يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY

يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY

06-17-2004, 03:23 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1087439025&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY
Author: matthew FARIS
Date: 06-17-2004, 03:23 AM
Parent: #0

Dear beloved brothers and sisters

I kindly propose that we pick one day every month and call it “POLOTICS FREE DAY”, a day when we can only observe, discuss and exchange soft and peaceful messages, a day when we can talk about love, nature, hobbies, sports, music only, from sun rise to sun set.

Yes, I mean a day with NO politics of love, NO politics of nature, NO politics of hobbies, NO politics of sports or music either..
Just pure love, nature and other beautiful things life has for us.
And may be in a day like that we can ask our children to log onto sudaneseonline and read something healthy for their personal growth, something they will remember us with and be proud of, but NOT messages of HATE –DIVISION-VENGIENCE- AND RELIGIOUS WARS. Let their religion be LOVE, and their home be SUDAN, and their hope and inspiration be US, and their most favorable cyber home be SUDANESEONLINE for God sake !

I don’t in any way mean to deny the importance of religion or politics in our lives, but I mean to denounce political and religious WARS in our LIVES and the lives of our innocent ones to whom we are not passing down a legacy they will be honored with, but a legacy that will continue to make them hate each other and hate themselves.
Brothers and sisters, let us do heaven a favor and pick a day we can all respect and on which we shall all be respected!

Peace and true Love be to all of you.

**Can someone kindly help me translate this posting into Arabic please…Thank you in advance..****

Post: #2
Title: Re: يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY
Author: Elnasri Amin
Date: 06-17-2004, 03:26 AM

الاخ ماثيو

اوافق و بشده ,,فالبورد فى الاونه الاخيره اصبح سياسى الطعم و اللون و الرائحه.

اتمنى ان يكون اسبوع و ليس يوما,,,,,فكثير من المتعاركين اظن فتروا من النقه و يحتاجوا جميعهم لراحه لجمع القوه و العوده للعراك.

مره اخرى اتمنى النجاح لهذه الفكره

(منقول من البوست الاول)

Post: #3
Title: Re: يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY
Author: matthew FARIS
Date: 06-17-2004, 03:28 AM
Parent: #2

Thank you once again
and sorry to you and all distinguished members for the challenge
I had with technology, hahaha
we really need to lough and breath at some points
and let go certain things.



Post: #4
Title: Re: يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY
Author: Elnasri Amin
Date: 06-17-2004, 03:37 AM

الاخ فارس

لمن نزلت البوست الاول ,,,انا فى دقيقه واحده جهزت الرد و نزلتو...ولمن عملت Refresh للصفحه لقيتك نزلت واحد تانى ,,,بسرعه عملت copy and paste للبوست الجديد,,,,شويه بعدها لقيتك رديت للبوست الاول ,,,حقيقة قعدت اضحك من طرافة الموقف....

المهم ربنا يهدى الناس دى و ناخد لينا اسبوع بمزاج من غير سياسه و وجع دماغ.


Post: #5
Title: Re: يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY
Author: matthew FARIS
Date: 06-17-2004, 03:46 AM
Parent: #4

Ya Rab

Post: #6
Title: Re: يوم بدون سياسة POLITICS FREE DAY
Author: Elnasri Amin
Date: 06-17-2004, 02:32 PM
