remarks before the Judges on 24 August 2016. Background: On 24 March 2016, ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I confirmed against Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi the war crime charge of destroying historical and religious monuments in Timbuktu (Mali), and committed Mr Al Mahdi to trial. He allegedly was a member of Ansar Eddine, a movement associated with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb ("AQIM"), working closely with the leaders of the two armed groups and in the context of the structures and institutions established by them. It is alleged that, until September 2012, he was the head of the "Hisbah" (a body set up to uphold virtue and prevent vice), set up in April 2012. He was also associated with the work of the Islamic Court of Timbuktu and involved in the execution of its decisions. The warrant of arrest against him was issued by ICC Pre-Trial Chamber I on 18 September 2015 and he was surrendered to the ICC on 26 September 2015. His trial took place between 22 and 24 August 2016. Mr Al Mahdi is in ICC custody. For more information on this case, click here Webstreaming of the hearing The proceedings can be followed on the ICC website at: http://video.icc.globecomm.net/http://video.icc.globecomm.net/ Attending the hearing Members of the diplomatic corps, NGOs and other members of the public can request attendance via email to: mailto:[email protected]@icc-cpi.int Attendees must present a valid passport or valid ID with a photo at the main entrance of the Court (at: Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK The Hague). Journalists wishing to cover the hearing can request accreditation via email to: mailto:[email protected]@icc-cpi.int. All journalists must present a valid press card, and a valid passport or valid ID with a photo, at the main entrance of the Court (at: Oude Waalsdorperweg 10, 2597 AK The Hague). Please note that individuals who do not confirm their attendance in advance cannot be guaranteed access to the hearings. In order to avoid delays in accessing the building, those attending are advised to arrive one hour before the hearings start. ICC Media Centre For media representatives wishing to use the Court's media facilities, the Media Centre will open at 08:30. The ICC Media Centre is located in the building's 'Court Tower'. It is composed of hot desk areas, which can sit up to 104 people, and two interview rooms. The Media Centre distributes the video and embedded audio of the hearing, via HD-SDI with a female BNC connection. Journalists wishing to connect to this should bring compatible equipment and a BNC cable. Power is provided (European plug). Wi-Fi connection is available in the Media Centre. AV materials Filming or photography is strictly prohibited inside the Court building, apart from the interview rooms in the Media Centre. Images of the hearing will be available for download on an FTP server in video (MPEG-4) and audio (MPEG-3) format, and for viewing on the official ICC YouTube Channel. For information on audio-visual matters, please contact Violeta Willemsen-Curcic, Head of Audio-Visual Production Unit, at +31 (0)70 515-8422 or at mailto:[email protected]@icc-cpi.int Parking facilities Media representatives can use the ICC's Visitor Parking. SNG vehicles The ICC Parking includes an area for SNG vehicles. BNC connections are available and the video format is HD-SDI with embedded Audio (8 dual mono pairs): Channel 1 – Floor language (international audio); Channel 2 - English interpretation; Channel 3 - French interpretation; Channel 4 - 8 - Other languages, or if no interpretation then Floor language will be sent.
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المنبر العام
حكومة وحدة وطنية مقابل رفع الحظر عن السودان أهم مخرجات نيوريوركرفع عقوبات طلاب ج. الخرطوم اهتمام الصين بمشروع الجزيرة هل يعيد للمشروع ألقه؟ ..الصين تستهدف زراعة مليون فدانحل حكومة ولاية الجزيرة بقرار من أيلاطير المغارب فات قبيلالذكرى الخامسة لرحيل البروفسور محمود الزين حامد الذي رحل في 20 سبتمبر 2011. قريمانيات ......شمااااااااااااااااار مغربلرئيس بنين يلغي تأشيرة الدخول للأفارقه ... #تهانيناحماية المستهلك السودانية تقرر وقف استيراد الفواكه والمنتجات المصرية والمصريون يحتجونسهير عبدالرحيم : عاوزه بودي قارد-عليك الله أنت محتاجة حارس شخصيالسلطات تحظر دخول الشيخ الأمين للبلادخربشات بجانب النهر على جزر الحياةكابتن الهلال في ذمة الله الخرطوم مستعدة لتوقيع وقف العدائيات دون شروط مسبقةالرحل أكثر حنانا من المرأةولاية سنار تعلن عن وصول الوباء اليها ؟؟؟اجي يا الخروف الما عندو صوفسياسة زيتنا فى بيتنا!!فى اول رد على حادثة إتهام مدير مكتب الرئيس بين علي عثمان محمد طه وسعيد بن جُبير ...ارتفاع المتوفين بالاسهالات المائية بالدمازين لماذا ذكر حسين خوجلي قصة عزل النعمان بن عدي في هذا التوقيت؟ .هل من باب لكل مقام مقال ؟فتة احمد هارون والي ولاية شمال كردفانختام إجتماعات المعارضة الجنوبية بقيادة رياك مشار في الخرطوم بحري عند الساعة 11 ونصف ليلا الثلاثاءمباااشر مكتب الفريق طه (صور)Re: السودان: سنغلق حدودنا مع جنوب السودان إذا Re: التحية لك أيُها الاُمدُرماني العتيق وأنت