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The Darfur community in Belgium demand EU to bring the war criminals to justice

5/27/2005 9:53pm

The Darfur community in Belgium held a peaceful demonstration at EU parliament on May 26th, 2005. Petitions were submitted to both EU parliament and the EU commission, requesting the EU member states to intervene more efficiently to put an end to the ongoing atrocities against civilian population. The government of the Sudan and its proxy militias, the Janjaweeds, are still carrying on with the raping women, unjustly executing the innocents and burning their villages with impunity.

The Darfur community emphasized on an unavoidable role of the EU member states to apprehend the perpetrators of war crimes and crimes against humanity and bring them to justice. The EU member states were also requested to play bigger role in providing security to the civilian population of Darfur and to put pressure on the government of Sudan to cooperate in implementing the UNSC resolution nr 1593.

The rally moved to the headquarters of UNHCR representative in Benelux to submit petitions to both UNHCR commissioner and the UN secretary general to liaise the critical situation of Darfuris in the border line between Iraq and Jordan.

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