Motaz Trotesky

Motaz Trotesky

04-24-2005, 07:43 AM


Post: #1
Title: Motaz Trotesky
Author: Faisal Taha
Date: 04-24-2005, 07:43 AM


I have come a cross one of your unusual statement in which you have confirmed to DR BALLAH MUSA by saying that :-You are just bombarding such un acceptable words that you had wrote in HUSSAIN MALASY post addressed to Osman M Salih to stimulate Faisal Taha to show up in the post so as to bombard him with some un acceptable words .

I won’t say , we don‎t know each other just like what others are always saying in such cases (that is well known to both of us ),However I would like to express my wonder about your negative feelings towards me though we hadn’t even engaged before in any of OSMAN’s posts ..

I will not tell you to mind yourself MR MOTAZ as usually I’m saying to some other indifferent peoples, but , I have to remind you that any offensive always leaves casualties in both sides

If you have nothing to do then don’t do it at my cost
Looking forward to see your response here

Don’t worry ,I will revert back to your answer after 3 to 4 days due to some personal untoward circumstances , however be assured that , I will show up here again

Faisal Taha

Post: #2
Title: Re: Motaz Trotesky
Author: معتز تروتسكى
Date: 04-24-2005, 10:16 AM
Parent: #1

خالص التحايا
Faisal Taha

تعرف جيت بالصدفه البورد لانى جد مشغول يعنى لو كنت غبيت اكتر مكن 4ايام كنت جيت اجبت على الاسئله دى لوحدك وكما تهوى...
عموما ياعزيزى حديثى فى اى بوست كان واضح ما اظن كان بالصوره الغامضه للدرجه دى ..
الاقدر اقولو الان انا اوضحت رائى ok
لكن لايمانع بعد 4 ايام اعيد كلامك اعلاه ربما اخرج بجديد..
واتيك بالاجابه نسبة لظروفى كما يوجد لديك ظروف..

وربك يدى العافيه الى ذاك الحين..