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South Sudan: Juba Monitor Editor in- Chief Arrested

07-19-2016, 02:58 PM
SudaneseOnline Press Release
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South Sudan: Juba Monitor Editor in- Chief Arrested

    03:58 PM July, 19 2016

    Sudanese Online
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    International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)
    Press Statement
    18 July, 2016

    South Sudan: Juba Monitor Editor in- Chief Arrested

    The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) strongly condemned the arrest and detention of Alfred Taban, Editor –in- Chief of the Juba Monitor in South Sudan. Taban was arrested on Saturday, 16 July in the capital Juba by the agents of the National Security Service and is currently detained incommunicado.

    According to the Uganda Journalists Union (UJU), an IFJ affiliate, Taban was arrested in relation to an article that he wrote in his weekly column “Let’s Speak Out”. In his article he called for the removal of President Salva Kiir and Vice President, Riek Machar accusing both of them of failing to control troops loyal to them which have resulted in the loss of lives and property.

    “The arrest of Alfred Taban is a serious threat to freedom of expression and freedom of the press” said IFJ President, Philippe Leruth. “Such arrests are desperate signs of intimidation designed to muzzle the media and journalists. Such repressive highhandedness is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. South Sudan must do more to create a conducive environment for the media to play its role of upholding democracy in the country”.

    The IFJ calls on the government of South Sudan, to release Alfred Taban immediately and unconditionally.

    Uganda Journalists Union
    General Secretary
    KAMPALA - MONDAY - JULY 18 - 2016
    The Chief Editor of the Juba Monitor newspaper Mr Alfred Taban was last week arrested, tortured and is being held incommunicado in an unknown location. The Juba Monitor has also been closed down indefinitely for reasons that are connected to the journalist’s column in the July 15, 2016 newspaper article.
    Union of Journalists of South Sudan (UJOSS) General Secretary Mr Edward Terso said family members and colleagues have failed to trace the journalist’s whereabouts and it is feared he could be under severe torture in a military barracks.
    He said what puts the Journalist’s life in further danger is the fact that he suffered a stroke in 2010 which now renders his health vulnerable. “ It is feared that any further torture of the journalist may lead to detrimental results,” he said.
    In his July 15, 2016 column in the Juba Monitor newspaper, Mr Alfred Taban wrote under headline ”Salva Kiir and Dr Riek Machar, should be removed”. He went further to explain that President Salva Kiir and his Deputy Dr Riek Machar have completely failed to lead South Sudan, and continuing to have them under the status quo means continuous suffering to the people of South Sudan .
    Mr Alfred Taban said the two leaders have failed to control forces loyal to them leading to killing of innocent people, looting of property and money, extortion of money from passengers by gun – wielding men, raping of women, burning of houses and displacement of people.
    Uganda Journalists Union joins global Journalists and human rights organizations in condemning these acts of repression by Juba authorities directed at the Journalists, and we call on the Government of South Sudan to release Mr Alfred Taban unconditionally or produce him in court if they think he has a case to answer.
    Uganda Journalists Union (UJU) President Ms Lucy Anyango Ekadu said South Sudan government ought to respect the principles that govern freedom of expression, Press Freedom and human rights.
    She said the Juba authorities should release the Juba Monitor Editor unconditional or produce him in court if they have a case against him. “ Juba authorities should stop directing
    JULY 18 - 2016
    repression at the journalists who are merely reporting what goes on in South Sudan”, she said.
    Uganda Journalists Union and the Union of Journalists of South Sudan signed a 2010 Memorandum of Understanding which among others, promotes joint trade union development programs, defending Press freedom, monitoring and evaluation, and exchange programs.
    Journalists in South Sudan have continued to work under pathetic conditions with repression being order of the day. They face intimidation from the military officers, arbitrary arrests, detention without trial and sometimes journalists are detained incommunicado in military establishments.
    Several journalists in South Sudan have had to flee the country after threats to their lives and live in exile in other countries. To practice Journalism in South Sudan means one has agreed to sacrifice his or her life unless they desist from critical reporting especially on matters pertaining to exposition of human rights violations where the rule of law has remained almost non - existent.
    Human rights violations are rising day by day, freedom of expression has been eroded to the lowest ebb while Press Freedom is slowly but constantly being eroded and muzzled at together.
    South Sudan gained independence from Sudan on 9 July 2011, following a 2005 agreement that ended Africa's longest-running civil war. But despite being independence the human rights situation has not improved and could be worse than it was before their independence.
    Stephen Ouma Bwire
    Tel/Mobile: +256 – 752643296, +256 – 702643296 Email: [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected] Website: http://http://www.ugandajournalistsunion.comwww.ugandajournalistsunion.com

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