04-26-2016, 07:05 PM |
هيئة محامي دارفور
هيئة محامي دارفور
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A Preliminary Report on Darfur Administrative Referendum and its Future Impacts
06:05 PM April, 26 2016 Sudanese Online هيئة محامي دارفور- My Library Short URL
The Referendum: Reference and Purpose The Doha Peace Agreement ( DPA) between the ruling Sudanese Regime and the Liberation and Justice Movement in 2011 has added an additional level of power to the Authority in Darfur , the so-called Darfur Regional Authority ( DRA) . The agreement on the establishment of DRA as an additional level of administration in Darfur in DPA is in itself a logical justification for embedding the referendum in the Agreement text which was later embedded in the National Constitution . Such being the case, the referendum must logically be on whether to accept the DRA or not as an additional level of administration in Darfur; not on state-system versus region-system of administration as publicized and cunningly implemented . One could rightfully ask, why the state-system of administration be a subject for referendum in Darfur alone and not all over Sudan ؟ The state-system of administration is an established system of administration in Sudan and no body or entity has ever questioned its relevance, why its relevance be questioned in Darfur alone and be a subject for referendum and not in each and every state all over Sudan؟ The purpose of the referendum was to take the views and opinions of Darfur people on the destiny of the Regional Darfur Authority which was established by the Doha Peace Agreement. In reality, the referendum was preceded by a huge Government-led campaign of cessation-fear arousing , claiming that opting for one region instead of many states for the administration of Darfur means pitching the first step toward the secession of Darfur regions as did South Sudan earlier .The referendum was overwhelmingly conducted over the wrong concept of either state-system for the administration or else secession of Darfur. This confusion over the main purpose of the referendum has created a state of uneasiness among Darfur people and equally among all the Sudanese people . This is how the Doha Peace Agreement was deliberately forged in the process of referendum taking ; and subsequently the repercussions would follow . The referendum was very much debated and remained a highly controverted question even among the very signatories of Doha Peace Agreement , namely the Regime, the Liberation and Justice Movement and those who later signed peace agreement with the Regime .The Regime is suspicious that one-region system for the administration of Darfur has two possibilities both unacceptable to the Regime : 1- First , the one-region system could lead to secession of Darfur in the example of South Sudan .This is , by all measures , the uttermost hallucination and dooms-day obsession of the Regime . 2- Second, the one-region system could be detrimental and might distort the prevalent general federal administration system of the country . The Regime is scared, as usual , that should the one-region option be chosen by Darfur people , Sudan could take the form of a mixture of regional system in Darfur and state-system in other parts of Sudan , which may prompt other states to ask for regional system as well, hence unfold the drive to return to the post-independence administrative structure of Sudan. On the other hand , the Liberation and Justice Movement , which is a signatory of the Doha Peace Agreement with the Regime , has undergone a structural schism while in power resulting in two competing branches , a branch led by Dr. Tijani Cecei , the Head of DRA , and the other branch led by Mr. Abu Garda . The Cecei branch opts for implementing the Agreement as it is and keep the DRA in place , but has no idea of how the referendum is to be fairly and independently implemented, and how the people of Darfur could democratically be enabled to go to the polls . Furthermore , the Cecei branch has played no role whatsoever to dissipate the fears and obsessions of the Regime about the referendum ; and was almost absent in the media to enlighten the people of Darfur on the purpose of the referendum .More importantly ,the Cecei branch used its authority and power to put pressure on the Regime to maintain the regional system in Darfur it is now running . In the wake of all these weaknesses, the Regime found free air to manipulate the purpose, the conduct and the results of the referendum. It is ironic that no media ads for the region-system have ever been broadcasted by Dr. Tijani Cecei branch of Liberation and Justice Movement , nor the proponents of the region–system have been able to speak out their views in the media! Not even the supporters of the DRA as a ‘ power level’ ! .If the DRA has failed in its function , this does not mean that the region-system of administration is also a failure by default. The Abu Garda branch , on the other hand, squarely sided with the Regime , partly to tease the Cecei branch and partly to maintain the privileges obtained from the Regime , and hence staunchly supported the Regime views on the referendum. The people of Darfur , in their political , civil and popular forces and even the ordinary citizens who do not align with any party , were left completely confused on the purpose of the referendum ; and found themselves before two choices , either to remain part of the Sudan by choosing the state-system or choose secession . This is, by all measures , a flagrant and dangerous manipulation of the purpose of the referendum . Other international players were also concerned about the referendum , each with its own agenda. The USA and the Western countries on one hand , and Russia, China and Sudan allies on the other are in the midst of the game .The process and the outcomes of the referendum may reflect the sway of one side over the other . The Absence of A Legal Act to organize the Referendum Process : The Doha Peace Agreement ( DPA) did not determine who are the Darfur people who have the suffrage right to vote in the referendum, nor the body entitled to determine the person to whom the referendum is directed . Further , DPA did not determine a reference in case there should arise differences between the capacity persons and stakeholders in Darfur . The issue became more confusing as no Legal Act has been promulgated on the referendum to organize its implementation; but the whole affair was left to the Chairperson of Darfur Referendum Commission who was appointed by the President of the Republic in consultation with the Chairperson of DRA to do whatever he wants without any legal reference or control or accountability. To be sure of this, any Sudanese citizen who is resident in Darfur for three months has been given the right to participate in the referendum and accordingly cast his/her vote , while in the case of nomads and the regular forces this condition , of three months residence, has been waivered .This act taking place in the so-called referendum process, many Sudanese in the displaced persons camps were denied the right to participate in the referendum , besides the Darfur refugees and people from Darfur resident in other countries. The Chairperson of the Darfur Referendum Commission ( DRC) passed exceptions whereby the nomads and the regular forces have been given the laissez-faire to participate , an act which has no base according to Articles (10) and (11) of the General Principles of Referendum , which stipulate that necessary procedures and controls be put to organize the participation of the regular armed forces and nomads in a referendum . The Head of DRC issued a manual on the ballot centres which legalized all the transgressions and violations of law by including schools ,religious schools ( Khalawi ) and water pump stations which have no addresses , numbers or physical signs leading to them , as ballot centres .To be more manipulative, the homes of nomad tribal sheikhs with unknown addresses were designated as ballot centres. That being done , The DRC has more to add, it did not commit itself at times , as needs be , to the manual it prepared and issued for the referendum. The registration and balloting rosters were largely fabricated and the rosters of the former presidential elections were further duplicated , and names were inserted into the ballot rosters by telephone , and names registered in social occasions were taken to the ballot rosters , in addition to the names of deceased persons and names of persons who never really exist where the registration and balloting are intended to take place. The Constitutional and Political Value of the Referendum Outcome : The Ingaz Coup-d’état of 30 June 1989 had crippled the constitutional development of Sudan by dissolving the elected constitutional institutions , on top of which the elected Constitutional Assembly , and maimed the normal drive of the Sudanese people towards a permanent constitution for the country . The Sudanese people are yet to have a permanent constitution since independence , although they have gone through several regimes of conflicting orientations the last of which is the 30 June 1989 Regime . The Ingaz Regime started its rule by passing a series of constitutional decrees , the so-called Tawali Constitution of 1989 to end up with the Interim Constitution of 2005 which later amended by removing the Articles referring to South Sudan after its secession .This constitution is useless to set a ground for constitutional development in Sudan because it reflects only the views of the Regime and its ideological persuasions . To embed the results of the Darfur Referendum in the constitutional will have no permanent constitutional value , because the life time of the constitution itself depends on the life time of the Regime itself. The President had launched , what came to be known as the National Dialogue , to bring together all the Sudanese in their political and civil organizations , to discuss six national issues and he committed himself to bring into effect all the outcomes of the National Dialogue. The ruling party and parties annexed to the Government , including the two branches of the Liberation and Justice Movement and other opposition parties participated in the National Dialogue . The outcomes of the National Dialogue which were handed over to the President , recommended that the state-system of administration be continued and the region-system shall be postponed to be discussed in the Permanent Constitution .The President has committed to the participants in the National Dialogue to implement , inter alia, this recommendation . If this is the case, why should there be any referendum at all in Darfur؟ To implement the Doha Peace Agreement ؟ The Doha Peace Agreement is concerned with Darfur alone , but the outcomes of the National Dialogue are concerned with All Sudan , and hence overwrites the DPA article on Darfur referendum or at least superior to it . Such being the case, the conduct of Darfur Referendum is just a political absurdity at the moment , misappropriation of public funds and cover-up of the deteriorating economic and security situation currently prevailing in Sudan . Search for the Referendum Documents : Darfur Bar Association ( DBA) , had embarked on investigating and carefully studying the Darfur Referendum and its accompanying documents , procedures , registration and balloting operations and lastly monitoring the results of the referendum. This report is being prepared on the basis of the preliminary results collected by DBA , and later on DBA will issue a final report on the Darfur Referendum containing final results , assessment and evaluation of the whole process and the present and future prospects thereof at the national and international levels. The Referendum Documents : The Darfur Referendum Commissioned had Issued the following Documents : 1- The Referendum Manual for the Year 2016. 2- The Referendum Principles of Control and Conduct for the Year 2016 3- The Registration Guidebook 4- The Ballot Guidebook 5- Prohibition of Publishing the Referendum belongings. Here are brief citations of the extra-legal acts in the referendum documents : First: The number of registration and balloting centres . The very purpose of Darfur Referendum is to take the views and opinions of Darfur people on the best administration system for the region , so it is natural that the number of registration and balloting centres be distributed according to population density . In the 2016 Darfur Referendum , the Chairperson of DRC had distributed the centres without reference to any principles , criteria or laws governing the process. For example , the localities where Fur tribe has highest population density were given few centres , despite the wide geographical area occupied , while other localities with fewer population density and more narrower in area were given more centres than the former example. To be sure, we find in Jebel Merra Locality , in South Darfur State, only one registration and balloting centre was allocated for the locality , although this Locality is one of the highly populated localities in the State. The Unity Locality was given two centres , 54 centres were allocated for Kubum Locality , 35 centres for Id Al Firsan ,35 centres for Rehaid Al Birdi , 25 centres for Bilail Locality , 25 centres for Nyala South Locality , 25 centres for Buram Locality and 20 centres for Sunta Locality. Second: The registration and balloting centres have no names or addresses, and no real existence on the ground , and some are repeated more than once in the Registration Manual .For example , in South Darfur State, there are 24 state constituencies , 21 national constituencies , 21 localities . The number of registration and balloting centres are 392 of which 102 centres have no names or addresses . Third : In North Darfur State, there are 24 state constituencies, 18 national constituencies , 18 localities and 479 registration and balloting centres of which 210 centres have no names or addresses. Fourth: In East Darfur State , there are 24 state constituencies, 7 national constituencies, 9 localities and 136 registration and balloting centres of which 15 centres have no names or addresses. Fifth: In West Darfur State , there are 24 state constituencies , 5 national constituencies , 8 localities and 204 registration and balloting centres of which 40 have no names or addresses. Sixth : In Central Darfur State, there are 24 state constituencies , 4 national constituencies, 7 localities, and 157 registration and balloting centres of which 45 centres have no names or addresses . Seventh: Registration and balloting centres defined by names of natural persons In the Registration and Balloting Guidebook , there are many residence houses of sheikhs and Omdas registered as registration and balloting centres without naming these sheikhs and Omdas . Other sheikhs and Omdas who are known and whose residences houses were turned into registration and balloting centres are Omda Fidaili , and the House of the religious guru Abu Sara in El Sireif Town and many others. At times , private houses, belonging to natural persons, were turned into registration and balloting centres ,where impartiality cannot be guaranteed .These houses might have been rented by the Darfur Referendum Commission from the owners of these houses ; an act which reveals the absurdity of the DRC behaviour and the disregard of the established laws thereof. The Darfur Referendum Commission( DRC) had allocated registration and balloting centres for the nomads that far outnumber the centres allocated for some localities . 392 centres for the nomads were allocated for South Darfur State , while 479 centre were allocated for North Darfur State , bearing in mind that the population of South Darfur State is much bigger than North Darfur State . Violations of the General Principles of Referendum -Taking : Article 12 of the General Principles of Referendum-taking has stipulated that the balloting centres shall be declared and made publically recognizable , but no reference has been made to the declaration of the registration centres , which are supposed to be the balloting centres as well .This clause has enabled the DRC to create balloting centres without there being any control or supervision over them or over the behavior of the DRC. Violations of the Registration Guidebook Rules : Article 2 of the First Chapter ( principles of Voters Registration ) of the Registration Guidebook has stipulated that balloting be made easy by determining the number of centres to be commensurate with the number of registered voters, and Article 3 reads “ voters shall be facilitated to know the balloting places because most of the registration places are themselves the balloting places ”. These two Articles have never been observed or implemented by the DRC, as the registration centres have never been published to make sure that all of them or part of them are the officially declared balloting centres . Violations of the Balloting Guidebook Rules : The balloting Guidebook provided provisions and controls on the duties of the balloting officer, balloting committees , rights and duties of the observers , and procedures to be followed while balloting . These provisions have never been observed , and the balloting centres were left to the ruling party members to see that things proceed as they like , and the whole process turned into a sort of a big hoax! The biggest hoax ever concerns the balloting symbols used .Two symbols were designated for the referendum choices ; First, a symbol containing the pictures of five huts for the state-system choice , Second, a symbol containing the picture of only one hut for the region-system choice ! In democratic and legal practices , symbols are always designated to be distinct as a sine-qua-non for fairness , trustworthiness and impartiality . These principles were starkly violated by the Darfur Administrative Referendum Commission ( DRC) . How come there be only two choices , in each choice the only picture is a hut ؟! How come the choice for the state-system contains five huts while for the region-system contains only one hut ؟! How come the size of the five huts for the state-system choice is much bigger than the size of the one hut symbol for the region-system ؟! where this referendum is taking place؟ You tell me in Darfur region of Sudan . Well, when looking at the rate of illiteracy in Darfur region of Sudan one finds a high rate of illiteracy . How would the DRC put an illiterate person to choose between five things to one thing of the SAME kind ؟ Would such a choice have any meaning at all , whatsoever؟ ! How come such practices be allowed to determine the destiny of Darfur, of Sudan ؟!! Let the democratic nations and organizations , which claim to be propagating democratic values a, human rights and freedom of choice assess such a practice , and let them produce a meaning to the outcome of Darfur Referendum . Let all be in wait to see. Failure to Publish the Belongings of the Referendum : Referendum procedures are related to fixed time table ,along with counter legal measures , appellations , publication of the Registration and Balloting Guidebook and the General Principles of the Referendum , so that stakeholders practice their rights over the whole referendum process. The Registration Guidebook and the Balloting Guidebook both contain the principles of voter registration and who has the right to register for voting , along with the principles of registration , and how to register , the personal identity card , the duties of the observers and agents , and how the ballots are counted and all the other procedures of balloting and finally the declaration of the results .The DRC claimed that these documents are published , but failed to despatch them to Darfur localities despite frequent requests .This failure, which is a high possibility to be a deliberate act , denied the stakeholders to practice their rights and be acquainted with all the regulations governing the referendum ; and at the same time enabled the DRC personnel and the DRC Chairperson to cover up their violations . Violations of Human Rights and malpractices accompanied the Referendum : First , Indirect violations : 1- East Jebel Merra Mountain areas came under barrages of air bombardments , where more than 100 thousands were displaced and tens of villages were burnt. The bombing spree started since the fifth of December 2015. 2- The wide spread , paid for propaganda distracted the Darfur people from the real objectives behind the administrative referendum at this time in particular. The President of the Regime paid a visit to Darfur a week before the beginning of the balloting. The ruling party, the National Congress Party( NCP) , members called upon their tribes to crowd over to receive the President to show him the tribal support in order to gain some tribal privileges . The members themselves , coming from different tribes were in a state of competition over the control of the party and political gains there from .This tribal competition between the NCP members prompted crowds of each tribe to come out to show allegiance to the President , on the surface of it , but ask for more power and political gains beneath the carpet. The crowds which received the President do not show real allegiance but an expression of power struggle inside the NCP members in Darfur. This is further confirmed by the requests earnestly presented by some tribes to establish new states within the framework of tribal power struggle in the states , other tribes called for new localities to be established in their tribal areas. The idea and purpose of the referendum were not a key issue among the NCP members , who received the President in crowds of their tribes ,partly because the results are known before hand and partly because the their political future is shaped by the degree of power and gains they receive by showing allegiance to the President. Second , Direct Violations : Human rights activists , youth and students who stood in opposition of the referendum were systematically apprehended and detained . Students of Nyala, Zalingei, El Fasher, Geneina Universities who organized campaigns against the referendum , and raised banners and slogans such as “ Referendum is Not Our Choice” were chased and detained pending .Darfur students in Sudanese universities outside Darfur who had taken part in the campaigns in opposition of the referendum were also apprehended for the act were taken to courts for trial .The female student activist Ms. Ikram Hamza still remains in jail waiting for trial . Some students who opposed the referendum taking were even suspended from their colleges without having any chance to appeal . The Ruling Parties Game Over the Referendum : The ruling Regime has kept treating Darfur Administrative Referendum as a political issue which is expected to fulfil Regime’s expectations in its transactions with the international intermediaries who were observers of Doha Peace Agreement , and to show them its commitment to fulfil all the Agreement clauses .The Regime has always been abhorrent to its opponents’ ever present accusation of being unfaithful to its commitment , and the referendum could help erase such a taint. The referendum also provides a chance for the Regime to get rid of Darfur Regional Authority , established in fulfilment of Doha Peace Agreement , which has served its purpose and now it is time to go. Furthermore , the referendum provides a chance for the Regime to attract more armed factions which refused to join the Regime home-made peace agreements , and which are eager to be in power . As such, the referendum is purely a political orientation of the Regime, dominated by the NCP, having the upper hand in all the affairs of the country on one hand , and the Cecei branch of the Liberation and Justice Movement being the weaker party which supports the region-system of Darfur administration . Balloting malpractices : The regime has insinuated into the minds of Darfur people that balloting is a season of getting personal, or group , benefits such as sugar, cooking oil , money ,etc. The new culture of competition between candidates on tribal grounds even within the same political party was very much nurtured by the Regime and played a significant role in the recent Darfur Administrative Referendum. Teens were taken to polls to vote, people were allowed to vote more than once , a dubious ink was used which can easily be removed without leaving a trace ; and still DRC passed no directives to correct such malpractices. Vote Counting Practices : The National Congress Party elements had pre-empted the vote counting operation by spreading rumours that unprecedented flocks of people are coming to cast their votes and that the result for the state-system of Darfur administration could well be above 95% . Compare this result with the actual result which would be announced soon within hours if not days. The Future Impacts of the Referendum Outcome : 1- Embedding the Referendum in both Abuja 2006 and Doha 2011 peace agreements is a stage in the process of political development in Sudan , although the armed factions which helped embed it in the peace agreements had no clear idea about it . History had proved that there were sultanates in Darfur before the present day political and geographical structure of Sudan . The referendum aroused dormant identities , to the extent that we hear today voices of self-government , as the role of political parties had largely dwindled and replaced by tribalism , tribes as political powers , and group self interests . 2- The crop-up of autonomy Slogans: The West Darfur State has almost the same area as the ancient Masaleit Sultanate , and almost the same tribal structure. The present Regime has got involved in a systematic policy of divide-and-rule whereby the sultanate system of tribal rule was abolished and replaced by the new system of Emara headed by an emir . New Emirs were appointed and subsequently empowered to run the affairs of the area in such a way as to follow on the foot-steps of the Regime policy of divide-and-rule. Masaleit tribal men and youth at the IDP camps in West Darfur State who suffered injustice both from the Regime and the armed factions called to invoke the Galani Treaty whereby in 1919 the Masaleit Sultanate voluntarily became part of present day Sudan, and other tribes also called for autonomy. These calls were brought into the fore by the divide-and-rule policy of the present day state-system of administration of Darfur which led tribes to fall back into the deep- blues of history for identification. Such calls are heard here and there in different parts of Darfur where marginalization is rampant and part and parcel of the overall Regime strategy . The sense of marginalization is basically triggered by the state-system of administration of Sudan including Darfur. In fact , Darfur has over 250 tribes and it is unthinkable to have 250 states in such a small land area . Such calls for autonomy would have no place under the region-system of Darfur administration where tribalism is trimmed to the minimum .However fears remain that the unity of Sudan is threatened should the Regime policies continue to play havoc on the destiny of the country. Darfur Bar Association has collected huge amount of data on the referendum and the circumstances under which it was conducted and the repercussions thereof on the region and Sudan. These data will be handed over to research centres for further analysis and , consequently DBA will issue a final report on the whole referendum taking process.
Darfur Bar Association Darfur SUDAN 24/April/2016
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- Who is President Salva Kiir Mayardit؟ By Simon Yel Yel and Paanluel Wel, Juba South Sudan
- Darfur Union in the UK Stands on the Proposed €100 million Grant to Sudan to Tackle Migration
- Darfur Union In the UK - Commemoration of the 7th anniversary of Bashir Indictment by International
- Sudan’s Kassala state plans to sell residential land
- Darfur Union in the UK condemns the killing of Student Salah Gamar-Eldin
- Darfur is Calling –a London Demo in Solidarity with the Victims of West Darfur Massacre - Report (S
- Rapid Support Forces kill six in Nuba Mountains: Observatory
- Prime speech Sudan People's Liberation Movement and head of the Revolutionary Front for the New Yea
- SPLA/N repulsed NCP attack on Torda and killed 13 enemy forces
- Child ####### abuse on the rise in Sudan capital
- The Sudanese regime is the largest destructive and most dangerous-threatening actor to the environm
- Sudan Democracy First Group on Human Rights Day: ‘Civilian Peaceful Resistance is the Way Forward
- Sudan Democracy First urges international community not to compromise on HRs
- Sudanese civil society barred from holding press conference
- The Failure of the Addis Ababa Talks: Insistence on War, Prevention of Humanitarian Aid and Monopol
- The Failure of the Addis Ababa Talks: Government of Sudan insists on War, Prevention of Humanitaria
- In the Addis Ababa peace talks, the Sudan government wants Africa and the International Community t
- The Opening Remarks of the SPLM-N on the Talks with the Sudan Government
- Statement to the United Nations Security Council on the Situation in Libya, pursuant to UNSCR 1970
- Sudan Welcomes agreement reached between disputed parties in state of South Sudan
- Crown Princess Mary of Denmark visits new ICC premises
- Cabinet Approves Agreement between Sudan and Nigeria on Legal Assistance
- Sudan govt. to launch national conference on federalism
- Indonesian Delegation briefed on Sudan Parliamentary Experiment
- Eastern Sudan's Suakin marginalised: residents
- Saudi Arabia to finance Sudanese agriculture, dams projects
- Chairman of Swedish Red Cross to visit Sudan Thursday
- Auditor-general reports embezzlement in Darfur, eastern Sudan
- Dozens killed in cargo plane crash in S. Sudan
- Foreign Ministry: US Justifications for renewal of Sanctions imposed in Sudan are totally Rejected
- Ministry of Agriculture to ban GM cotton in central Sudan
- Cabinet Affairs Minister Appreciates Firmness of Sudanese - Eritrean Relations
- Large drugs haul in Port Sudan container
- National Assembly Issues Decision on Support to Sudanese Armed Forces
- Farmers kidnapped in eastern Sudan
- Interview with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir
- AU: Coordinated mass killings by Kiir allies inflamed civil war South Sudan
- The Electronic Financial Form (15): Corruption and the Efforts to Curb the Phenomenon
- Omer Al-Basher leaves for India
- India must arrest Sudan’s Al Bashir: ICC
- ICC hosts workshop on cooperation and financial investigations
- Prof. Ghandour Appreciates India Decision to Exempt African Products from Customs
- Security arrests Sudan opposition in Khartoum
- Ecuador, Sudan Removed From Money Laundering Blacklist
- Participation in Yemen coalition a principled stand , Sudan says
- Unicef warns of polio outbreak in Sudan
- Al-Bashir informed on details of removal of Sudan name from list of Countries having problems in co
- Sudan govt. will only talk with armed movements in Addis
- The Locally Brewed Alcohol (Araki) and Police corruption in Sudan
- Headlines of Khartoum Newspapers on Oct 26 2015
- Hundreds of homes destroyed in eastern Sudan floods
- Presidential Assistant: Any Party Wants to Join Dialogue shall be Registered or Informed about Regi
- Campaign of Publications Confiscation by the Sudanese Authorities
- Nearly 200,000 South Sudanese refugees in Sudan
- NC: FATF Decision is new impetus for Sudan cooperation with world
- Statement by the Chairman of the Sudan Revolutionary Front:Malik Agar
- Note by the Sudan People's Liberation Army officers to the President of the mechanism of high-level
- Ahmad Al Faqi Al Mahdi makes first appearance before the ICC
- FCO Press Release: Minister for Africa speaks about South Sudan at UNGA
- Farm machine theft in eastern Sudan
- Aerial bombardment and shelling in Nuba Mountains
- Sudanese official accused of embezzlement in North Darfur
- Sudan continued using cluster bombs in South Kordofan, Darfur this year
- A dozen Egyptian fishermen detained by Sudan
- Open letter; A life time advice to Gen. Peter Gatdet Yaka from Bentiu Community in Egypt
- Concerns about food gap, price rises in Sudan
- UN report reveals endemic impunity in Darfur
- Al Bashir offers ceasefire, amnesty for rebels in Sudan's dialogue
- More Than 8,000 African Refugees Who Left Israel Returned to Dangerous Countries
- Sudan's Consensus Forces not invited to Addis
- An Open Letter from Sudanese Civil Society to AUHIP
- Sudanese civil society sends Open Letter to AUHIP team
- Final Communique: Resolutions and Recommendations
- UN approves a one-year extension of the African Union-United Nations Mission in Darfur
- Sudan’s President calls for more religious coexistence to achieve the common interests
- Sudan condemns the assassination of the Egyptian Attorney General
- Russian Foreign Minister invites his Sudanese counterpart to visit Moscow in September
- All preparations completed for resuming the national dialogue: Sudan ruling party
- UNHCR and partners alarmed at the upsurge in the number of South Sudanese fleeing into Sudan
- Statement No. (22) The SPLM and the repercussions of the war in the republic of South Sudan
- Sudan and German discuss the national dialogue, illegal immigration and human trafficking issues
- 250,000 South Sudanese children face starvation due to the conflicts: UN
- South African government to explain to judges why Sudanese President left the country
- Sudan and Ethiopia sign on the projects of the economic and developmental work
- Sudan’s Foreign Minister briefs the Russian ambassador on the situation in Darfur
- Sudan’s president attends an AU summit in Johannesburg: Sudan’s Minister confirms
- Sudan’s president and his Eritrean counterpart review the bilateral relations and other issues
- German contributes €1 million to the 2015 Sudan Common Humanitarian Fund
- The main goal is achieving the peace in Sudan’s Blue Nile State: the governor
- UN expresses its grave concern over the security and humanitarian situation in South Sudan
- Sudan participate in African neighboring countries conference
- Russia supports Sudan militarily to combat terrorism
- Sudan president to visit Beijing in response to his Chinese counterpart invitation
- SPLA/N repulsed NCP forces attacks on villages in Nuba Mountains
- The renewed fighting in S.Sudan’s Unity State is a serious breach of the Cessation of Hostilities A
- HRW urges (UNSC) to consider abuses against children in Sudan’s South Kordofan as war crimes
- Attacks on Fany and Injemena villages in Sonot County
- Sudan’s ruling party describes EU and US stances on the elections as “unjustifiable”
- Sudan rebels claim repulsing attack in Blue Nile
- Nearly 8 million children in Sudan to be vaccinated against measles
- Sudan demands UN to condemn the rebel SPLM-N attacks in South Kordofan
- More than 522 000 South Sudanese refugees scatter in four Eastern Africa countries: UN
- Sudanese human rights defender detained on baseless charges and others at risk after armed raid on
- Sudan used cluster bombs in South Kordofan: HRW
- Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (North) statement for boycotting the farcical elections in Sudan
- Detentions, civil society closures, media restrictions on eve of Sudan elections Sudan lacks conduc
- The final arrangements for the opening of border crossing between Sudan and Ethiopia
- Anti-election rallies blocked, students detained in Khartoum
- Sudan pushes back elections n South Kordofan state
- Anti-election campaign scares population of South Kordofan
- Darfur displaced call for nation-wide protest during election
- Sudanese refugees cite mistreatment by UNHCR
- SPLA-N claims briefly seizing army garrison in South Kordofan
- Sudan rebels ready to repel new govt. offensive in South Kordofan
- Security forces raid training centre in Sudan’s capital
- Sudan rebels claim attack on Habila garrison in South Kordofan
- Liberation of Habilla Town
- Sudanese govt. responsible for tribal violence: Darfur Bar
- U.S. calls on South Sudanese parties to resume peace talks
- South Sudan Rebel Group Releases Child Soldiers
- Nine medical students were born in UK and studied medicine in Sudan
- Missing British-Sudanese medics had humanitarian motives
- France denies Darfur rebel leader Nour the permanent residence in its territory: Sudan’s Foreign Mi
- International agents behind Arab, African extremism
- Nine British medics enter Isis stronghold to work in hospitals
- Note by the Sudanese opposition organizations in the Diaspora
- South Sudan warlord offers abducted boys sit exams - UN envoy
- Population Under Pressure in South Sudan Opposition Territory
- China supplies South Sudan with weapons to protect its oil fields
- Al Bashir pardons five JEM-Sudan convicts
- Sudan hit by severe shortage of flour
- Sudan’s army says that it killed 60 rebels in fighting in Southern Kordofan
- Al-Bashir discusses with Mufti of Croatia position of Muslim minorities
- Call for Sudan to stop recruiting minors in South Kordofan
- SPLM-N leadership: Sudan Deserves a New Peace
- Sustainable fisheries project launched for Sudan’s Red Sea State
- Sudanese army says it repels SPLM-N attack on Southern Kordofan
- Sochoi jet-fighter attacked Tanase Village
- The Secretary-General Remarks at the opening session of the Commission on the Status of Women
- A presidential pardon to release Sudan’s opposition figures within days
- Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia meet in Khartoum to discuss the Ethiopian dam
- German delegation briefs Sudan officials on Berlin forum
- Sudan can solve the crisis in Juba: South Sudan’s Parliament says
- We will achieve peace this year by negotiation or war: Sudan’s president
- South Sudan must establish a transitional government of national unity
- Egypt funds first of several dams in South Sudan
- Liberation of Kuhliyat garrison 5 km west Kadugli city
- Security detains anti-dam activist in northern Sudan
- Sudan's Interior Minister meets with the Speaker of Ethiopian Parliament
- National Congress Party official killed in eastern Sudan
- China announces that it will continue to support South Sudan peace process
- Three die in militia attacks in South and North Darfur
- Sudan and Kuwait negotiate help Zain repatriate $280 million worth of Sudanese pounds
- Darfur displaced invite US Deputy Secretary of State to visit their camps
- Sudan suggests many investment projects for UAE businessmen
- National Liberation and Justice Party launched in Sudan’s capital
- The fighting in Darfur displaced more than 41,000 since late December: UN
- Two Russia abducted in Darfur’s Sudan are alive: Moscow
- Tribal reconciliation talks begin in Sudan
- Sudan’s president calls on Russian and American investors to invest in the country
- Dozens injured as Sudanese students clash
- FAO teams up with the Ministry of Livestock, Fisheries and Rangelands and provides about USD 1 mill
- South Sudan Warns Media Not to Publish Rebel Interviews
- The dialogue conference kicks off this week: Sudan’s Government
- Video Report Sheds Light On Fierce Fighting In Sudan
- Sudan’s Women Union, Darfur Centre welcome HRW report
- 38,600 displaced in Darfur in a month: OCHA
- Sudan security detains man at North Darfur market
- Statement of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Fatou Bensouda, on the Internation
- Seven Investment Programme Areas Under the Sudanese National Agricultural Investment Plan (NAIP) Id
- Three Sudanese aid workers killed in Blue Nile state
- SLM-SR statement in response to ICC Chief Prosecutor Suspension of Darfur Investigations
- Activists oppose Sudanese govt. officials visit to USA
- US, UK and Norway calls South Sudanese factions to reach a final peace agreement
- Sudan’s president supports the Arab Parliament efforts
- Thirst in North Darfur’s Shangil Tobaya camps
- Sudan’s Ministry of Culture orders the closure of the Sudanese Writer’s Union
- 400 JEM faction combatants to merge with Sudan army
- More bombs fall on Golo, Central Darfur
- Sudanese court renews detention of opposition leader
- Sudanese El Midan gagged for 10th time
- The Evacuation of the World Foof Programme Team Through an Initaitive by New Sudan Women League In
- USAID, BRAC Launch Project to Reach Out-of-School Children in South Sudan
- Africa Union Peace and Security Council stands in the way of Justice in South Sudan
- Former Sudan Lost Boy Becomes Chess Master in NYC
- Sudan’s rebels brings down UN helicopter in Southern Kordofan
- and#8203; A Press Release on the Helicopter Forced-Landing in the Liberated Areas
- Rights group accuses Sudan army of targeting hospital
- UN condemns the bombing of a MSF hospital by Sudanese Air Force
- The Memorandum of Civil society working in Conflicts zones, and Human Rights advocacy and the chall
- Sudan’s targets MSF hospital in South Kordofan with an aerial bombing
- MSF hospital bombed in South Kordofan, Sudan
- Darfur rebels to be eliminated soon: Al Bashir
- South Sudan’s Minister swears that the rebels against Sudan are not existent in the country
- Re: Sudanese-Chinese talks convened today in Khartoum
- Al Bashir’s candidacy humiliation for all Sudanese: Darfur displaced
- Letter to the UN on the ICC sent today:Re the ICC arrest warrant for President al Bashir
- Sudan School Becomes Target of Aerial Attacks
- Sudan’s Minister of Defense confirms that situations under control
- Sudanese army repulses attacks launched by the rebel (SPLM-N) in Southern Kordofan
- Sudan Call A Political Declaration on the Establishment of a State of Citizenship and Democracy
- An important Statement No (17 ) by Commander / Ismail Khamis Galab The former Governor of Sou
- Sudanese organizations in USA Letter to UNSC on Tabit Crime
- Statement No. (16) from Commander / Ismail Khamis Jalab The former Governor of South Kordufan / Nub
- and#8203; The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Ababa Negotiation on November 12, 2014
- Sudan’s Defense Minister will brief the parliament on the security situations in the country
- An important Statement No (15 ) by Commander / Ismail Khamis Galab The former Governor of Sou
- An important Statement No.14 by Commander Ismail Khamis Jalab The former governor of South Kordofan
- Sudan PM calls for involvement of the Two Areas citizens in the negotiations
- Nuba Mountains’ students make initiative for supporting education
- Nuba Mountains Queen calls for cessation of war
- Another brutal war crime committed by khartoum regime in Hieban town
- Letter to President Obama from Sudanese living in Diaspora
- Fighting the war in the mountains of Sudanand#138; with a camera
- Developments in South Sudan Conflict: Small Arms and Light Weapons in South Sudan and Sudan: Is tha
- An important statement No. (13) from talafun kuku On behalf of the silent majority In Sudan
- Christians harassed in Sudan: Council of Churches
- Stop the Bombardment of Innocent Civilians in Darfur, Nuba Mountains/South Kordofan and Blue Nile
- Sudan militia recruit more than 3,000 minors in South Kordofan
- Sudan’s Nuba celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day
- Yasir Arman: Bombardment in Nuba Mountains
- A New Approach to the National Dialogue in Sudan that will Stop the Wars, Address the Humanitarian
- Helicopter gunship shot down in Nuba Mountains
- International community must act to end Sudan’s “unprecedented and intense” bombing of civilians
- Arnu Ngutulu Loddi:NCP forces suffered heavy casualties in Al-atmur
- 3rd anniversary of the war against the people of the Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile states
- NCP forces heavily defeated in kao-Nyaro and Werni in Nuba Mountains
- SPLM-N claims to repel government forces in Sudan’s Nuba Mountains
- SPLA-N forces repelled NCP forces in Nuba Mountains
- The case of the Sudanese citizen Mariam Yahya Ibrahim
- Darfur rebels commemorate 2008 ‘Battle of Omdurman’
- The European Union considers indiscriminate attack as war crime
- Bishop appeals to President Al Bashir to stop new bombing Nuba hospital
- Parliament: Rapid Support Forces have no mistakes
- Christian Comboni school to be removed in Omdurman, Sudan
- Sudan rebels in South Kordofan shoot down UAV
- SPLA-N forces shot down unmanned Aerial vehicle
- New York protests against genocide in Sudan
- Parties to talks exchange accusations as North Sector puts condition for cessation of hostilities
- SPLM-North: government displaced more than 20. Thousand citizens in Kadugli
- Peace Minister in Shadows government calls for unification of negation forums
- Sudan's military court frees South Kordofan 'spy'
- 70,000 civilians displaced in Sudan’s North Kordofan:Sudan People’s Liberation Movement-North (SPL
- Over 70,000 civilians displaced in Rashad County
- ‘Entire generation may face extinction’ in Sudan’s South Kordofan: SPLM-N
- Killing, displacement, civilians kidnapped and their properties’ looted in Rashad County
- Dozens still detained in Sudan despite promise of amnesty
- 'UN missions fail to grasp Darfur, Sudan conflict': human rights activist
- ‘Sudan dialogue is meeting between Islamists’: rebel leader
- 'Security Sudan, rights for citizens first, then national dialogue': CSOs
- SPLM: Visit of Emir of Qatar to Sudan aims to support Muslim brotherhoods
- Official in charge of Sudan file at Dutch Foreign Ministry meets SPLM-North representative
- Mohamed I. Elgadi’s Letter to President Obama
- SPLM-North faces new split over talks on Blue Nile and South Kordofan
- What is the problem of Sudan-BRIEFING FROM THE SPLM/N :ON THE PEACE TALKS
- Sudanese communists, Islamists seek 'movement for change'
- Spokesman of Nuba Mountains describes as dreams statements by defense minister to defeat SPLM milit
- The SPLM-N Statement at the Opening Session of the Addis Ababa Negotiations on
- Issues No. 6 and 7 of the Sudan Human Rights and Humanitarian Bulletin covering the periods 01 to 1
- Refugees of Nuba Mountains are in Danger because of the War in Bantiu
- Fighting the war in the mountains of Sudanand#138; with a camera
- Beja Congress urges release of political detainees
- The Beja Congress Demands the Immediate Release of Political Detainees
- Press Released about the Attack of Dalami Locality – Nuba Mountains
- Video: Bombardment in Nuba Mountains
- The Technical Issues for the Polio Campaign Remain Unresolved and the
- The Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) Welcomes the Polio Campaign in the
- The SPLM-N is Ready to Sit with the Sudan Government for the Polio Ca
- Sit-in in front of the Italian Parliament and Petition Contesting the
- Japanese diplomat wrestles for peace in Sudan
- Barefoot Japanese diplomat wrestles for peace in Sudan
- Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement-North discusses with Swiss Governme
- The SPLM-N Delegation Met with the Swiss Government, Discussed a Child
- The SPLM-N Declared a One Month Unilateral Cessation of Hostilities in