وقفة عند رحيل روزا پارك

وقفة عند رحيل روزا پارك

10-25-2005, 07:59 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=80&msg=1130223595&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: وقفة عند رحيل روزا پارك
Author: Mohamed Elgadi
Date: 10-25-2005, 07:59 AM
Parent: #0

Let's remeber all those great women in our history who fought and are fighting for the full equality of woman in front of law....

I bow in respect to the struggle of the Sudanese women represented in Fatima Ahmed, the first woman to enter the Sudanese parliament...

I bow in respect to Sudanese women in their struggle against the tyranny of this brutal regime when they took the streets of Khartoum against the war in the South and did not stop even after the brutal punishment of 10 lashes by a kangaroo court
I bow in respect to my my neighbor Ms. Guida Hussein Nimir, one of these 37 women arrested during that rally...

I bow in respect to the struggle of Sudanese women who are still fighting the social stigma because of their enslavement during Mahdeyah and Turkeyah...
I remeber here my Great Aunt who was sold in one of the slaves market of Omdurman...

I bow in respect to Haja Zeinab Omer, first Sudanese to lead تؤمa mix-gender Muslim prayer...

Let's put a personal face for women leaders in the wake of Rosa Park's departure..

Let's hear about your women heros

Mohamed Elgadi

P.S. read the timeline of Rosa Park here: http://teacher.scholastic.com/researchtools/articlearch...es/honormlk/rosa.htm