will london be blue or red tonight?

will london be blue or red tonight?

12-12-2004, 03:11 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1102817499&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: will london be blue or red tonight?
Author: Mahathir
Date: 12-12-2004, 03:11 AM

Nah .. in a couple of hours the so called “game of the season” between arsenal and chelsea will start, and every football follow is actually waiting for this game, second only to Barcelona Vs Real Madrid.
This game is quiet unique and carries more than it’s actual weight… in one hand , you will see arsenal which is described as a French team plays in England and mainly hated because of it’s “French” influence where the coach is none but arsene wenger, who brought new flavour and style to the BORING arsenal. And on the other hand we see, Chelsea, well know as the aristocrats of London and know known with their new found riches in their Russian owner “roman abrahomovic” who has a limitless pocket and been accused of attempting to BUY the title.
This season the Russian brought a Portuguese coach whom on his first press conference said that Chelsea owner wants his team to be the best and for that he brought the best coach.
The English are facing tough choices between their detestation to the French and their dislike to a Russian buying their titles… where to you sudaneseoliners stand? Red or blue?

Post: #2
Title: Re: will london be blue or red tonight?
Author: nour tawir
Date: 12-12-2004, 07:31 AM
Parent: #1

Morning Mahathir

I just dropped in to say good morning, and to tell you that not many people in this place respond when you open a post in English language

Have a good day