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Darfur's ongoing genocide has been recognised as important by the world - Darfur at the Forefront o

02-10-2017, 06:53 PM
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Darfur's ongoing genocide has been recognised as important by the world - Darfur at the Forefront o

    06:53 PM February, 10 2017

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    Darfur's ongoing genocide has been recognised as important by the world - Darfur at the Forefront of HMD
    The 27th of January 2017 marks the 72nd anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in German-occupied Poland "where around 1.5 million people, most of them Jews, were murdered by the Nazis between 1940 and 1945".
    The HMD trust has decided to commemorate the anniversary this year by holding the the event on Thursday the 26th of January at Queen Elizabeth II Centre. The events provide a platform for the genocide survivors and their families to share their legacies, hardship and experience of overcoming adversity through sharing living testimony that life can still go on.

    The event also provides other survivors the opportunity to tell tragic stories of their persecution. The four other genocides included in the event are from Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Darfur.
    Dignitaries from HM governmental, MPs, religious and community leaders, representative from non governmental organisations were listening, arm in arm, in awe to the survivors of the aforementioned genocides as they shared living testimony of what happened to their families and loved one's by the hands of the respective perpetrators and how the narrow escape, luck/ fate, inspired them to keep going to make life in spite of the painful memories and subsequently live to tell the story to inspire generations to come.

    Darfur Union in the UK, Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad, The Voice of Darfurian Women plus Waging Peace and other civil organisations were attending in number after being invited by to take part at the event. The genocide in Darfur is still happening; this issue was addressed by Olivia Marks-Woldman, Chief Executive of the HMD as an ongoing genocide.

    This great event was attending by the representative of Darfur and Nuba organisation in memory of the victims of all genocides and in particular victims of:-
    Genocide in Darfur and the ethnic cleansing in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile,
    Enforced displacement
    Demographic changes in these Provinces

    Darfur Union in the United Kingdom, Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad and other sister NGOs will come together with a plan to commemorate a very important day to all advocates of justice around the globe.

    The 4th of March, represents an important date for the people in Sudan in general, and those in Darfur in particular. It marks the beginning of long lost justice. A quick run down the memory lane unfolds that famous press conference in La Hague, 8 years ago, where Luis Ocampo, the former general prosecutor of the ICC, announced that his team have enough evidence to prosecute Omer Bashir, the sitting president of Sudan, for crimes committed under his commands, that counts for the following:
    5 counts for crimes against humanity
    2 counts of war crimes
    3 counts of genocide

    The gathering of evidence of above mentioned crimes were concluded by the 12th of July 2010, under the statue of Rome. Two warrants of arrest issued by the Pre Trial Chamber are out there, and the perpetrator (Bashir) is still at large.

    Events like HMD and meeting survivors from other genocides gives us the hope that it is possible for life to go on, it is possible for the victims to see justice even after the long duration of injustice endured. It teaches us the importance of patience as a virtue, and more important it reminds us to keep promoting our just case and never to be coy in seeking justice or to be apologetic in commemorating important dates which signify the beginning of the prevailing of justice.

    Together we shall work to give voice to the voiceless.

    Signed Jointly by Darfur Union in the UK and Nuba Mountains Solidarity Abroad

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