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News and Press ReleasesStatement by the President of the Republic before the mass rally at the Green Square Tuesday
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Statement by the President of the Republic before the mass rally at the Green Square Tuesday

10-12-2016, 06:33 PM
Sudan News Agency
<aSudan News Agency
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Statement by the President of the Republic before the mass rally at the Green Square Tuesday

    06:33 PM October, 12 2016

    Sudanese Online
    Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan
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    Khartoum, 11 Oct (SUNA) Following is the statement delivered by the President of the Republic, Omar Bashir, before the mass rally organized by the Government of Khartoum State at the Green Square in celebration of the signing of the National Document. The Statement was delivered in colloquial Sudanese Arabic. Hereunder SUNA provided an unofficial translation:

    In the name of Allah the Graceful, the Dispenser of Grace
    Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Two Universes, and Peace and Blessing be upon the best of His creations, Our Master Mohammed, and upon his family and his companions, all of them

    Dear citizens, honorable Sudanese... my compatriots…generous and hospitable …compatriots

    Greeting to all of you, and praise be to Allah that He created and made us Muslims, and made us the followers and Uma of the best of the created among peoples

    "And what made me yet more honored and proud
    That I felt as if I were walking over the cloud
    Is that: The Lord, said He, to me
    You are my believer
    And He sent Ahmed to be, yet for me,
    The Messenger to be "

    And we praise Allah the Lord who has made us all Sudanese, yes Sudanese period... all of us Sudanese...no more tribalism, no more nepotism, no racism …

    This is our homeland, the land of people who first have as their heritage the Holy Book, and they stand out as gallant shielded knights… a burning fire under the light of which the Holy Book is recited, with disciples and students around a pious religious leader…. These are our criteria we the Sudanese… our land is the land of the generous people who welcome and are hospitable to incoming guests and visitors, even migratory birds that fly in here hungry, they return to their habitats filled and satisfied... eating from the peripheries even of our farms… what a regret had I not been not from those people, what a humiliation it would have been, had I not been affiliated to those people, you. Who stand out at difficult time (times of calamitous challenges).

    Today folk... it is our due right to party, because today our unity is complete... the National Dialogue and the Societal Dialogue….people tend to say this was the initiative by the President… No it is not ..It stemmed from the people... it is one of the creation of the Sudanese people… this is yet one of the lessons provided by the people of the Sudan to the world at large…We are a vanguard people... We are initiators…We, listen to me, We are the first African country to lead an unprecedented revolution.. This was the Mahdist Revolution... it was in the 19th century... it brought all the peoples of the Sudan, from the East came Osman Dighna… from the North it brought Mohammed Khair, from the West it brought Khalifa Abdullah and in their midst was Mahdi himself.. They spearheaded a revolution... they liberated the Sudan… and from here the Sun of the British Empire eclipsed…

    Our second experience…was the stage of Sudan's independence… when all Sudanese people gathed in 12-1955, and decided to declare from inside the parliament building the independence of the Sudan, they came to gather irrespective of political parties, irrespective of ethnic affiliations… and they declared the independence and it was said Sudan was the first African country south of the Sahara to gain independence…No we did not stop there… We jointed out brothers the Africans and we provided support for the liberation movements until the whole African continent was free….

    Now today we are providing yet another lesson to the whole world and to humanity at large… a National Dialogue, political and societal dialogues… all the Sudanese people came together save those who opted to say nay and our forefathers have said "whoever reject conciliation….(will he regret his stance)"… and we are saying to them.. This document remains open for whoever want to join and to sign it and be part and parcel of us... and those who are not signing it… we have declared a ceasefire… now he who is not signing….he will stand against the Will of the entire Sudanese people and the Sudanese people are capable of imposing peace.. Whoever join the peace process… they are welcome cordially and who ever refuses to join the peace process... we will reach them there in the jungles and in the pothole or wherever they be...

    Listen folk…the Sudanese people have made history... new history on the 10th of this month of October... this date will be a national occasion that Sudanese people will celebrate each and every year… and you know we have to recognize the deeds of those who did well.. The people who led this dialogue, armed with patience and continued with committees after committees of dialogue… the heads of the committees... to those people I say may the lord recompense you well and Allah willing we will have a separate chapter and meeting with them so that they would be honored properly for the good work they did for the people…

    And we say once again today we have a new Sudan for all the people of the Sudan… a Sudan where no tribalism is tolerated any more, no regionalism…in anywhere (public… procedures form) where there is a question about your tribe, you write down Sudanese, to which ethnicity you belong you write Sudanese…. Who are we folk؟ We are Sudanese…no tribalism, no regionalism, nor racism... Sudan stand tall above all of us… Allah Akbar, God is the greatest and there is no Lord but Allah…

    We thank all those who participated in the political and societal dialogue, be they ins diet he Sudan or abroad… our brothers the expatriates... they participated actively thus for them we are, Allah willing, and to honor them we will establish a commission that would cater and take care of the sons of the Sudan abroad….

    And we thank those who came and participated with us… our guests…his excellency brother Idris Debbi, his excellency bother Mohamed Abul Aziz, his excellency brother Abdul Fatah Al Sisi, his excellency brother Museveni… there were many other president who had wanted to come and join us… many people wanted to learn from our experience in the Sudan.. And to them …we say... this is a Sudanese experience which we will offer to the whole world to all people who have similar situation like ours... those in countries that have problems of (deeply trenched) ethnicities of racism … of tribalism .. We say to them….come to the Sudanese people the well versed people who teach other nations the meaning of steadfastness of unity…

    The Lord is great, there is no lord but Allah... and we, Allah will, be meeting yet in another achievement by the Sudanese people…and may lord the almighty recompense the people of this state (Khartoum for organizing the rally) and may the peace and blessing of Allah be upon you.

    أبرز عناوين سودانيز اون لاين صباح اليوم الموافق 12 أكتوبر 2016

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