هل كان الرجم أحد وسائل العقاب أم القتل ؟

هل كان الرجم أحد وسائل العقاب أم القتل ؟

02-26-2005, 10:01 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=6&msg=1109451707&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: هل كان الرجم أحد وسائل العقاب أم القتل ؟
Author: Elsadiq
Date: 02-26-2005, 10:01 PM
Parent: #0

مازال النقاش دائرا حول تطبيق الشريعة الإسلامية التى تعني فى عقول البعض بتر الأيادي, قطع الرؤس والرجم ولكنهم لم يتطرقوا إلى ذكر النهضة الإقتصادية , العلمية ومحاربة الفقر فى بلادهم.

الأتى نبذة تاريخية عن الرجم...

At regular intervals both the printed and the electronic medias tell horrible stories of barbaric executions by stoning. Although the medias often gorge on the details, they hardly ever get in depth with the bagground why stoning is used. They never say more than: Islamic law prescribes it. - Islamic law, because the examples always come from Islamic countries, typically Iran, Afghanistan and some East African countries, who use Islamic law (sharia). The Quran does not directly prescribe stoning, but Muhammad did never dissociate from the use of stoning and it forms part of the Islamic tradition (hadith) which many Muslims count as weighty as the Quran it self. From the medias we get examples of stoning executions that begin with children throwing small stones on the criminal, and then the adults through the big and deadly stones. This is commonly interpreted like the torture is deliberately dragged on and slowly escalated. But I am convinced that stoning is not originally meant as torture or as an extra hard punishment for a bad offence, though a frightening or a certain sadistic element can be part of it.

The holy book of the Muslims the Quran is not very helpful when it comes to understanding the background for the use of stoning. Here the Bible has much more to offer, because in the Bible the use of stoning is common practise. First of all, stoning is not a custom invented by the Muslims. Execution by stoning is very ancient and existed long before the time of Muhammad, and it was a practise that was taken for granted in his time.
The conditions at the time of Muhammad and in ancient Israel are so much alike, that it makes good sense to draw comparisons. In Judea at the time of Jesus, stoning was a customised form of punishment that was never questioned. It was prescribed by the law, written down by the prophet Moses, dictated by God
