Is AIDS a threat to the public health in Sudan?

Is AIDS a threat to the public health in Sudan?

06-18-2002, 07:47 AM


Post: #1
Title: Is AIDS a threat to the public health in Sudan?
Author: Abu Suzan
Date: 06-18-2002, 07:47 AM

AIDS that dangerous and fatal desease has somewhat been brought under controll in most developed countries through the intensive public awareness. In Africa, on the other hand, AIDS is now one of the challenges that getting bigger day after day. AIDS is blamed on unsave ####### (homosexuality and hetrosexuality). It's also blamed on wrong use and handling of needles. Reports from the countries around Sudan indicate how serious the situations are. Sudan as a moslem conservative country is unwilling to either admit the presence of the desease or develop a policy of public awareness. Realistically, some Sudanese do engage in illegal sexual practices and definetly do practise unsave #######. Some innocent spouces, especially wives, may get infected by their partners without even know. I heard of many strange death cases where the husband and wife died within a short interval period. If AIDS does exist in Sudan or may exist in Sudan what are the possible practical ways to to prevent it from spreading?. Put in mind that our culture is a conservative one and doese not accept illegal sexual relations even though these relations do exist.
Your contributions are appreciated.