02-17-2016, 02:42 AM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
Sudan Investment Forum to kick-off Wednesday under resident Al-Bashir's auspices
01:42 AM February, 17 2016 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL
Khartoum, Feb. 16 (SUNA) - The activities of Sudan Investment Forum are due to begin Wednesday at Al-Salam Rotana Hotel under the patronage of President of the Republic Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir with participation of the country guest, the Saudi Minister of Finance His Excellency Dr. Ibrahim Abdul-Aziz Al-Assaf, a group of officials of the funds and institutions in Arab, Islamic and African countries as well as Arab businessmen and investors. The forum sessions would witness signing of water harvesting agreement between the Sudan and the Saudi Fund for Development, forwarding of the Arab Institution for Investment and Export Credit Guarantee on expatriates investment guarantee as well as submission of the initiative of the Ministry of Investment and FB Green Company for agricultural development. The two-days meetings of the Forum will review several working papers including investment prospects and opportunities in the oil, gas and mining sectors. The first sitting of the forum is to review the developments and trends of the Sudanese economy, the of environment of investment and partnership opportunities with the private sector is to be tackled in the second session, while the investment opportunities in the sectors of agriculture and livestock is to be discussed in the third session. The review of the prospects and investment opportunities in the agricultural and food processing will be in the fourth session, the investment prospects in the oil, gas and mining sectors in the fifth session, and the development of infrastructure in the sixth session. The role of development finance in Sudan: hope and reality in the seventh session. The concluding sitting of the forum on Thursday evening is to be addressed by the First Vice-President of the Republic Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih. Topics related to the subject or the author
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