حكاية الطفل الساكنة جواي

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01-14-2022, 06:16 AM

الطيب الشيخ
<aالطيب الشيخ
تاريخ التسجيل: 11-19-2005
مجموع المشاركات: 197

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: حكاية الطفل الساكنة جواي (Re: الطيب الشيخ)

    Do you see that very far star in the sky
    She used to stare at me
    Look there towards the east
    At Qibla direction and Wad Tamim tomb direction
    From there climb up up up with your eyes sight

    That’s a well known star to me
    Every night after all people go to sleep
    Looks as if she is talking to me
    Sometimes laughs and smiles to me
    Or that I am just dreaming

    She asked me: did you recognize me
    I sat in the middle of my bed
    I got down and took my father’s jug of water
    I washed my face from sleeping
    She laughs and laughs at me

    I told her you look very familiar to me
    You look like an adorable face
    As if the face of my mother
    Before she traveled and disappeared
    Before she was taken to the doctor
    But I can’t see her face marks

    Her face is more beautiful
    Than all the women
    In our area
    When she returns from the town,
    She used to bring bananas ,
    sometimes sweets and grapes

    But in her last travel
    She stepped and walked out ,
    But when they returned : She was lying on a bed , coverd by her white thobe

    Did I ever told you before ؟
    My mother was carried on a bed
    They said she is going up to the heavens
    A lot of men rushed her out
    But when the bed is back
    It was empty ! she was not there any more

    Once I asked my father
    He turned his face away and didn’t reply to me
    His answer was trears
    He said it’s prayers time
    Prepare water for ablution
    Let’s take our dinner and go to the farm

    I was scared and never asked again
    So that my father will not cry again
    My mother traveled at mid day
    She was brought by that car
    A lot of people gathered around

    Our house is full of strangers
    Old men and many women
    Some of them are young and others are elder
    Some of them I have seen for the first time
    around in our area

    My friend the star cried with me
    She said now cover your face and go to sleep
    Tomorrow you have to go to school
    I asked her how do you get up there
    She didn’t reply

    Once I heard my father talking to a stranger
    He said he knew she will not live any longer
    Her star in the sky had disappeared for a while

    They said my mother went very far away
    May be you have met her over there
    Or may be she climped up there
    If you meet her ask her where were she gone

    Get down and chat with me
    She said: No my home is very far away
    I looked at its place
    It’s to the south of four stars which makes a bed shape
    I don’t like Beds anymore

    She told me it’s enough for tonight
    Go to sleep
    Tomorrow again I will come to you
    It’s time for me to disappear
    As the day is the time for sun
    But for us the stars we have to get some rest
    And we will appear again after sunset
    To give light to people

    I told her I want to be up there with you
    She said: No
    I saw my mother’s bed placed there
    Some obese ladies lied on it
    Some of them are our relatives and others are not
    When the women left they broke the bed
    But it was left abandoned there , not repaired

    Every night I look at the sky and stars
    People were sleeping
    Some of them were snoring and disturb others from sleeping even for a second

    Every mother cares for her kids
    They cover them from cold
    So that they will not catch a cold
    It’s autumn time
    The wind was blowing from the north

    I am lying alone on my bed
    Nobody is around me
    There’s no mattress on my bed
    Sometimes I was afraid ,
    Sometimes I fell to sleep very early
    Other times I never sleep

    And I carry my lifetime question with me
    And never find an answer to it
    As the sadness was my friend for along time
    Before even I get to school
    So after few years which you can count in your fingers it came again to me
    Before even I finished my school
    This time it took my father away
    Just one day before Eid

    I heard some women talking
    They said she was a happy lady she died quietly and peacefully
    In a good day
    I saw tears on the eyes of some of them
    But others didn’t care

    I heard the same talking from men on my father’s last departure day
    They said he passed away in a good and blessed day

    Sometimes I said to myself tomorrow they will return
    But it had been so long since they left
    Maybe they were up there with the stars
    And maybe even further than that away

    My friend the star said:
    Departed will not comeback again
    She told me not to ask many questions , how and when
    She said I wouldn’t understand the answers for .
    She promised in the future I will know everything and learn

    She added: everyone will go through this journey
    and no two days would be the same.
    Everyone will depart on their exact time
    Even the sun and the stars one day will depart and fade away.

    Remains our lord creator of all mankind and the owner of the great throne


العنوان الكاتب Date
حكاية الطفل الساكنة جواي الطيب الشيخ01-14-22, 06:08 AM
  Re: حكاية الطفل الساكنة جواي الطيب الشيخ01-14-22, 06:16 AM
  Re: حكاية الطفل الساكنة جواي الزبير بشير01-15-22, 08:31 AM

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