الطفلة المعجزة: وزنها 244 جرام وولدت في الشهر السادس

الطفلة المعجزة: وزنها 244 جرام وولدت في الشهر السادس

12-22-2004, 12:20 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1103714407&rn=1

Post: #1
Title: الطفلة المعجزة: وزنها 244 جرام وولدت في الشهر السادس
Author: murtada
Date: 12-22-2004, 12:20 PM
Parent: #0

سبحان الله ... سبحان الله ... سبحان الله

A premature infant believed to be the smallest baby ever to survive was called "a great blessing" yesterday by her mother, who is preparing to take the little girl and her twin sister home from the hospital. The baby, named Rumaisa, weighed 8.6 ounces -- less than a can of soda -- when she was delivered by Caesarean section Sept. 19 at Loyola University Medical Center.

That is 1.3 ounces smaller than the previous record holder, who was born at the same the hospital in 1989, according to hospital spokeswoman Sandra Martinez.

Rumaisa, her twin, Hiba, and their parents were introduced yesterday at the hospital in suburban Maywood. The girls were bundled in identical striped blankets.

Their mother, Mahajabeen Shaik, said she didn't "have the words to say how thankful I was" when she first got to hold her children.

"It's a blessing, it's a great blessing," she said.

Hospital officials said they are doing so well that Hiba, who weighed 1 pound and 4 ounces at birth, could be released from the hospital by the end of this month, with Rumaisa following as early as the first week of January.

Rumaisa now weighs 2 pounds, 10 ounces. Her twin weighs 5 pounds.

"They're maintaining their temperature; they don't need an incubator. They're taking their bottles," said Dr. William MacMillan. "They're normal babies."

Shaik, 23, developed pre-eclampsia, a disorder characterized by high blood pressure and other problems, during pregnancy. The condition endangered Rumaisa and her mother, prompting a C-section at 26 weeks. Normal gestation is 40 weeks.

Dr. Jonathan Muraskas, a professor of neonatal-perinatal medicine, said several factors may have improved the babies' chances of survival.

More than 1,700 newborns weighing less than 2 pounds have been cared for at the hospital in the past 20 years.

Post: #2
Title: Re: الطفلة المعجزة: وزنها 244 جرام وولدت في الشهر السادس
Author: عبدالناصر معتصم
Date: 12-22-2004, 08:23 PM

سبحان الله .......
ان الله على كل شئى قدير.........
بديع السموات و الارض.....
سبحانه لا اله الا هو.........