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Viet Nam, Sudan agree to boost bilateral ties

5/24/2005 6:54am

HANOI, Vietnam, May 23, 2005 (VNA) -- Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien of Viet Nam and Sudan's FM Mustafa Osman Ismail agreed on several measures to bring ties between the two ministries to a new height during their talks in Ha Noi on May 23.

They both expressed their desire to promote the relationship between the two countries in the interest of each nation as well as for peace, independence and development in the two regions and the world.

Host and guest agreed that Viet Nam should expand investment in agriculture, construction, oil and gas mining, hydro-electricity projects, electronic appliance production and farm produce processing in Sudan.

Minister Ismail asked Viet Nam to send agricultural experts to Sudan to assist.

His proposal received warm response from Nien, who expressed Viet Nam's willingness to boost cooperation with Sudan in agriculture and actively implement the bilateral agreement on agriculture signed in 2003, as well as the agreement of cooperation in culture, science and technology signed in 1995.

Sudan's Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismail is on the three-day Viet Nam visit, which began on May 22.--

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