Dong Saluel Luak (right), Aggrey Idri (center), and James Gatdet Dak who was deported to Juba in November last year. Photo: Sirir Gabriel Yiei Ruot/File
Nairobi, February 22, 2017 (SSNA) — Mystery deepens after a Kenyan court ruled that the government of Kenya and its security branches have nothing do with the disappearance of two South Sudanese rebel officials who were kidnapped last month, raising fear the men may have already been secretly transported to Juba.
The court also described the disappearance of Dong Samuel Luak and Aggrey Idri Ezibon who went missing on two separate occasions in January as “abduction” executed by unknown persons.
“There is no evidence placed before the court that the government of Kenya and its security officials had anything to do with it,” Justice Luka Kimaru said.
Kenyan government lawyers told the court that the missing SPLM-IO officials were not in the custody of Kenyan police or government at the time they varnished.
Families and relatives of the missing rebel figures http://www.southsudannewsagency.com/index.php/2017/02/19/kenyan-police-demand-ransom-south-sudanese-hostages/told the South Sudan News Agency last week that they been receiving suspicious calls from people who identified themselves as Kenyan intelligence agents and that the callers asked them to pay at least $10,000 US dollars (1 million Kenyan shillings) for the release of Ezibon and Luak.