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Work begins on framework for Sudan transitional government

5/18/2005 8:58am

KHARTOUM, Sudan, May 18, 2005 (PANA) -- The commission charged with drafting a transitional constitution is making progress in accomplishing its task in accordance with the Naivasha comprehensive peace accord signed in Nairobi, Kenya 9 January to end two-decades of conflict in southern Sudan.

The Khartoum government and Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement (SPLM) are pursuing the discussions to lay the framework for power-sharing and democracy in Sudan after years of civil war between the south and the central government.

Some opposition political parties are boycotting the discussions on grounds that the ruling National Congress party and SPLM are dominating the commission with a majority which makes the two the main power brokers in the politics of the country, sources told PANA here.

The government and SPLM argue that the issue of representation is clearly stated in the Naivasha comprehensive peace accord to which all Sudanese political players committed themselves.

Sources say whether the opposition parties eventually join or not, the Constitution Commission would proceed with its work that paves the way for a new governmental set-up which should go into force by July 2005.

Under the arrangement, the SPLM will be the main partner of the central government, with John Garang as Vice President. It is expected to include other political forces in what is to be the most inclusive government of Sudan since independence.

As the political scene is expecting a major shake-up, the economic and trade sector is apparently preparing for a huge U-turn to coincide with the change. Last year Sudan registered an unprecedented growth rate of 9.5 percent.

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