11-08-2015, 08:22 PM |
Sudan News Agency
Sudan News Agency
Registered: 10-21-2015
Total Posts: 2012
FM briefs US Congress delegation on situation in the Country
07:22 PM Nov, 08 2015 Sudanese Online Sudan News Agency-Khartoum-Sudan My Library
Khartoum, Nov .8 (SUNA)- The Foreign Minister, Prof. Ibrahim Ghandour, received in his office Sunday a US Congress delegation which is currently visiting the Sudan.
The Foreign Ministry's spokesman, Ambassador Ali Al-Saddiq, told reporters that the Foreign Minister has presented a briefing to the delegation about the situations in the country, including the ongoing national dialogue, the peace efforts in Darfur and the two areas ( the Blue Nile and South Kurdofan), the Sudanese - American relations and the regional role of Sudan and its role in realizing security and stability in the region.
He pointed out that Sudan image has been subjected to distortion by some international media by displaying the negatives and overlooking many positive aspects and accomplishments the were achieved in various fields.
Ambassador Al-Saddiq said that the minister has asked the delegation to pay visits to the states of Sudan to see by themselves the real situations, adding that Prof. Ghandour responded the questions that were raised by the delegation members about the relations between Sudan and South Sudan State, the national dialogue and the impacts of sanctions being imposed on Sudan.
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