Embassy of the Republic of the Sudan refuting allegations raised by the Amnesty International’s re
06:14 PM October, 17 2016 Sudanese Online SudaneseOnline Press Release-Phoenix Arizona USA My Library Short URL Accra
Amnesty International’s Allegations on Use of Chemical Weapons in Darfur: Facts Versus Propaganda Amnesty International has published on 29th September a report titled “Scorched Earth, Poisoned Air: Credible Evidence of children killed and maimed by horrific Chemical Weapons attacks in Darfur”. In the report the organization alleges that it “has gathered harrowing evidence strongly suggesting the repeated use of chemical weapons against civilians, including very young children in Jebel Marra – One of the most remote parts of Darfur”. Below is a brief refutal of these far-fetched allegations. Implausibility of the allegations: 1. It should be recalled that the Sudanese Army fought one of the longest and most difficult wars in South Sudan, before signing the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in January 2005. Yet it had never resorted to the use of chemical weapons in the South, nor was it ever accused of this. Thus, why should chemical weapons be used in Darfur, at a time security and tranquility prevail in the region and the situation is almost completely under the control of the Sudanese Army؟
2. The report estimates the victims of the alleged chemical attacks as around 200 hundred people, while asserting that 171 villages in the area have been repeatedly attacked between January to September, 2016. Given that the said area is densely populated, and that Sudanese Army’s soldiers do not use protective masks, is it logical that the number of victims would be around that figure, if there were repeated chemical attacks for a period of NINE MONTHS as the report alleges؟
3. The United Nation/African Union Mission in Darfur (UNAMID) has permanent presence in the area since 2007 and holds regular meetings with representatives of the local communities and displaced people as well as with leaders of armed groups. At no time had the mission raised any concerns that chemical weapons might have been used in the area.
4. Besides, the US Special Envoy to Sudan visited Jebel Marra in September 2016 for 5 days and had meetings with all concerned parties in the area. Nothing close to the accusation of use of chemical weapons by the Sudanese army has ever cropped up in his discussions with the Sudanese officials. The question is how Amnesty International, which does not have presence in the area or even gained legal access to it, obtained information and “credible evidence” that the 20,000–strong UNAMID and the US Special Envoy failed to notice؟
UNAMID Speaks Out:
On 9th October 2016 Mr. Martin Ihoeghian Uhomoibhi, Joint AU-UN Special Representative to Darfur, Head of UNAMID and Joint Chief Mediator, issued an elaborate press statement on peace in Darfur. Concerning the allegations by Amnesty International on use of chemical weapons in Darfur, Mr. Uhomoibhi points out the following:
“UNAMID has been requested to shed light on the claims in the Amnesty International’s report and the facts are as follows:
• In spite of the almost 20,000 UNAMID personnel on the ground in Darfur, none of them has seen any Darfuri with impact of the use of chemical weapons as described by Amnesty International’s report. • Not one displaced person meeting such description has shown up at any UNAMID Team Site clinics where they would have naturally gone for help. • Amnesty International claimed to have made calls into Jebel Marra but did not for once call any of the almost 20,000 UN personnel all over Darfur, including in places like Sortony and Nertiti within a stone throw from the places where chemical weapons were reported to have been used. • Not one among the leadership of the Armed Movements in Darfur discussed use of chemical weapons with me or my Deputy during several meetings spanning January, April, May, July, August and September this year”.
Position of the OPCW:
The Organization of Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is the only international implementing body of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) which entered into force in 1997, and aimed at preventing chemistry from ever again being used for warfare.
Sudan is party to the CWC and member of the OPCW since 1998. Sudan is by no means in possession of any type of chemical weapons. Sudan’s Industrial facilities, military and civil, are all open to the verification of the OPWC at all times.
In its latest report, June 2016, the OPCW confirmed that Sudan does not have or use chemical weapons. The OPCW’s official response to Amnesty International’s report, on 29th September 2016 reads:
“The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) has examined the relevant parts of the Amnesty International report regarding allegations of the use of chemical weapons in the Darfur regions of Sudan. The OPCW has also noted the response of the Government of Sudan to the allegations. Without further information and evidence being made available, it is not possible at this stage to draw any conclusions based on the content of the report”.
This is in contrast with claim of Amnesty International that its report contains “credible evidence” of use of chemical weapons by the Sudanese Army.
It is evident that Amnesty International’s allegations are based on hearsay information. The ostensible testimonies cited by the report are by elements from the so-called “Sudan Liberation Army/Abdul Wahid”. This faction is the only Darfuri armed movement that has been persistently and adamantly rejecting all peace endeavors in Darfur and insisting on perpetuating strife and suffering in the region. Its Leader, Abdul Wahid Nour, based in Paris, has consistently failed on all his promises and commitments to join the peace process in Darfur since 2005. The latest attempt in this regards was by the Joint Special Representative of the UN AU to Darfur Head of UNAMID (JSR) when he met him in Paris on 11th July 2016. He committed himself to hold meeting of his faction Leadership to consider joining the Peace Process. He further asked for UNAMID’s assistance toward that end, a request that was approved by the JSR provided that there is a formal written letter to process the request. Abdul-Wahid promised to send the letter immediately. However, according to the JSR, he failed to do so till the date in spite of the JSR’s two reminders on that. That is why the JSR concludes that there is a need that “the UN and respective Special Envoys of influential countries to exert necessary pressure on the Sudan Liberation Army / Abdul-Wahid to Join the Peace Process”
Apparently Abdul Wahid was aware of the contents of the report Amnesty had been working on, which would provide him with yet another excuse to continue his stubborn refusal of peace bids in Darfur. Amnesty International’s said report is, therefore, little more than propaganda to serve Abdul Wahid war agenda.
أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 17 أكتوبر 2016
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اراء و مقالات
طَعْنَاً فى حِوارِ "عَافِية دارفور" مع مِنَّاوِى بمُناسبةِ ذِكرى قيامِ الحرَكة بقلم عبد العزيز عثمالعشاق وموسم الهجرة الي القاهرة بقلم عاطف نوايالضوء المظلم؛ الجنرال البشير والرقص على جثة الوطن، رئيس غافل وشعب جاهل بحقو بقلم إبراهيم إسماعيل إيابا أنجلوسى فنان جوبا الأول ودوره الفعال فى إحداث تغيير سياسى وإجتماعى ! بقلم : عبير سويكت (المالمهام الخمسة لنجاح عملية تحرير الموصل بقلم اسعد عبدالله عبدعليسلام قطر دولة الكرم والمحبة بقلم عمر الشريفالإعداد النفسي مفتاح فوز الهلال بقلم كمال الهِديمخرجات حوا ر الوثبة ..وفى رواية :فشل النظام فى شرعنة عفا الله عماسلف بقلم ادروب سيدنا اونورهل دخل السودان مرحلة الحداثة بقلم د.آمل الكردفانيوالان تم تجهيز المسلخ بقلم سعيد شاهين سنة الرسول بين اهل الجهل و اصحاب العقول بقلم احمد الخالدي أربعة اتجاهات في اختيار الرئيس الفلسطيني القادم بقلم د. فايز أبو شمالةإستجبنا للمنع فهل إنحلت المشكلة؟! بقلم حيدر احمد خيراللهالنقل الجائر ..!! بقلم الطاهر ساتيرجل من وراء الرئيس..!! بقلم عبد الباقى الظافرالعدو هل هو داخل الحصن (٢) بقلم أسحاق احمد فضل اللهالظل !!! بقلم صلاح الدين عووضةالضوء المظلم؛ السودان.. الرقص على جثة الوطن، رئيس معتوه وشعب جاهل بحقوقه.. بقلم إبراهيم إسماعيل إبعلمنا الإمام البنا بقلم ماهر إبراهيم جعوان
المنبر العام
سرقوها في ليلة ساعة الغبش دقسوا .. شالوها من حته ودوها لي حته لا فيها عضة جوع لا أمة منكوبهجريمة قتل بولاية نهر النيل والقتيل مدير وزارة الزراعة بالانابة تكملة حوار مع محمد آدمصحافيون يشرعون في مقاضاة مأمون حميدةال ح س ي ّّ..........** مصيبة السلطة وقيادة الناس**المثلية مش جريمةالحرس الرئاسي الليبي يعلن انشقاقه عن حكومة السراج في طرابلسقرار جديد ضد بائعات الشاي في الخرطومأفراد الحرس الرئاسي نزعوا هاتفه بوحشية.. اعتقال مواطن قام بتصوير البشير اثناء رقصه في حفل زفافبيبسي تعلن نيَّتها خفض نسبة السكَّر في مشروباتها.. الحكومات تحمِّلها مسؤولية تفشِّي السمنةأنا والجرائم الموجهة ضد الدولة ملتقي طرق -عوض الله نوايمبارك الفاضل يهاجم الصادق المهدي وقوي نداء السودان, ويدافع عن الحوار الوطني (video)فيديو: تسلسل تاريخي لأهم أحداث نظام مايو منذ البداية وإلى السقوط♥ أول مرّة فى التاريخ ♥إثيوبيا.. قيود على المعارضة والدبلوماسيين وحظر للتجوالقصي ، بريمة ، أبوحسين ، خاصة صديق الغالي ده ترامب زاتو ( على نيته ) رحمـــــــك الله والـــدي العزيــــــز مصطفى العبيـــد كيقـــة وأسكنـــــك فسيح جناتـــهاستشارة مستعجله .... ناس اللوتري 2018 الشيوعيون............ لابدين سااااااكت اعتقال مواطن قام بتصوير البشير اثناء(حتة) في حفل زفافأين سائق التوك توك السوداني؟ياما قال كلام ما لي دخل ( بيه ) .. ارجل غنّاي غلبو يقلّدهازوجتي مكانها مطبخي وغرفة معيشتي وغرف أخرىكاريكاتيرات ود أبو تطورت شديد .. النطيحة ما بتسمع الصايحة: الشيوعي يتشظى لاربعة أو يزيد....؟! عطبرة-سكك حديد السودانوفد رفيع بالقاهرة.. الأسد يرسل مسؤولين في نظامه إلى مصر.. والمخابرات استقبلتهم بالمطارمعادلة التغييرالغنوشي يرفض تكفير "الدواعش" ويتحدث عن أسباب نشأتهم