12-15-2015, 10:44 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
British Ambassador: £10 million for Sudan to combat negative effects of climate changes
09:44 PM Dec, 15 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library Short URL Khartoum, Dec. 15 (SUNA) The British Ambassador to Sudan, Mr. Michael Aron announced a 10 million sterling pounds financial grant to Sudan via the British Ministry of International Cooperation, to contribute in combating the climate changes negative effects on the Sudan.During the reception ceremony organized by the British Embassy in Khartoum, Ambassador Aron commended the efforts of the Sudan's government, represented by the Minister of Environment and Urban Development Hassan Abdel Gader Hilal, who took part in the climate conference held in France this month.In statement to SUNA, the British Ambassador noted that the Sudan has played a significant role in the conference through its active participation in the negotiations that ended very successfully and good support for the developing countries to cope with world's climate change and the resulting devastating negative effects.On his part, the Minister of Environment and Urban Development, has thanked the French and British embassies for their great support to the Sudan to face the climate change and the big environmental problems it causes such as drought, desertification, and the decline of the biodiversity and the direct connection of all these issues with the peoples livelihood, especially in agriculture and pasture sectors, pointing to the formation of a joint committee between the ministry and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the implementing agency for the grant program and the donor representative of the office of the (DEFID) in Sudan. Minister Hilal said in a statement to SUNA that he himself will follow the work of this committee and to provide every assistance to facilitate the implementation of the program scheduled for 4 years, explaining that this grant is the beginning of a fruitful cooperation between the two countries, expecting other programs in the future in case of the ideal utilization of the current program for the benefit and support of the country's development.He stressed on his ministry continuous efforts to handle the climate change in order to achieve a safe and healthy environment in all parts of the Sudan.The French ambassador to Sudan, Mr. Bruno Hubert said in a statement to SUNA that the grant program is to continue the great success that has been achieved at the Paris Climate Conference for all the world's countries, especially the countries of the African continent which its delegation led in the negotiations by the Sudan' Environment Minister Hassan Hilal.He added that the program is suitable to meet the Sudan's needs in this area and it is a beginning to establish a solid scientific basis in order to improve the Sudan's capabilities to adapt to the effects of the climate changes.The Representative of the United Nations Environment Programme's office in Khartoum, Mr. Brad Smith, has appreciated the Sudan's government efforts in addressing the challenges of climate change, adding that the program is a key for cooperation and concerted action in this regard, asserting readiness to fruitfully coordinate with the government, the United Nations and the implementing partners of the program during the coming period. أحدث المقالات- اشتري حمار واركب عيش بقلم شوقي بدرى
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