To Osama el Khawad

To Osama el Khawad

12-02-2004, 02:30 AM


Post: #1
Title: To Osama el Khawad
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 12-02-2004, 02:30 AM

Dear Brother Osama el Khawad, Good greetings,
two reasons for me writing this message to you, the first one is my desire to assure you that I am keen on establishing good relationship with all of you and
have no intention at all to be hotsile to any body, on the contrary I aim to befriend all if there is space for mutual respect,
The second one is to correct a situation created "by I do not know what". but let me explain something to you Osama, I did not mean to portray you as a lier, I know you are not and I have respect for you and was moved by your nice welcome, but at the same time I did not want to start by introducting myself to new people with something that is not true and not me, I am not organised in any political party and this is a fact, no wrong in being organised but simply I am not, the other fact is that I am not a lawyer, I wish I was (I think now you are confusing me with my sister), but I am not, and I do not think it was a wrong start to correct some little mistakes but I belief that people are only different the way we write and the way we respond to issues so please Osama don't be angry. I hope you accept this message with the same spirit I am expressing now and expressed in my first message, by the way this is my third message to you since I received your angry message, but somehow I lost them both with other message, stay well,
Muna .,

Post: #2
Title: Re: To Osama el Khawad
Author: Osman Hamid
Date: 12-02-2004, 06:53 AM
Parent: #1

سلام مني.... واساموة والجميع,
وانا بدوري اضيق هذه الوصلة:

الي الصديق/ بكري ابوبكر, والجميع

Post: #3
Title: شكرا على رسالتك الرقيقة
Author: osama elkhawad
Date: 12-02-2004, 08:32 AM
Parent: #1

الاخت العزيزة منى
سلام وتحايا
شكرا على رسالتك الرقيقة ,
كما أشكر الصديق عثمان على توضيحاته التي قالها بروحه الانسانية الجميلة المعروفة.
وأتمنى لك اقامة طيبة ومثمرة وهادئة في المنبر.
عظيم احترامي واعزازي

Post: #4
Title: Re: شكرا على رسالتك الرقيقة
Author: Muna Khugali
Date: 12-03-2004, 12:12 PM
Parent: #3

Dear Osama,
I did it again, I responded to your nice message of yesterday and lost it! ok just wanted to say I am glad that everything is ok, it is important that people keep communicating, because only communication can explain situations better. enjoy your week=end

Post: #5
Title: Re: To Osama el Khawad
Author: عبدالمنعم عبدالله
Date: 12-03-2004, 05:44 PM
Parent: #1

منى شنو
الخلاصة جيت اشكى جيت ابكى
دى غنية ما بتكونى قاصداها
بس داير منو شنو ؟ هو داير افهم وانا بردوووووووووو