The Ramadan Martyrs' Family League Calls for Release of Abu Khalid

The Ramadan Martyrs' Family League Calls for Release of Abu Khalid

11-24-2004, 12:50 PM


Post: #1
Title: The Ramadan Martyrs' Family League Calls for Release of Abu Khalid
Author: Kostawi
Date: 11-24-2004, 12:50 PM

The Ramadan Martyrs' Family League (USA)

protest in the strongest terms possible the degrading position the opposition leadership suffers as

the ruling criminals of Sudan arrest them and detain them with false charges in the midst of the

peace process. The unlawful arrest and detention of Abdelaziz Khalid is a deep insult that

actually humiliates the whole opposition of the country. We strongly feel in the Martyrs' Family

League in the USA that the extradition of Khalid in custody of the NIF security criminals deeply

insults the democratic struggles of the country, including the noble stand of the martyrs of the

Sudan who sacrificed their dear lives for the sake of the same cause the democratic opposition

has been fighting for. We call on the NDA to take an immediate strong measure to protest of the

government's wicked conspiracy. We call on the human rights organizations to exert their

strongest pressures on the government to ensure the safety and the immediate release of

Abdelaziz Khalid. Zeinab Osman al-Hussain

The Ramadan Martyrs' Family League (USA)

Post: #2
Title: Re: The Ramadan Martyrs' Family League Calls for Release of Abu Khalid
Author: خالد عمار
Date: 11-24-2004, 07:23 PM
Parent: #1
