Darfur Student at risk of Death Penalty after Unfair Trial
02:49 PM July, 15 2016 Sudanese Online african centre for justice-Kampala-Uganda My Library Short URL (15 July 2016) Darfuri student Mohamed Bagari, convicted of murder, faces the death penalty by hanging after an unfair trial based on a confession he made without legal representation. The case relates to a violent clash in April 2015 between members of the Darfur Students’ Association (DSA) and the Islamic Students’ Movement at East Nile College in Khartoum.
The African Centre for Justice and Peace Studies (ACJPS) condemns the use of the death penalty in all its forms and is especially concerned that the right to a fair trial was not upheld in this case. Unchecked violence on Sudan’s university campuses by pro-government student militias, often supported by or with the acquiescence of regular government forces, has led to scores of violent student deaths in recent years. The Sudanese government should urgently investigate the presence of armed student militias and weapons stores on university campuses and put in place measures to protect students from armed attacks.
Mohamed Bagari was convicted of killing Mr. Mohamed Awad, Secretary-General of the Islamic Students’ Movement at East Nile College, during a fight on the University campus in Khartoum Bahri on 29 April 2015. Around noon on that day, student militias from the Islamic Students’ Movement (the student wing of the Islamic Movement within Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party, the NCP) armed with metal bars, wooden batons and whips, violently broke up a public meeting convened by the DSA.
The DSA meeting was convened to discuss cultural events planned by the DSA, as well as threats posed by members of the Islamic Students’ Movement. Members of the DSA initially repelled the attack by throwing bricks; however, the armed militias returned shortly after and a fight ensued.
According to eyewitness accounts, Mohamed Bagari was reportedly surrounded and beaten with metal bars by four armed pro-government student militia members, including Mohamed Awad. Awad was stabbed and later died in hospital. Four members of the Darfur Students’ Association, including Bagari, also sustained serious injuries after being beaten with metal bars, and were admitted to Al Baraha Hospital in Khartoum Bahri overnight.
Bagari was arrested from his home in Omdurman on 5 May 2015 by Sudan’s National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS), still suffering from head injuries sustained during the incident on 29 April, and later transferred to the criminal investigation unit of the police force in Khartoum. He was denied access to a doctor and detained incommunicado for 6 days before his first visit from a lawyer and his brother on 11 May 2015. Bagari confessed to stabbing Awad before a judge on 14 May 2015 during a hearing in which he did not have any legal representation.
The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ (ACHPR) Rights Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Fair Trial and Legal Assistance in Africa clearly set out that the essential elements of a fair hearing include “an entitlement to consult and be represented by a legal representative or other qualified persons chosen by the party at all stages of the proceedings” and the right to be examined by a doctor. The regional body, that interprets state obligations under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights to which Sudan is a State Party, also sets out in the Principles and Guidance that, “any confession or other evidence obtained by any form of coercion or force may not be admitted as evidence or considered as probative of any fact at trial or in sentencing. Any confession or admission obtained during incommunicado detention shall be considered to have been obtained by coercion”.
Bagari was initially convicted of “semi-intentional homicide” under article 131 of the 1991 Sudanese Criminal Code, as it was accepted he had acted in self-defense. He was sentenced to five years imprisonment and the payment of blood money. Bagari’s lawyers appealed the sentence, and the Khartoum Bahri Appeal Court ordered a re-trial, instructing Khartoum Criminal Court to consider all mitigating circumstances to the crime of murder set out in article 131, which includes self defense, a threat of death, grave provocation, and “a sudden fight” without premeditation.
At the re-trial on 23 June 2016, Khartoum Bahri Criminal Court found Bagari guilty of murder under 130 of the Criminal Act. The court rejected his arguments of self-defense and did not consider any other mitigating circumstances. He was sentenced to the death penalty, implemented by hanging in Sudan, at a court hearing on 28 June after family members of the deceased called for death by retribution (qisas) rather than imprisonment or blood money (dia), punishments provided under article 130 (murder) of Sudan’s Criminal Code.
The violence at East Nile College on 29 April 2015 was not an isolated incident but rather part of a pattern of attacks by student militias affiliated to Sudan’s ruling National Congress Party (NCP) on other students considered to hold views in opposition to the ruling party. Students hailing from Darfur, including members of various DSA, have been especially targeted by the violence.
According to eyewitness reports from 29 April 2015, members of the Islamic Students’ Movement obtained weapons from the “Jihadist Unit”, an office and weapons store on campus that is used by members of the Islamic Movement. Such Jihadist Unit weapons stores are thought to exist on all major University Campuses. Members of the NISS arrived on the scene but did not intervene to stop the violence. ACJPS is not aware of any official investigation into the armed attack by the Islamic Students’ Movement on the peaceful DSA forum. There has similarly been no accountability for past violence and excessive use of force by student militias and government forces against peaceful student demonstrators and public forums held on university campuses across Sudan.
The Government of Sudan should also order a prompt, thorough an impartial investigation into the violence at East Nile College on 29 April 2015 including allegations that a peaceful DSA forum was disrupted by armed student militias, with a view to bringing all perpetrators to account. The Government of Sudan has a responsibility to protect all students at risk of violence on university campuses and as a first step should investigate and seize all weapons held in weapons stores or elsewhere.
ACJPS further calls on the Government of Sudan to uphold the right to a fair trial and ensure procedural rights for accused persons at all times, including all guarantees set out in the ACHPR Principles and Guidelines on the Right to a Fair Trial and Legal Assistance in Africa. The denial of medical care and prolonged incommunicado detention, in addition to the failure to ensure access to legal representation at all stages in proceedings, raises serious concerns about the right to a fair trial in Bagari’s case.
The climate of violence and intimidation faced by students not affiliated to Sudan’s ruling party and the total impunity enjoyed by pro-NCP student militias operating on university campuses throughout the country has persisted in 2016.
On 22 April 2016, pro-NCP student militia armed with metal bars and pistols, fired shots in the air and violently dispersed students gathered inside the main campus of the University of Kordofan in El Obeid, North Kordofan. The students had gathered to present a list of non-NCP candidates for the Student Union elections. Around 40 students sustained injuries after being beaten with metal bars and were transferred to El Obeid Hospital. One student, Mr. Abu-Bakr Hassan Mohamed Taha, from the School of Engineering, died as a result of gunshot wounds. According to eyewitnesses, members of the police arrived on the scene but did not intervene to protect the students or conduct arrests. To date, there has been no investigation into the violence on campus or into the killing of Mr. Hassan.
Just a few days later, on 27 April 2016, pro-NCP student militias, armed with pistols and metal bars, attacked a public forum being held by the Nuba Students’ Association on the campus of Omdurman Ahlia University in Khartoum. The students had gathered to discuss protests being held at universities in Khartoum and North Kordofan the same month. One member of the Nuba Students’ Association, Mohamed Alsadig, was shot in the chest and died on the scene from his injuries. Another student was hit over the head with a metal bar. The NISS reportedly arrived on the scene but did not intervene to protect the students, or make any arrests.
Mossaad Mohamed Ali, Executive Director, +256 779584542 or Katherine Perks, Programme Director, +256 775072136, [email protected]
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ارا� و مقالات
الشفيع: فشل الاستتابة أم تقييد الاستنارة؟ بقلم صلاح شعيبمعتمد بحري والسير فوق الاشواك .. بقلم حيدر احمد خير الله الموقف في شمال السودان من تطورات الاوضاع في الجنوب بقلم محمد فضل علي .. كنداكواليس دولة الرُعب والموت: منْ قتلَ علي البشير!؟ بقلم فتحي الضَّو تهافت المفتري أحمد منصور وبؤس مقابلة الترابي بقلم أحمد حمد البدوي التحرّك ما ورا� الرباعيّة الدوليــة بقلم ألون بن مئيرقول الانجيل محرف ازدرا� للاسلام ؟؟؟ بقلم رفيق رسمىحق القوميات الايرانية في الحكم الذاتي لمناطقهان بقلم صافي الياسريحَجر القمر ..العمليات ال�رهابية تستهدف ال�سلام والمسلمين بقلم نورالدين مدني هل أتاك حديث الحاوية؟ 24 حاوية نفايات مسرطنة بحظيرة السلوم! بقلم عثمان محمد حسن(شخصنة المؤسسية) بقلم الطاهر ساتي
المنبر العام
كلاوديا النمساويــة تشهر اسلامها بمعــرفة بوردابــــــــــى (صور)نميري اندهش مرتين.. مقال لهاشم كرارود المدير النيجيري في طريقة لل�حتراف بنادي الهلآل السوداني ...سلفاكيير يريد رأس رياك مشار في طبق من فضةلماذا يتحاور الشرفا� في بوستات فرانكلي وبقبق و الاشيا� المشابهة ويرفضون الحوار مع بشة عيب عليكم كداود أبو ..السقوط المخزي والانحدار المريع !!!!أسئلة ومواقف - حرج الصغارالشناق : قصة قصيرة لحظة اقتحام شاحنة "نيس" لتجمع المحتفلين بالعيد الوطني(فيديو)تباً للمتأسلمين مكنوا الشيوعيين من رقابنا.تنازلوا لهم عن أراضي المسلمين جزيةً! ☠ (عبد القيوم) يضرب في (نيس) ☠يا الموصلي زولكم دة بقي خطيرتحرر المرأة أو المساوة بالرجل: وهم؟ أم أكذوبة؟ أم أضغاث أحلام؟ أم واقع قد تتحقق؟سلفاكير بعد أن طرد رياك مشار من جوبا ودخول الجيش الأوعندي �ليها يدعوه للعودة و رياك يرفض فيديو هبوط من داخل كابينة الطائرة لاول كابتن طيار سوداني من الجنس اللطيف الحاجة عثمانهل أتاك حديث الحاوية؟ (صووور)لكل المعارضين بمصر.. لحكومة اسلامي الخرطوم برئاسة البشير احذروا جهاز الامنالديــــن لله والوطن للجميععملية �رهابية يقوم فيها سائق شاحنة بدهس حوالى مائة فرنسى فى نيس وهم يحتفلون بعيدهم الوطنى٧٣ قتيل في عمل ارهابي بدهس شاحنة في نيس فرنسا هؤلا� سينفذون مجزرة دموية بشعة في الخرطوم في الاسابيع القادمة!!
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