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Sudan Government massacred Merowe dam affected people:Three killed and more than fifty wounded

4/23/2006 2:04am

By : Ali Askouri

Merowe dam militia armed with machine guns and heavy artillery attacked the affected people while they were gathering in Amri School. The attacking militia opened fire on people without warning when they were having breakfast in the school courtyard. Three people were immediately killed and more than fifty injured.
Eyewitness say the dam militia attacked the school using 16 pick up land cruisers equipped with heavy artillery and machine guns and opened fire without warning on people who are using school as their meeting place. At 11.00 am while the people were having breakfast, the school was cordoned by the dam militia who opened fire randomly on the people inside. Three were killed immediately:
1) Atta Al sayed Al Khidir Al Mahi (a farmer)
2) Yassin Mohamed Al Khair ( a farmer, was released from detention by dam security two day ago)
3) A thirdو whose details are not yet confirmed.

More than fifty people have been wounded in the attack, eyewitness says injuries of thirty are serious and they are in critical conditions. The wounded were drove by local cars owners to the nearest hospital ( 25 km) in Kariema town.
Further reports from the area confirmed that the dam security have arrested all the people who drove the injured to Kariema. Unconfirmed reports say the number of detainees could be more than thirty.
The conflict between the dam authority and the affected people is about the resettlement places. Whereas the affected people demand to be resettled around the dam reservoir, the dam authority insists on resettling the people in Bayouda desert, a location rejected by the people. Affected people allege that the dam authority has sold their land to some rich Arab investors.
Merowe dam ( under construction) is financed by different Arab Funds and executed by Chinese and European companies.

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