ايقاف ترحيل لاجئ من دارفور قبل ساعة ونصف من ترحيله .. شكرا للشرفاء والشريفات ����� ����� ������ ����� 2009� ������ ���������� ���� ��� ��

ايقاف ترحيل لاجئ من دارفور قبل ساعة ونصف من ترحيله .. شكرا للشرفاء والشريفات

04-10-2009, 00:03 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=200&msg=1239318203&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: ايقاف ترحيل لاجئ من دارفور قبل ساعة ونصف من ترحيله .. شكرا للشرفاء والشريفات
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 04-10-2009, 00:03 AM
Parent: #0

9th April 2009

We would like to thank all of you who took the time to write to your MP and to the Home Office to prevent the deportation of Shoman Mohamed Ahmed. At 14.30 today, an hour and a half before his flight, we received confirmation that Shoman’s deportation to Khartoum was cancelled. This is a triumph for grassroots action and shows that together, we can lobby the Home Office with success. Well done!

Since Waging Peace was alerted on Monday evening, we collected evidence from the Darfuri community and Sudan experts who confirmed Shoman’s ethnicity and helped the solicitor facilitate a judicial review which was filed at the High Court today .

While obtaining a judicial review through the High Court was key to halting Shoman’s deportation today, the many emails sent by Waging Peace supporters helped build up sufficient pressure on the Home Office to look into this case as a matter of urgency. In the coming days and weeks we will continue to work with Shoman and his new lawyer and ensure that he makes a fresh claim for asylum and is released from detention.

In a similar case in December 2008 Waging Peace helped to prevent Abdulmajid Hassan Ishmael- a Darfuri asylum seeker whose ethnicity was also disputed by the Home Office, from being deported an hour before his flight was due to leave for Sudan. Waging Peace collected evidence from the Darfuri community as to Abdulmajid's ethnicity, and we succeeded in getting his ethnicity recognised by the Home Office.

Waging Peace will continue to pressure the Home Office to improve its procedures so as to better assess asylum seekers' ethnicity, particularly in cases like Sudan where proving one's ethnicity is so central to making a potentially lifesaving asylum claim.

Although we hope that the Home Office will cease attempting to deport Darfuris to Khartoum, we will always ensure that we are ready once again to intervene if needed.

Thank you again for helping us stop the deportation of Shoman Mohamed Ahmed.

Best wishes from the Waging Peace team

Asha, Becky, Louise, Olivia and Sophie.

Post: #2
Title: Re: ايقاف ترحيل لاجئ من دارفور قبل ساعة ونصف من ترحيله .. شكرا للشرفاء والشريفات
Author: Nazar Yousif
Date: 04-10-2009, 08:44 AM

تحية لكل الشرفاء والشريفات والذين يخضون
ليل نهار معارك قانونية لنصرة ضحاياالحرب
فى دارفور وبقية أنحاء العالم ، فالمعارك
القانونية كفيلة بنصرة الضحايا وتوقيف كل
من شارك فى تعذيب أو قتل الأبرياء والنشطاء
وهذه رسالة لكل الطفابيع بأن الجرائم ضد
الانسانية لن تسقط بالتقادم والمعركة القادمة
ستكون رفع قضايا فى دول يتردد عليها مسؤلين
شاركوا فى نعذيب وتخطيط عمليات راح ضحيتها
الآلاف من جبال النوبة، دارفور، الجنوب ،النيل
الأزرق وشمال السودان .أما داعمى الارهاب وغاسلى
الأموال فالحملة مستمرة لفضحهم فى الدول الغربية.