جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007

جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007

11-05-2009, 01:14 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=250&msg=1257380063&rn=5

Post: #1
Title: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 01:14 AM
Parent: #0

لا يمكن الكتابة بالفحم علي جدار مدخنة

مثل صيني


[]ورقة تؤطر للتعددية القانونية في ظل التعدد القبلي رسمت خارطة طريق ميلاد دولة الجنوب نشرها معهد الادارة الحكومية بجامعة هارفارد في دوريته المتخصصة بالسياسة الاميركية بافريقيا و ابتعاث الاستاذ المشارك السيد تايمان مننان في 2007 الي جوبا احد الثنك تانك المقربين لراسمي السياسة الاميركية تجاه القارة السمراء الورقة مصحوبة بخارطة الدولة الوليدة وفقاً لتواجد المجموعات الاثنية لقبائل الجنوب

] ]][]]في مجاهيل احباطات الواقع السياسي في السودان و في ظل تقوقع الواقع المعارض بين سندان المشاركة الباهتة في حكومة بعد نيافاشا و تحمل مسؤلية

الاخفاقات , راوحت جاذبية الوحدة الوطنية مكانها و تناغمت وقع حوافر فرسها مع احلام مجموعة مثلث حمدي ورغبات مجموعة ( إنت رئيسها و سلمها عيسي)

طارت عصافير الفرح الوحدوي بالسودان الجديد في خضم صراع التيارات داخل الحركة الشعبية و تنفذت تلك المجموعة التي وصفها الراحل قرنق وجها لوجه في

لقاء الحوار الجنوبي جنوبي بنيروبي في يونيو 2005 بمجموعة الانفصال . جاء رحيل الهرم الوحدوي كحلقة اولي في مسلسل حلقات التفكيك الممرحل لجنوب

السودان و الانتقال به لنقطة انانيا واحد تلتها حلقة تقبيل الجيش الشعبي وتقسيمه وفقا للتوازن القبلي فضغطت باتجاه استيعاب ماتيب و مجموعته المؤطرة قبلياً(

نفس المجموعة التي وصفها قرنق بمجموعة اتفاقية الخرطوم) في بحر الجيش الشعبي الملتزم ثوريا تجاه قضية الوحدة , الجيش الشعبي المؤمن بحتمية التغيير

لصالح السودان الجديد من خلال ايمانه بقياداته التي طوت كراسات و اطالس الفوارق الجهوية حيث تساوات مجاهدات ياسر جعفر و ياسر عرمان مع مجاهدات نبال

دينق و توماس سريللو هاشم بدرالدين و فاقان اموم . الرفيق الكومرد ذي القبعة وجد نفسه علي قمة مؤسسة مموسقة جمعها الالتزام الصارم و النظرة المستقبلية

الثاقبة في وجود قيادة وضعت الوحدة علي رأس اجندتها , تفاعلت ثم هزمت فكريا كل دعاة انفصال الاقليم من خلال التمدد المصيري لمكونات المؤسسة في جبال

النوبة و النيل الازرق . لم يستوعب الرفيق الكومرد حجم التحديات التي ورثها عقب رحيل الهرم الوحدوي فتقاذفته امواج المعركة بين تيارين تسلح احدهما بمبادئ و

تعاليم القائد الذي يري في اكمال المسيرة وفاءً و تسلح الآخر بالولاء القبلي و الحجم الاثني فآثر الرفيق الكومرد مسك العصا من النصف يرضي هؤلاء تارةً و

أولئك مرات وسط ابتسامات جذلي من شريك نيافاشا الرئيس . وبين هذا وذاك عمل في صمت العارفين السيد ونتر عبر مجموعة منتقاة سترث الارض و من عليها

وسيكون السيد الرفيق الكومرد ذي القبعة اول ضحايها فمرحلته ستنتهي بالانفصال فضعف ادارته وتذبذب مواقفه لن يتوافق مع متطلبات الوضع الجديد الذي سيتطلب

الحزم في مواجهة التيار الوحدوي المتمرس خلف المبادئ ومواجهات تيار الانفصال المؤطر قبلياً المدعوم من قبل السيد ونتر.

Post: #2
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 03:38 AM
Parent: #1

B]Statement of Roger P. Winter

Former Special Representative on Sudan

Before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Africa and Global Health

July 29, 2009

Chairman Payne

, Ranking member Smith and Members of the Subcommittee,

thank you for inviting me to be here with you today. And to you, Mr. Payne, your consistent and persistent leadership on Sudan has honesty made you one of my heroes. I mean that sincerely. To paraphrase one of my favorite authors, I often wonder with awe at the willingness of good people, especially Americans, to suspend all their protective instincts and to accept some of the worst killers in the human race into their midst. I remembered that thought when seeing photos of the Khartoum delegation that arrived recently to discuss Sudan’s Comprehensive Peace Agreement(CPA). Perhaps I have seen too much in the Sudan over these last 28 years and have become jaundiced. Still, a necrology of three million dead civilians in Sudan, targeted victims of the policies and actions of the National Congress Party(or National Islamic Front) since its coup in 1989, has got to be noteworthy, especially as the leadership of the NCP have as yet never been held accountable for their crimes. Surely three million is unambiguously a Holocaustic number. The gentleman who headed the NCP delegation to Washington recently and received substantial public exposure(e.g in the Washington Times) has one of the worst track records of all. Surely three million deaths is unambiguously a Holocaustic number, a reality for which he makes no apology whatsoever. Not only has the NCP not paid a price for that body count, its leadership now controls much of Sudan’s economy; its indicted President is politically protected by the morally-challenged leadership of the African Union and the Arab League; and it continues to undermine both the CPA itself and also the Sudan Peoples Liberation Movement, its “Partner” in the National Unity government established by the CPA. The NCP has a 100% perfect record. It NEVER ever keeps the agreements it signs with its opponents. The pattern is clear. Take, for example, the issue of the volatile town of Abyei. President Bashir’s three-year-long refusal to implement the Abyei Protocol of the CPA after signing it on multiple occasions was followed by his Sudan Armed Forces 31st Brigade’s destruction of Abyei town in May of last year. Again, he and his Party have paid no price. In fact, he’s essentially been rewarded and now is now threatening to undermine the CPA’s promised Referendum on Abyei’s future. Just one month ago, President Bashir celebrated his twentieth anniversary as President. He came to power by coup and, ever since, he and his Party have been at war with the Sudanese people, North, South, East and West. The National Islamic Front/NCP leadership team has been the same since it took power. Since then that able and well-experienced team has confronted a revolving door of U.S. diplomats and ‘special envoys’ who do their best to end Khartoum’s destructive behavior. Often they think that Khartoum can be successfully appealed to “to do the right thing” on behalf of the marginalized people of Sudan. It’s just not so. Khartoum reads us very well. Personally, I have changed my perspective on Sudan. As someone who worked for our Government on the CPA, I believed in the vision of “New Sudan”. I believed the “democratic transformation” of Sudan had a chance to succeed. I believed that “maybe” there was a faint chance the NCP “might be” willing to “make unity attractive” and so sustain a unified state of Sudan. But Khartoum has killed all that. Those goals are not in any way achievable any longer. In my view there are only two general directions that are supportable by the people of South Sudan at this point: (1)The South will vote overwhelmingly for separation in the Referendum provided for by the CPA or (2)The South will be forced into unilaterally declaring its independence because its CPA-mandated Referendum is frustrated by Khartoum’s actions and/or the hollow commitments of the International Community. The International Community’s wishy-washy approach to the CPA has helped assure that either option will be messy. However, delay or abandonment of the Referendum would be the worst-possible outcome. I believe, in such a case, return to war would be essentially guaranteed. Because I believe the Referendum must happen timely and in at least reasonably good form in order for there to be any viable chance for peace and development in the region, I believe it is mandatory that the U.S. fully embrace the people of the South and Abyei, and that we escalate our efforts to achieve a soft-landing as the result of a successfully-held Referendum. The U.S. must be clear and upfront that we will support and protect the outcome of that Referendum; many people died to achieve that right. It is no secret that South Sudan and Abyei are plagued with serious problems but, under the circumstances, they have come a long way against incredible odds. For twenty years I was the CEO of a non-profit which was then was called the U.S. Committee for Refugees. In that role I was personally exposed to virtually every human rights and humanitarian disaster in the world. I can assert with great confidence my view that, before the CPA, South Sudan and Abyei were the most destroyed places in the entire world. For more than 80% of the time Sudan has been an independent state Khartoum has fostered war in South Sudan and Abyei. Khartoum has not been a genuine government but has generally functioned partisanly on behalf of a narrow range of Arab interests. As a clear result, calling the South “marginalized” became an understatement. It is amazing what forty-seven years of war can do to people. I would visit Abyei which was essentially denuded of its population and overgrown by bush. I would travel during the war throughout the South seeing the unspeakable conditions, but survivors had to live in it. I’ll not focus on it except to say it wasn’t only infrastructure that was destroyed, it was much of humanity and human society. At the time the CPA was signed, there was great optimism about the future. The international community made many promises. Khartoum was playing charades and winning. The SPLM and the newly created Government of Southern Sudan were hopeful. The problems they faced were overwhelming and mostly man-made. Because the South had become quiet and Darfuris were being exterminated in growing numbers by Khartoum forces, attention shifted away from the implementation of the CPA and the delivery of an adequate peace dividend for the South’s war-affected civilians. Khartoum, despite signing the CPA, has consistently undermined it. Supporting violence in the South, destroying Abyei in May 2008, regularly withholding funds due the South and Abyei to cripple the functioning of governance, and activating its friends and ‘fellow travelers’ in the South to foster civil unrest have all been part of Khartoum’s pattern of behavior. Despite Khartoum, the South has come a very long way and has received substantial international assistance, including major support from the U.S. The South has a functional government, substantial growth in education, health services, roads, and other critical services, all in fifty-five months since the CPA was signed. Candidly, however, the South’s progress is also being undermined by internal forces, especially in terms of some civil violence, some official corruption, and some serious weaknesses in governance. My use of the word ‘some’ here, is to be fair. These problems are serious, especially as they erode popular confidence, but they do not eclipse the progress that has been made, given where they started from and the constant undermining by Khartoum. Let me mention one example of how Khartoum routinely works: Abyei. Khartoum signed the CPA, including the Abyei Protocol, on January 9, 2005. Khartoum never implemented the Protocol. That meant there was NO government in Abyei and no government services for three years. In May 2008, Khartoum forces completely burned to the ground the market place and all residential areas. One hundred percent of the population, who were all returned displaced people, were again displaced. Subsequently Khartoum forces blew up the SPLM facilities in Abyei. Forced by international neglect of these developments in Abyei, the SPLM agreed to international arbitration by the Permanent Court of Arbitration(PCA) in the Hague. While the PCA was moving forward, an Abyei administration was finally created. That administration was intended to provide services to the population funded by a percentage of oil revenues as specified in the CPA. The Abyei administration’s budget was to begin October 1, 2008; it never happened. After much pressure, the Abyei administration got only a small “advance” in February 2009 and another in April. Effectively Abyei administration personnel have not been paid since last January; there is little money for services; the hospital is basically empty. There is still no approved budget for Abyei for the fiscal year now almost over. This is how Khartoum implements the CPA in the single most volatile location in Sudan, with clear intention to undermine stability. This is also typical of how Khartoum has dealt with every important issue in the CPA. To top it off, many of the officers of the 31st Brigade(now renamed) and related militias that destroyed Abyei in May 2008 were promoted, and today hundreds of those men, commanded by thugs like Lt. Col. Thomas Thiel Malual Awak, Major Moyak Mobil Ajak and Captain Joseph Garang Nyoul, among others, are just a short distance north of Abyei town waiting for the next instruction from President Bashir to do their evil deeds. And, in my view, he is preparing to do just that. He has already announced in a very threatening way how he will try to torpedo the Abyei Referendum in 2011. This is how Khartoum behaves across the board on every important issue. This is the Government our Administration is seeking to “make nice” with. Comparing the problems of the GOSS with those of Khartoum, which really is the failed state? Is it Khartoum, the one rolling in cash, thoroughly corrupt, a killer regime whom WE have accused rightly of genocide, the ‘government’ that undermines all the marginalized populations in Sudan and never keeps its agreements? Or is it the four-and-a-half year old GOSS, struggling to reconstruct a war-devastated South with an almost 100% war-traumatized population of survivors minus several million that didn’t survive? Morally, by any assessment, the South wins hands down. And morally, that’s where America’s heart should be. Why? I believe that with all their shortcomings, the SPLM and the GOSS politically are fundamentally democrats and genuinely want to provide development for all the populations for which they have governing responsibility. In my view it is in advancing precisely those commitments that U.S. national interests are ultimately located. To me that requires a U.S. surge in coming along side in a full-blown partnership with the struggling GOSS to improve its performance in terms of governance quality so it can deliver services to and inspire the hopes of the people of South Sudan and Abyei. While I cannot be comprehensively prescriptive on specific programmatic solutions, there are some that are obvious: improved financial management, establishment of corruption detection and prosecution mechanisms, preparation for managing the South’s petroleum sector, enhancing their public information capacity so the public is well-informed, increased training of police, and capacity-building in reducing inter-community violence. For the remaining timeline of the CPA and for sometime thereafter, the U.S. should stimulate capacity transfer by an infusion of capable American, Indian and other nationality expertise to work along side their Sudanese counterparts. It also means Washington confronting Khartoum when in big or little ways they obstruct CPA requirements and undermine GOSS capacity. To me this is an approach of which the American people ultimately will be proud. It will free the people of Abyei and the South and will also best secure our own fundamental interests. _________________ We seldom think of what we have,but always think of what we miss[/B

Post: #3
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 03:51 AM
Parent: #2

Quote: I have changed my perspective on Sudan. As someone who worked for our Government on the CPA, I believed in the vision of “New Sudan”. I believed the “democratic transformation” of Sudan had a chance to succeed. I believed that “maybe” there was a faint chance the NCP “might be” willing to “make unity attractive” and so sustain a unified state of Sudan. But Khartoum has killed all that. Those goals are not in any way achievable any longer. [/QUOTE

اختصر السيد ونتر آمال واحلام كل وحدوي في ايمانه بحتمية الانفصال دون حتي ابداء المسؤلية الاخلاقية عنه وهو شريك اساسي في اعتماد حكومة الخرطوم وصيا وممثلا لشمال السودان بوضع اليد.

Post: #4
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 04:35 AM
Parent: #3

sd05_07b.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

كانت الوحدة حاضرة رغم اتون الحرب بل كانت احد مسوغاتها فلمصلحة من يطرز السيد ونتر ثوب الانفصال

Post: #5
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: المسافر
Date: 11-05-2009, 05:23 AM
Parent: #4

الأخ إبراهيم عدلان

نشكر لك جهودك وإطلاعك وإفادتنا

تحصلت على الوثيقة وسوف أقوم بالإطلاع عليها ... لاحظت هناك قطاعات تشمل جبال النوبة والنيل الأزرق وشمال الدمازين ... طبعاً كانت مجال نقاش في نيفاشا ... لكن هل هناك خطط لدولة جنوب السودان للاستمرار في وضع الحدود بهذا الشكل بما يوحي استمرار المطالبة بهذه الحدود في دولة جنوب السودان.. وهل هناك دول يمكن أن تكون راعية لجنوب السودان لديها قناعة بإلحاق تلك الأجزاء إلى دولة جنوب السودان...؟؟

Post: #6
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 06:17 AM

مشكلة روجر ونتر الاساسية تنبع من فهمه المغلوط لتركيبة شمال السودان ومن ثم التعامل بمنطق الجريمة و العقاب وهاهو يعاقب كل السودان بتجزئته نكاية في اسلاميي السودان الذين غطي سوئاتهم المكشوفة هو و صاحبه دانفورث بغطاء نيفاشا وها هو اللورد كرومر يعود من جديد

Quote: Sudan’s Islamists never paid a price for their crimes - Winter
Monday 30 October 2006 00:05.
Printer-Friendly version Comments...

Oct 29, 2006 — Below is the text of a Statement of Roger P. Winter before the Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights and International Operations House International Relations Committee on October 20, 2006.

JPEG - 4.5 kb
Roger Winter

Roger Winter is the Assitant Administrator, Bureau of Democracy, Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance, at the USAID. During his intervention he indicated that the following text expresses his "personal views and have no connection to his "prior employment".

Sudan’s National Congress Party is controlled by an intellectually-capable, radically-committed, conspiratorial and compassionless nucleus of individuals, long referred to as the National Islamic Front (NIF). In the seventeen years since they came to power by coup to abort an incipient peace process, they have consistently defied the international community and won. As individuals, the NIF has never paid a price for their crimes. Almost all of them are still in important positions. The NIF core is a competent cadre of men who have an agenda, the pursuit of which has killed millions of Sudanese and uprooted and destroyed the lives of millions more. While their agenda is radically ideological, it is equally about personal power and enrichment. They are not at all suicidal, but they respond only to credible threats against their power and prosperity. The international community with its limitless posturing and (too often) empty words has, to date, never constituted a credible threat. During its seventeen-year reign, the NIF engaged seriously with critics only once, that being when confronted by a strong Sudanese Peoples Liberation Movement and Army(SPLM/A) and an energetic international coalition led by the United States. The result was the Comprehensive Peace Agreement(CPA), an incredible, detailed document that ended a twenty-two year war between the NIF government and the people of southern Sudan, the Nuba Mountains, Southern Blue Nile and Abyei. Despite Khartoum’s deliberately slow and selective implementation, in my view, the CPA is now at very serious risk of survival.

Power and wealth in Sudan have historically been concentrated in "the center", in fact in just a few tribes. All the peripheral populations-North, South, East and West-have, as a result, been marginalized, largely destitute, powerless and lacking development, regardless of their religious, cultural or ethnic background. The U.S. initiative beginning in 2001 made rather incredible progress in ending hostilities between the SPLM and the NIF government and opening up humanitarian access to war-affected people, raising the hopes and expectations of a better life for almost all Sudanese. That the peace process took four years is not surprising, given the egregious history to be overcome and the quality of the final text. The CPA was signed in January 2005. In April an SPLM delegation went to Khartoum to begin implementation arrangements. On landing at Khartoum’s airport they were engulfed by joyous throngs of Sudanese of all backgrounds-Muslims, Christians, Africans, Arabs and others-hoisting the delegation onto their shoulders and dancing in the streets. They understood the implications of the CPA to be for all Sudanese. On July 8 when Dr. John de Mabior, chairman of the SPLM and Commander-in-Chief of the SPLA arrived in Khartoum to sign the Interim Constitution that was to implement the CPA, huge crowds of Northerners and Southerners estimated by some at 6-8 million came out to meet him. His popularity was such that, in a free election, it is likely that he could be elected President of Sudan by all the people. A New Sudan was being born.

But Darfur was in flames.

In February 2003, perhaps seeing the progress of CPA negotiations and concerned about being left out of the benefits of the CPA, "rebels" from Darfur’s marginalized populations who were considered "African" as distinct from "Arab" initiated hostilities against the NIF government, The NIF responded precisely as it had in the war against the SPLA. This involved destruction of civilian populations, denial of humanitarian assistance to war-affected civilians, utilization of surrogate Arab militias in coordination with formal government military forces and pretence of themselves being the aggrieved party, being the "sovereign" government. The violence exhibited a character far beyond that which could fairly be described as "military". Ethnic cleansing was clear. Genocide was its truer name.

The CPA includes a provision that the South and potentially Abyei can legally secede from the Sudan state if a referendum in those areas, scheduled for 2011, so decides. (The people of Southern Blue Nile and the Nuba Mountains, to their great dismay, have no similar option and fear being overwhelmed by Khartoum eventually). The NIF committed itself to make unity attractive but he war in Darfur has demonstrated to the SPLM that unity in a state dominated by the NIF would be anything but attractive. Many core NIF adherents were appalled by this provision, not just at the potential dismemberment of the Sudanese state but also because a large percentage of Sudan’s known oil reserves, now increasingly coming on line, are located in the South. If the South legally seceded, that oil would then belong to it as a new separate country. Those NIF personnel also saw other CPA interim provisions as contemptible: that Dr. Garang would become Sudan’s First Vice President, that the South would have its own government, that the SPLA would continue to exist as a component of "the national army", but separate from the Government’s army, and that national elections would be held.

So, why did the NIF government sign the CPA? With its very limited allegiance from the Sudanese public and increasing military threats from Sudan’s other disaffected marginalized populations, with the international war on terror potentially having implications for Sudan itself, being on the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism and also being the political birthing place for Osama bin Laden, not to mention the NIF’s own brand of radical politics, the NIF needed to buy time. It also hadn’t, despite a twenty two year war, been able to defeat the SPLA. It was in their interests, at least "for now", to sign. At least signing guaranteed it six and one-half years of protected existence. Who could know what opportunities for a course-correction might materialize within that time-span?

On July 30, 2005 Dr. John de Mabior, the embodiment of the possibility of a united New Sudan, was killed in a helicopter crash. The opportunity had arrived. That very day, I believe, the NIF recalculated its future course of action.

To seize the opportunity, the NIF needed to eliminate the Darfur opposition(civilian and military), destabilize the SPLM, corrupt or abort any potential for a viable referendum, maintain possession of the oil fields of Abyei, and ensure the degradation of the SPLA. The NIF has seen progress on all of these in the last fourteen months.

We are currently witnessing the NIF’s attempt to achieve the elimination of its Darfur opposition. Khartoum is attempting to change the realities on the ground in Darfur before the international community gets serious, if that is possible. They believe they have "read" us, the international community, all accurately, the U.S. included. They believe there will be a continued slow response on our part to Darfur’s genocide and acceptable limits to whatever actions are ultimately taken. After all, that’s been pretty much the case throughout their tenure. Thus, the liquidation of the Darfur opposition is now in motion.

The NIF has sucessfully marginalized the SPLM within the "Government of National Unity" created by the CPA. The SPLM is largely powerless to affect significant national policy. The NIF has "bought" several SPLM officials and also inserted into the SPLM apparatus other key individuals whose loyalty is to Khartoum. Several veteran SPLM leaders, brilliant, capable men who were critical in achieving the CPA, have now left the country in despair. The process for undermining the referendum is now underway. The first elections, preliminary to any referendum, are scheduled for 2008. To prepare for them, basic elements, laws and structures must be put in place, especially in a context where there is no history of elections. For example, there has been no proper census in Sudan since 1983. Thus, the architecture for elections is being put in place in a context largely controlled by Khartoum loyalists. And, too, the international community is being of only limited assistance to the SPLM in its conversion from a rebel movement into a nationally-competitive political party, a serious shortcoming.

The future of Abyei, a place little understood by outsiders, is a critical issue as it is the repository of a significant amount of Sudan’s oil; most of Abyei is an oil field. Currently that oil is being extracted under Government contracts with oil companies from China, with its UN Security Council veto power, Malaysia, India and Sudan itself. Its products are fueling the NIF’s war in Darfur. The CPA provided for an Abyei Boundaries Commission (ABC) to determine Abyei’s actual borders, so that oil revenues can be properly allocated. The ABC determined the boundaries but President Beshir has rejected it and also the appointment of an interim local government as provided in the CPA. To buy time as the clock ticks, he refuses to proceed. The highly volatile Abyei area, thus, remains largely in the hands of the Sudanese Army.

The Sudan Peoples Liberation Army is, in many ways, the reason the CPA exists. This rebel army, with very limited resources, could not be defeated by the Sudan army. But that was then; this in now. The balance may be changing. The riches of Khartoum are being used to modernize and equip the Sudan Army. The SPLA is largely as it was several years ago, perhaps even less so. In significant part, this is due to us. Endless debating regarding what the U.S. is authorized to do to the help in the transformation of the SPLA into a modern military force is very dangerous. It could cost South Sudan and potentially all of Sudan tragically in the future. Transformation of the SPLA is the surest guarantee that the CPA will survive. It is my view the war in Darfur and the survival of the CPA are inextricably entwined, and the NIF sees it. If, through weak international responses to genocide, the NIF succeeds in eliminating its Darfur opposition, and that reality is combined with the reality of the loss of Dr. Garang, the only southern leader who had the stature to compete successfully with Khartoum, the stage is set for the NIF to entirely undermine the CPA. The SPLM can again compete, and its current leadership is trying to so position it, but its recovery from the loss of Dr. Garang and from the destabilization efforts of the NIF will take time. And the clock is ticking. Based on this analysis, I encourage the following urgent steps:

1. Deploy non-consentually the now-stymied UN protection force. In fact, some of the UN force already in the South, in such places as Wau virtually next door to Darfur, could be moved there quickly. In the meantime, declare and enforce a no-fly zone for Sudan military aircraft throughout Darfur. U.S. resources exist in Djibouti that could be used for enforcement purposes.

2. Provide substantial assistance to the SPLM to empower its participation in governance at all levels, to be seriously competitive as a national political party and to effectively govern the South. The Government of South Sudan also needs assistance in anti-corruption efforts, such as setting up an office of Inspector General of Government. Some of these issues were discussed by Salva Kiir, President of South Sudan, when he met with President Bush in July.

3. Focus now urgently on the upcoming interim elections and ultimately the referendum. Time is flying by, given what needs to be accomplished. Monitor preparations in detail and equip the SPLM to be able to fully participate in preparations.

4. Take Abyei seriously. If war breaks out again between the NIF and the SPLM, it will in my estimation likely begin in Abyei. Expose President Beshir’s perfidy in delaying. Raise the issue at the UN Security Council and other appropriate forums.

5. Seriously assist the SPLA in its conversion from a rebel force to a modern military, The delays already caused by U.S. persistent bureaucratics have the potential for actually encouraging war and the ultimate loss of life and of the CPA.

6. Finally, given the "no negative consequences" pattern experienced by the NIF for crimes committed, accountability for past, current and future crimes is a critical issue. Unfortunately for Sudanese, the International Criminal Court seems to have disappeared. An internationally agreed-on system of accountability is desperately needed for Sudan’s atrocities. The U.S. should actively take leadership in addressing this crying need.

Believe me, we are in really dangerous times regarding Sudan. It could happen that the CPA is stamped "CANCELLED", along with an incredible additional number of Sudanese lives. And if that happened, it would blot out one of the finest U.S. initiatives of the last decade.

Post: #7
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: شكرى سليمان ماطوس
Date: 11-05-2009, 07:23 AM
Parent: #6

الشقيق/ إبراهيم عدلان، لك التحية و التجلة و لضيوفكم...

النظام العالمى ذى القضب الواحد، مختل التوازن يسير على هواه
بل على هوى السيد الأكبر و الأوحد، و لكن

تمرير و تنفيذ الأجندة الخارجية فى الوطن السودان ما كان لو تحسب من على سدة الأمر
التحسب نعنى به أن يكون الوطن هو الهم الأكبر لهم لا الحزب و القبيلة و الأفراد...

قدموه على طبقة من ذهب لتتخطفه المؤامرات و تضيعه الخطط الخارجية، نعم هذه مرحلة وضع البصمات ...

فلحت الحركة الإسلاموية فى عزل السودان و الإنكفاء به داخلياً لعجزها فكرياً و لمحدودية مساحة مناوراتها الدولية
و خابت الحركة الإسلاموية فى الحفاظ على تجانسها لسرعة إنقضاض زبانيتها لقسمة الحصص و توزيع الكيك
و سيلازمها الفشل لأنها بنت مبادىء زيف على الأرض بمرجعية أصل فى السماوات، سيظل التردى و الإنحطاط متلازماً لهم ...

و العبء الأكبر كما الحصة الأوفر من تحمل المسؤولية التاريخية يقع على القوى الوطنية
لإهمالها و تقاعسها و إختيار سياسة ردة الفعل دون الريادة و الأخذ بزمام الأمور

ما ذلك إلا لتولية الأمر لغير أهله، على كفتى المعادلة السياسية السودانية
نظام : معارضة



Post: #8
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: محمد ابراهيم قرض
Date: 11-05-2009, 09:03 AM
Parent: #7

Quote: In my view there are only two general directions that are supportable by the people of South Sudan at this point: (1)The South will vote overwhelmingly for separation in the Referendum provided for by the CPA or (2)The South will be forced into unilaterally declaring its independence because its CPA-mandated Referendum is frustrated by Khartoum’s actions and/or the hollow commitments of the International Community

ابراهيم ..
هذا الرجل يبشرنا بخيارين
أحلاهما مر !!!

Post: #9
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: JAD
Date: 11-05-2009, 02:13 PM
Parent: #8

الأخ إبراهيم عدلان ..

تحية وتقدير ..

أمثال روجر ونتر لا يرمون مثل الأقوال كإنطباع خرجوا به بعد دراسة الأوضاع .. إنما يرمون هذه المقولات كموجهات عامة من واقع دراستهم ثم قناعتهم بخلو جعبة الحركة الشعبية من أي أسس أو أهداف يسيرون عليها ..

فعناصر الحركة هم مقاتلون فاجأتهم مرحلة السلام .. حيث كانت جل الأمور السياسية يطلع بها جون قرنق .. وبعد رحيله ترك لهم فجوة كبيرة .. ولم تكن لهم أي أهداف سياسية واضحة يستندون عليها في ممارسة دورهم السياسي والتنفيذي في حكومة الوحدة الوطنية ..

وظلت حالة الحرب والعداء تسيطر على تصرفات القيادة الجديدة .. حيث فشل وزراء الحركة في حكومة الوحدة الوطنية في أن يكونوا وزراء قوميون عدا محاولات قام بها وزير الخارجية السابق لام أكول والتي اعتبرتها الحركة خروجاً عن خطها العام .. ووزيرة الصحة التي تسير بحذر شديد بين أشواك رقابة الحركة التي تريد من الوزير أن يكون وزيراً معارضاً للحكومة التي يمثلها في تناقض مثير للشفقة ..

ففي خضم هذا التخبط، فإن مرئيات روغر ونتر هي في الحقيقة موجهات وإرشادات لقيادة الحركة المهتزة غير الواعية الذين يقادون من آذانهم كالشياه لتحقيق مآرب أعداء السودان الرامية لفصل الجنوب للهيمنة على ثرواته ولن يهمهم بعد ذلك ما يؤول إليه حالة المواطن من الجنوب من فقر واقتتال قبلي ..

هل التخلص من جون قرنق كان أول الخطوات نحو الانفصال

خالص الود ..


Post: #10
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 05:51 PM
Parent: #9

الاخ المسافر
شكرا للتوقف هنا
مدرسة كندي لعلوم ادارة الحكومات بجامعة هارفارد خاضت في غمار الشأن السوداني عبر دراسات تم تمويلها عن طريق الحكومة الاميريكية لرسم موجهات عامة لمسار العلاقات السودانية الاميريكية و تقديم النصح لصانع القرار الامريكي
دراسة في شكل بلوتن عن ازمة السودان
واخري عن دارفور
وهذه مخاض ورشة عمل شارك فيها السودان نفسه
سياسة الملاواة و المكاواة اوصلت البلاد حافة الانهيار و الجميع يتفرج

Post: #11
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: الصادق اسماعيل
Date: 11-05-2009, 07:38 PM
Parent: #10

Quote: و الجميع يتفرج

هذه هي المشكلة الكبرى، والتى يجب مناقشتها من أجل مستقبل السودان (دولة أو دولتين) يجب عمل شئ غير الفرجة.

إذا كان الناس في السودان (يتفرجون) ولا يشاركون في صنع الحدث فعليهم أن يتقّبلوا كل ما يحدث في السودان (وحدة، إنفصال، حرب .. إلخ)

Post: #12
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 09:05 PM
Parent: #11

العزيز صادق اسماعيل

تعازيي الخالصة

وضعت نيافاشا النخب السياسية السودانية في كورنرحيث الغاها دانفورث من حيثيات التفاوض ثم حيدها ب نسبة الاربعة عشر في المئة فتحولت لخيال مآتا في حقل

الاحداث الجسام تتأثر و لا تؤثر وادمنت الفرجة وبرعت في التخبط وضبابية الرؤيا فلا التجمع عاد تجمعا و لا الاحزاب منفردة أتت بالنصرة, اما الحركة الشعبية

فتتقاذفها انواء تيارات في رحمها تعلو و تهبط معها مصداقيتها ,

Post: #13
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-05-2009, 10:19 PM
Parent: #12

15sudan.3-650.jpg Hosting at Sudaneseonline.com

روجر ونتر يحاضر مني مناوي في جوبا عن كيفية التعامل مع نظام الانقاذ ( سافر مناوي بعد هذا اللقاء و اعتكف بدارفور)

Post: #14
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-06-2009, 01:37 AM
Parent: #13

فليهنأ نيكولاس كريستوف و لتحتفل اليزا قريسورلد فقد نجحت حملاتهما في تسويد وجه شمال السودان كله وتحميل الجميع وزر التعنت الانقاذي و ليستعد كادر الحركة الوحدوي لمعارك الردة

Post: #15
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-06-2009, 05:14 AM
Parent: #14

الصديق الشقيق ماطوس المؤثر الخارجي كانو ما يزال حاضراً الا ان تأثير التلكؤ في انفاذ بنود الاتفاق و انزاله علي الارض عبر الملاواة تارة و شراء الذمم واتباع استراتيجة مد الحبل للفساد و المفسدين ادي ان انتعاش آمال التيار الانفصالي وخبو جذوة الوحدة عند ثوريي الحركة .

Post: #16
Title: Re: جامعة هارفارد وضعت لمسات دولة الجنوب القانونية منذ 2007
Author: ابراهيم عدلان
Date: 11-07-2009, 05:43 AM
Parent: #15

العزيز جاد
سلام و تحايا اخويه

روجر ونتر دخل السودان كمساعد اداري في لجنة الازمات وتطوير الديمقراطية في برنامج المعونة الاميريكية فخاض في الشأن السوداني غربا وجنوبا ثم تطوع برسم استراتيجية الفترة الانتقالية بجنوب السودان حتي اضحي ملكيا اكثر من الملك

استغل تخبط الاوضاع داخل الجسم القيادي بالحركة عقب اغتيال الهرم الوحدوي فاضحي يأمر و ينهي