This man and This Woman.

This man and This Woman.

12-29-2002, 04:15 AM


Post: #1
Title: This man and This Woman.
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 12-29-2002, 04:15 AM
Parent: #0

As we celebrate the 46th anniversary of Sudan's independence, we should look back and think about the regimes and rulers who made independence meaningless and demeaned the lives of millions of Sudanese people who deserve to live lives of dignity and worth and entitlement.

16 years of these 46 were under one of these rulers. Here he is:

This dictator is responsible for the poverty and misery of this woman and her struggling family:

Real independence is nothing less than providing each and every family in our country with dignified living conditions and opportunities to fulfill the potential of each and every child.

Wad al Makki, the renowned poet, said in a sad tone: laka al maa3azeer ya yaomana al muftada.

Post: #2
Title: Re: This man and This Woman.
Author: banadieha
Date: 12-29-2002, 05:53 AM
Parent: #1


No doubt it is a moving story when read by a nonSudanese.

However, when Numeiry was toppled seventeen years ago, Fatima was 21 years old and if she was married by then, she would have no more than a child and that child should of course be Siham. Therefore, Numeiry is not the culprit; who is the cuplrit?

Thanks to Afaf A. Rehiman & Amel Khalil Osman, UNFPA Sudan.

Post: #3
Title: Re: This man and This Woman.
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 12-30-2002, 08:00 AM
Parent: #2

Who is the culprit?

Good question ya Banadieha. As you can see from the post, i wanted to highlight the responsibility of various regimes and rulers/dictators for the plight of the majority of Sudanese people across the country. I mentioned Nimeiry in particular because his regime is responsible for 16 years of destruction and impoverishment. And now his disciple Al Bashir is presiding over 14 years of oppression and corruption in the name of Islam and national unity.

Abboud = 6 years

Nimeiry = 16 years

Al Bashir = 13 years
35 years

Independence = 46 years

dictatorship = 35 years
11 years

Who is the culprit? good question.