war in the south

war in the south

06-13-2002, 05:27 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=1&msg=1023985670&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: war in the south
Author: kingiston
Date: 06-13-2002, 05:27 PM

dear brothers

i have seen most people here r happy for the news coming from our south regarding that john garang holding kaboita.

i would like to say i am not kooz and i dont like keezan BUT how could we be happy about that. jogn garang and yassir arman r mortazaaga and they dont want to stop war in south cause they r gaining from it. we cant make demecracy in a country whos 70% of it population cant read. how do u expect the democracy will succeed. the most infarstructure in sudan now r made during the rules of assakir. i like demecracy to be in a country like sudan but beleive me it will go down.
our leaders during the demecracy period they just quarelling for the ministries who will take that and who will take this.

we will continue

Post: #2
Title: Re: war in the south
Author: waleed500
Date: 06-13-2002, 05:49 PM
Parent: #1

لك التحيه اخى الكريم
الشغله والله ما شغلة كوز وخلافو الموضوع موضوع بلد
وحب بلد ونحن ما عندنا اختلاف فى من يحكمنا بقدر ما عاوزين البلد تتقدم
بس تعال اسلك سوال لو قرنق ده مسك الحكم فى السودان
البلد رايح تتقدم
بى الطبع لا انما رايح تتقدم فى الفساد وفى اباحة الباطل ايا كان
فلنكن بنبحث عن سودان اسلامى
هنالك بعض الشباب ببحثو عن سودان قرنى بس كيف انا ما عارف