Types Of Women

Types Of Women

12-16-2004, 08:57 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1103227056&rn=3

Post: #1
Title: Types Of Women
Author: luai
Date: 12-16-2004, 08:57 PM
Parent: #0

Types Of Women:

HARD-DISK She remembers everything, FOREVER.

RAM Woman: She forgets about you, the moment you turn her off.

WINDOWS Woman: Everyone knows that she can't do a thing right, but no one can live without her.

EXCEL Woman: They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs.

SCREENSAVER Woman: She is good for nothing but at least she is fun!
INTERNET Woman: Difficult to access.
SERVER Woman: Always busy when you need her.
MULTIMEDIA Woman: She makes horrible things look beautiful.
CD-ROM Woman: She is always faster and faster.
E-MAIL Woman: Every ten things she says, eight are nonsense.
VIRUS Woman: Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything....

Post: #2
Title: Re: Types Of Women
Author: Luay Elhashimi
Date: 12-17-2004, 00:30 AM
Parent: #1

يجازي محنك

Post: #3
Title: Re: Types Of Women
Author: Tumadir
Date: 12-17-2004, 04:04 AM
Parent: #2




Post: #6
Title: Re: Types Of Women
Author: Afaf Rahim
Date: 12-23-2004, 05:06 AM


What is the relationship between Junk and Junta?????

The sound of the two words looks the same and if there is any gender connotation . between the two words they should be attached to men
we have never heard of a millitary junta...
that is composed of women ........hahahahha


The number one sign that you are a Sudanese guy is:
1. You can talk and discuss anything (politics, religion, sports, arts, etc.) although you don't have a clue what you're talking about..

2. If offered to choose between three cars: a porsche, a BMW and a toyota and you'd always pick the Toyota.

3. You are over 30 years old and you spend the whole day with a calculator in hand trying to calculate how much it will cost to get married in Sudan.

4. Your name is Taj-al sir 7amd al-neel Awad-AL Kareem but your business card reads ' Taj Awad'

5. Your mother always asks you: 'bitain 7atkamil nos deenak?'

6. You are attracted to educated, independent and successful women ……but you are afraid of them ….and when it comes to marriage you choose to marry in a traditional way…………going back to the mentality of your grand father.

7. You go to the corner shop wearing a galabiya with a pocket on the front & back and a matching red 'sifinga'

8. If you had to choose between Malboro and Bringi you'd always choose Bringi.

9. You talk loudly in the street with your friend with your hands flying in all directions mouthing things like ' 3ly al Talag Nemairy da howa al bawaz al-Sudan'

10. You might be dressed up in an Armani suit and tie but you still keep 'kees al saffa' in the inside pocket.

Post: #4
Title: Re: Types Of Women
Author: مريم بنت الحسين
Date: 12-17-2004, 10:12 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: VIRUS Woman: Also known as "WIFE"; when you are not expecting her, she comes, installs herself and uses all your resources. If you try to uninstall her you will lose something, if you don't try to uninstall her you will lose everything

أومال!.. هو قالوا ليكم الموضوع لعب..

بنت الحسين

Post: #5
Title: Re: Types Of Women
Author: غادة نصر
Date: 12-23-2004, 04:19 AM
Parent: #1

((EXCEL Woman: They say she can do a lot of things but you mostly use her for your four basic needs))

Then this men problems, limited needs ((only four basic needs!!)) what a shame, you need to get max benefit form what you have been given


Post: #7
Title: Re: Types Of Women
Author: luai
Date: 12-23-2004, 05:32 AM
Parent: #1


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