10-12-2016, 06:36 PM |
SudaneseOnline News
SudaneseOnline News
Registered: 01-13-2014
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Sudan-Advocacy- Letter to the UN on chemical weapons in Darfur - for publicising
06:36 PM October, 12 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline News-Khartoum Sudan My Library Short URL TO: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon Prince Zeid Ra'ad Al-Hussein, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, CC: Mr Andrew Gilmour, Mr Ugo Solinas, MR Edmond Mulet, Mr Hervé Ladsous, Mr Adama Dieng, Ms Valerie Amos, H. E. Ms Navanethem Pillay, Ms Louise Arbour, Ms Kyung-wha Kang, Mr Scott Campbell, Mr Craig G Mokhiber, Mr Daniel Ravindran, Mr Frej Fenniche, Ms Doris Schmitz- Meiners, Ms Kate Gilmore, Ms Flavia Pansieri, Mr Simon Adams, Dorian Lacombe 11 October 2016 Dear Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Prince Zeid Chemical weapons in Darfur In 2013, the international community rightly expressed its outrage at the use of chemical weapons against Syrian civilians. In its recent report, Amnesty International1 has documented evidence strongly suggesting the repeated use of chemical weapons against civilians, including very young children, in Jebel Marra. Their report indicates that chemical weapons have been used by Sudanese government forces more than 30 times since January 2016 against civilians in the Darfur region of Sudan. The alleged use of chemical weapons by Sudan directly contravenes the Chemical Weapons Convention of 1997 to which Sudan is a party. We, the undersigned, as representatives of domestic and international civil society, non-governmental organisations, and the Sudanese diaspora, call on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to open a formal investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons and other illicit munitions against civilians in Sudan by their own government and to work in concert with the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons to push for access to verify these findings which can then be responded to via UN channels. Failure to treat these attacks with the same seriousness as those in Syria would be an inappropriate and inconsistent application of UN standards. For several years, some of the signatories of this letter have been aware of the alleged use of chemical weapons and other illicit ordnance by Sudanese government forces against civilians. Our attempts to bring these potential breaches of international law to the attention of the relevant authorities were left ignored and uninvestigated. With Amnesty International's detailed 1 https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/09/sudan-credibl...ons-darfur-revealed/ account, now is the moment for the international community to finally shine a light on the Sudanese government's illegal conduct in Darfur, rather than allowing impunity to continue. If you would like to respond, please do so to mailto:[email protected]@wagingpeace.info. Yours sincerely Organisations Act for Sudan, USA African Freedom Coalition, Al Sutton, MD and President, USA Article 1, Maddy Crowther, Head of Comms, Research and Asylum, UK Brooklyn Coalition for Darfur and Marginalized Sudan, Laura Limuli, Coordinator, USA Campaign Against Criminalising Communities, Hagir Sulieman (Bint Al-Sultan), Founder, UK Carl Wilkens Fellowship, Beth McDaniel, Adviser, USA Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Dr Khataza Gondwe, Team Leader for Africa and Middle East, UK Collectif Urgence Darfour, Dr Jacky Mamou, President, France DAAM (Sudanese Diaspora Network Supporting the Pro-Democracy Opposition), Ali Abdelatif, Founder, UK Darfur Action Group of South Sudan, Richard Sribnick, MD President, USA Darfur Alert Coalition, Ali Dinar, Representative, USA Darfur and Beyond, Cory Williams, Co-Founder, USA Darfur Interfaith Network, Martha Boshnick, Co-chair, USA Darfur Peace and Development, Ibrahim Musa, Founder, USA Darfur People's Association of New York, Motasim Adam, Co-founder and Secretary General, USA Darfur Renaissance Association, Dawelbeit Musa, Representative, USA Darfur Self-Reliance Organization, Mohamed Suleiman, President, USA Dear Sudan, Love Marin, Gerri Miller, Coordinator, USA Darfur TV, Jacob Berry, Uganda Darfur Union in the UK, Elsadig A Elnor, Chairman, UK DVORR (Darfur Victims Organisation for Rehabilitation And Relief), Ishag Mekki, Chairperson, UK Enough Project, Brian Adeba, Associate Director of Policy, USA Fur Solidarity US, Eltahir Abbo, Member of Board of Directors, USA Give Back Project, Waleed Abdallah, Founder, UK Genocide No More – Save Darfur, Marv Steinberg, Coordinator, USA Georgia Coalition to Prevent Genocide, Melanie Nelkin, Chair, USA Green Kordofan, Raga Gibreel, Founder, UK Group Against Torture in Sudan, Siddiq Abdelhadi, Member, USA HART, Corinna Loges, CEO, UK African Soul, American Heart, Debra Dawson, President, UK Alustadh Mahmoud Mohamed Taha Cultural Center, Asma Mahmoud Mohamed Taha, Sudan Arab Coalition for Sudan, Wadah Tabir, Coordinator, Egypt Beja Congress (Corrective), Zeinab Kabbashi Eisa, President, UK Blue Nile Association for Peace and Development, Omer Abdelsawi Omer, Board Member, USA Damanga Coalition for Freedom and Democracy, Daowd Salih, Co-Founder and Board President, USA Darfur Action Group, Cornell University, John H Weiss, Prof of History, USA Face Past for Future Foundation, Abdelrahman Gasim, President, USA Freedom House, USA Fur Community, Mohammed Abaker, Chairman, UK HUDO Centre, Bushra Gamar Hussein, CEO, Uganda Humanity Is Us, Kimberly Hollingsworth, President and Founder, USA Hurriyat Sudan, Elhag ali Warrag Sidahmed Warrag, Editor in Chief, Egypt International Justice Project, Monica Feltz, Executive Director, USA Investors against Genocide, Eric Cohen, Co-founder and Chairperson, USA Jewish Federation of Greater Austin, Beth McDaniel, Chair of Genocide Awareness and Prevention, USA Jewish World Watch, Mike Brand, Director of Advocacy and Programs, USA Kampala International University, Elhadi Idriss Yahya, Lecturer, Uganda Kush Liberation Movement, Mohamed Dawoud, USA National Umma Party, Mohammed Elansari, Leader, UK Never Again Coalition, Diane Koosed and Lauren Fortgang, Co-chairs, USA Nuba Mountain Human Rights Monitors Organization, Alfadel Saeed Sanhory, Director, Sudan Nuba Mountains Advocacy Group, Gogadi Amoga, Chair, USA Nuba Mountains Civil society Organizations Global Network, Boluis Kuku, Chair, USA Nuba Mountains Peoples Foundation, Elrayah Hammad Kakki, CEO, UK Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad, Zaki Samwiil, UK Nuba Mountains Welfare Association, Kalu Koko, Chairperson, UK Nuba Peace Initiative, Adam Ismail Aleheimir, Chairman of Board, USA Nubia Project, Nuraddin Abdulmannan, USA NY Coalition for Sudan, Eileen Weiss, Co-Founder, USA Our Humanity in the Balance, Terry Nickelson, Executive Director, UK Peace Action Maine and Fur Cultural Revival, Elwaleed Alshafie, Member, USA People4Sudan, Mukesh Kapila, Former Head of the UN in Sudan, Switzerland Pittsburgh Darfur Emergency Coalition, David Rosenberg, Coordinator, USA Simon Wiesenthal Center, Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean, USA Skills for Nuba Mountains (SNM), Lazim Suleiman El Basha, Executive Director, Sudan St Paul’s Episcopal Church, The Rev Lowell E Grisham, Rector, USA Stop Genocide Now, Katie-Jay Scott, Managing Director, USA Sudan Liberation Army–Minni Minnawi in Sweden, Abdulkarim Hamid, Chairperson, Sweden Sudan Unlimited, Esther Sprague, Founder and Director, USA Sudanese Congress Party, Hamza Faroug A Alabbas, General Secretary (Abroad Office), UK Sudanese Darfuri Association in Leicester, Mohamed Ishaq Ahmed, Founder, UK Sudanese Human rights Organisation, Mohamed Amari, UK Sudanese Marginalized Forum, Magid Kabashi, Chair, USA SUDO (UK), UK The Canadian Friends of Sudan, Justin Laku, Co-Founder, Canada The Nubian Language Society (NLS), Nubantood Khalil, Cultural Activist, Sudan UK and Sudanese Rights Group (Huqooq), Najlaa Ahmed, Sudanese Human Rights Lawyer, Sudan Unite for Darfur Organisation, Bahar Arabie, CEO, USA Waging Peace, Olivia Warham, Director, UK Western Sudan Aid Relief in the USA, Seddik Abdeljabbar, Chairman, USA Zaghawa Cultural Center, Tamte Hano Moura, General Secretary, Sudan Zaghawa Tribe UK, Ibrahim Hashim, General Secretary, UK Jews against Genocide, Sharon Silber, Co-Director, USA Justice and Equality Movement UK, Abdulhafiz M Mohammad, Chairman, UK Joining Our Voices, Slater Armstrong, Founder/Director, USA Massachusetts Coalition to Save Darfur, William Rosenfeld, Director, USA National Sudanese Women Alliance in Diaspora, Suhair Sharif, Founder, UK Individual Activists Abdelmonim Adam, Sudanese Refugee and Activist, Egypt Abdulaziz Harran, Activist, Sudan Ahmed Elkheir, Activist Ahmed Ibrahim Haroun, Sudanese Refugee and Activist, Egypt Aicha Elbasri, Former Spokesperson for the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur UNAMID, Morocco Ali Yahya Abakar, Sudanese Activist, Egypt Alnur Babker, Activist Daoud Hari, Sudanese Activist, USA Dowlbait Alradi, Translator, France Dr Ahmed Idrees, Political Activist and Trades Unionist, UK Dr Marcia Sachs Littell, Professor Emeritus, Founding Director, Master of Arts Program in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Stockton University, USA Dr Samuel Totten, Professor Emeritus, University of Arkansas, USA Dr Zakria Mohamed Ali, Activist Elbagir Osman, Visual Artist and Activist, Canada Elnour Elrashid, Activist, USA Ezeddin Dawelbit, Sudanese Community, USA Fatima Gazali, Sudanese Journalist, USA Gaafer Ali, Sudanese Community Activist, UK Gafar Alsabaki Ibrahim, Activist Habib Ibrahim, Sudanese Activist, USA Hassan Adam Abdullah Eshag, Activist Ismael Adam Abdalla, Refugee from Darfur, Egypt Isobel Crowther, Activist on Sudan, UK Mohammed-Al Ali, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine, USA Motaz Bargo, Activist on Sudan, UK Mustafa Babiker Activist Hawa Abdalla Salih, Human Rights and Women’s Rights Activist, USA Hussein Omar, Activist, USA Ibrahim Ali Alarbi, Activist, Sudan Mohammadain Ishag, Journalist and Human rights Activist, UK Mustafa Siry Suliman, Sudanese Journalist, UK Omer Mohamed, Activist, USA Rama Ahmed, Activist, UK Rasheed Ali, Human Rights Activist, USA Rebecca Tinsley, Author – When the Stars fall to Earth, UK Reem Abbas, Activist Salah Bakhet, Activist, USA Siddieq Adam, Activist Suleiman Mohammed, Sudanese Humanitarian Activist, Egypt Suleiman Sandal Haggar, Advocate, Norway Tijani Timma, Activist, Sudan Yagoub Bahar, Clinical Laboratory Scientist, USA Zeinab Blandia, Activist, USA
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إنتا زول طيِّب ... !! - بقلم هيثم الفضلالطاغية صدام ومحاربة الشعائر الحسينية بقلم اسعد عبدالله عبدعليالحذر الحذر من الفتن و داعش دولة الفتن بقلم احمد الخالدي الإرهاق الخلاق: نحو استراتيجية شاملة للصلح الوطني بقلم عبدالله علي إبراهيمغسيل الحال » وتبدل المقال في الرد على السفير حسن عابدين .. بقلم السفير عبدالله الأزرقالعهد الوثيق ونهاية الطريق واستمرار الحريق بقلم بشير عبدالقادرالحوار الوطني ليس سدرة المنتهى بقلم عواطف رحمة( كوم جماجم) بقلم الطاهر ساتيواستيقظ الدب الروسي بقلم سميح خلفتسليط الفاسدين وإعطائهم المشروعية، ثمن البقاء في المرجعية..!! بقلم معتضد الزامليأسئلة إلى المشاركين في مؤتمر البحر الأحمر بقلم د. فايز أبو شمالةعثمان ميرغني ينعي المشروع السياسي لحكومة الانقاذ يوم عيدها الكبير بقلم محمد فضل علي ... كندامفاجأة الحوار .. بقلم عبد الباقى الظافرجريمة (اختلاس)!! بقلم عثمان ميرغنيسمح .. حوار.. ثم ماذا بقلم أسحاق احمد فضل اللهبياض وسواد!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةالغزو العراقى للكويت ... صدام حسين وحسنى مبارك ومقدمة عصر الإنحطاط العربى ( 2 ) بقلم ياسر قطيه ذوو الشهداء يتضامنون وعائلات الأسرى يتزاورون بقلم د. مصطفى يوسف اللداويمراجعة إمتحان تجريبي رقم (2) . بقلم أ. أنــس كـوكــو
المنبر العام
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