الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟

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06-05-2006, 05:17 AM

Hisham Amin
<aHisham Amin
تاريخ التسجيل: 12-08-2003
مجموع المشاركات: 6069

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مكتبة سودانيزاونلاين
Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ (Re: Hisham Amin)


    وايضا سطرت الاتى:
    Quote: لقد أحصى الرئيس الغاني الأسبق كوامي نكروما في كتابه"الصراع الطبقي في أفريقيا" عدد الإنقلابات منذ انقلاب توجو عام 1962م والذي أطاح بحكومة الرئيس سلفانوس أليمبوس إلى عام 1970م ووجدها 27 انقلابا

    د. محمد ان الانقلابات وولع الساسة بالسلطة ليس بجديد وفبركة الانقلابات التى تاتى معها جهل وجهل مطبق وافريقيا يا سيدى تغرق فى محيط من الامية والجهل ولن ينقذها منة الا تاهيل الشعب اكاديميا وصدقنى اذا اهلت الشعب وعلمتة ورفعت من درجة عقلة صدقنى ستجد
    احصائية نكروما كالحبر فى الماء ولن تسمع عن اى انقلاب مرة اخرى.
    والى الاهم د.محمد كتبت الاتى:
    وطيلة هذا الوقت كنت ازداد اقتناعاً أن الزيت والماء لا يمكن أن يندمجا.

    د.مع احترامى لقد سردت قصة الماء والزيت وبقائها فى عقلك منذ ان كنت فى خور طقت (المرحلة الثانوية) وقد زاد اقتناعك بها ومازال وكما سطرت هنااى عشرات السنين وتعلقك بها طيلة هذا الوقت اوصلك الى فكرة نموزج دولة الامارات الذى تسعى الى تطبيقة فى السودان تقبل عزرى مرة اخرى ونظرية الماء والزيت وعدم خلطهم اصبحت قديمة ومن المرجح ان لا يتم الاستناد عليها مرة اخرى ففى العام 2003 قام العالم
    Ric Pashley of the Australian National University in Canberra. بخلط الماء بالزيت
    وهاهو اللنك من مجلة NEW SCIENTIST يشرح فية ذلك
    وبتفسير يماشى موضوعنا ودولة السودان والذى بنيت وكما اسلفت من قبل فكرتك علية طيلة عشرات السنين واحتكمت للماء والزيت لتحدد مصير سوداننا لم يكن الى مضيعة وقت بالنسبة لك وبالتالى الفكرة غير صالحة والدعوة للانفصال وتقسيم السودان الى اربع اتجاهت لن
    تنفع بل ستنجح فى جلب قوى استعمار جديدة ستعمل على زيادة فقرنا وتخلفنا وتنهب قوتنا

    وتقبل تحياتى

    هشام امين

    ملحوظة: هنا نص التفسير الجديد المؤكد لامكانية خلط الماء بالزيت وباللغة الاجليزية
    Oil and water do mix after all

    Oil and water do not mix - the mantra is familiar to every schoolchild. You have to shake them to overcome the forces that hold the oil together.
    Now teachers may want to rewrite their lessons. If you first remove any gas that is dissolved in the water, it will mix spontaneously and even stay that way indefinitely, according to chemist Ric Pashley of the Australian National University in Canberra.
    "Many scientists are going to find this very hard to believe," says colloid scientist Len Fisher of the University of Bristol in England, "but Pashley has provided very strong proof that oil and water will mix." Pashley's observation is bound to cause controversy as the reason it happens is still unclear. Chemists are waiting to see whether the experiment can be repeated.
    If confirmed, the finding could provide clues to one of chemistry's most puzzling phenomena. This is the so-called long-range hydrophobic force, which causes oil surfaces to attract one another over what to chemists are remarkably long distances.
    French dressing
    The effect prevents oil's dispersion in water, and means that you can only make oil and water emulsions, such as French dressing for salads, by shaking them and adding stabilising agents. But although countless chemists have measured the force, no one has ever been able to explain how it works.
    Pashley was studying oil-like hydrophobic surfaces as they were being pulled apart, and spotted microscopic cavities appearing on their surfaces. Water that has been exposed to air contains the equivalent of several teaspoonfuls of dissolved gas per litre, and Pashley suspected that the cavities contained bubbles of gas that had been drawn out of the water, maybe as a consequence of the long-range hydrophobic force.
    To test his hunch, Pashley removed almost all the gas from a water-oil mixture by repeatedly freezing and thawing it while pumping off the gases as they evaporated out (Journal of Physical Chemistry B, vol 107, p 1714).
    What he saw then was completely unexpected. "The mix spontaneously formed a cloudy emulsion. I was as surprised as anybody," says Pashley. The result suggests that dissolved gas may be involved in how the force acts.
    Extremely close
    "He takes the air out and he doesn't get the long-range hydrophobic force. It doesn't nail the hydrophobic force down, but now we have something to work on," says James Quirk, a chemist at the University of Western Australia in Perth, who hopes that studying the spontaneous emulsions may lead to an explanation for the elusive force.
    Even more surprisingly, the mixture did not break up even when gas was put back into the water after the emulsion had formed. Pashley suggests that the gas might interfere with the hydrophobic force most effectively only when the oil droplets are extremely close together, such as when they are first separating as the emulsion starts to form.
    Once the emulsion has formed, hydroxyl groups from the water adsorb onto the surface of the oil droplets, making them similarly charged and thus preventing them from coming close together.
    If spontaneous emulsions can be made at will, they could have important applications in medicine and the chemical industry. Many injectable medicines are currently only soluble in oil.
    An alternative might be to disperse the medicine in degassed water, which is already produced on a large scale by the oil industry. Emulsion paints, which currently use chemical stabilisers to stop them separating, could also be made more cheaply if degassed water would do the tri

العنوان الكاتب Date
الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ أ.د.محمد عبدالله الريح 06-04-06, 04:08 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ مهيرة06-04-06, 06:04 AM
    Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ Zoal Wahid06-04-06, 06:37 AM
    Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ Abureesh06-04-06, 07:13 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ omer abdelsalam06-04-06, 07:23 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ willeim andrea06-04-06, 07:36 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ Adrob abubakr06-04-06, 08:56 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ banadieha06-04-06, 09:15 AM
    Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ hamid brgo06-04-06, 12:31 PM
      Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ Noon306-05-06, 01:41 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ maia06-05-06, 02:03 AM
  Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ Hisham Amin06-05-06, 04:18 AM
    Re: الخروج من عنق الزجاجة... كيف؟ Hisham Amin06-05-06, 05:17 AM

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