Insomnia... a beautiful poem.... read it,it's worth it...

Insomnia... a beautiful poem.... read it,it's worth it...

01-28-2003, 11:34 PM


Post: #1
Title: Insomnia... a beautiful poem.... read it,it's worth it...
Author: zaytoona
Date: 01-28-2003, 11:34 PM

Brad McClain
Alcoa, TN


By the breathing pond,
While consumed by its misty breath,
I met Insomnia.
"Why are your eyes wide and soul tired?"
"My wife," he replied, "has disappeared into
The moonlight."
"Can I help you find her?" I asked.
"Yes. She's pale with dark features and an
Air of peace."
"What is her name?" I asked.

We looked high upon grassy peaks
And low into snowy valleys.
At last, we found her
Under a tree down by that pond,
Having an affair with Slumber.
Insomnia lay down beside her,
Embraced her,
And then Insomnia was no more.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Insomnia... a beautiful poem.... read it,it's worth it...
Author: layon
Date: 01-29-2003, 09:29 AM
Parent: #1

dear zaytoona....
thanx alot for a nice poem.....

with my regards