Colin Powell Resigns

Colin Powell Resigns

11-04-2004, 11:08 AM


Post: #1
Title: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Kostawi
Date: 11-04-2004, 11:08 AM
Parent: #0

I just heard this in the radio

Post: #2
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Walid Safwat
Date: 11-04-2004, 11:14 AM
Parent: #1

I heard it was Ashcroft... I found no confirmation anywhere...

Post: #3
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Kostawi
Date: 11-04-2004, 11:24 AM
Parent: #2

Ashcroft too
Do you have access to channel 5 (Washington, DC

Post: #4
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Walid Safwat
Date: 11-04-2004, 12:47 PM
Parent: #1

Nope.. It was mentioned that an inside resource of a DC station said it but there was no confirmation from any reliable source.

Post: #5
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 11-04-2004, 02:21 PM
Parent: #1

الاخ كوستاوى
تحية طيبة
استمعت قبل قليل لنشرة الاخبار من صوت اميركا.. قالوا ان اشكروفت، النائب العام، قد يقدم استقالته قريبآ فى اطار تعديل وزارى يتماشى مع الولاية التانية للرئيس بوش. هنا اذاعة صوت اميركا على الهوا مباشرة من واشنطون:
وهنا تقرير ضافى عن التعديل الوزارى المرتقب.. وكلامك صاح بشأن كولن بول، فاستقالته متوقعة فى اطار الصراع بين المعتدلين والمحافظين فى الادارة الامريكية

Post: #6
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Deng
Date: 11-04-2004, 03:53 PM
Parent: #1

طبعاً كولن باول هزم بواسطة شيني ودونالد رامسفيلد, في إطار الصراع بين الخارجية ووزارة الدفاع. هذا شئ متوقع طبعاً لأن كولن باول همش تهميش تام ولقد كان تقريباً خارج اللعبة. هناك إشاعات عن ترشيحات للأتية أسمائهم لشغل المنصب: بول وولفود مساعد وزير الدفاع الحالي, كاندي رايس مستشارة الرئيس للأمن القومي أو جون دانفورث مبعوث الرئيس بوش السابق للسودان وسفير أمريكا بالأمم المتحدة . خروج كولن باول من الخارجية أفرحني كثيراً وذلك لأنه كان يتعاطف كثيراً مع حكومة الخرطوم .


Post: #7
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Ahmed Khalil
Date: 11-04-2004, 08:41 PM
Parent: #1

Powell: Bush to aggressively pursue issues important to Muslims
Thursday, November 4, 2004 Posted: 10:19 PM EST (0319 GMT)

Secretary of State Colin Powell speaks at a dinner for Muslim guests at the State Department Thursday.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Secretary of State Colin Powell told assembled Muslim guests Thursday that in its second term, the Bush administration will "strike a balance" between security and openness.

Powell made his remarks at a State Department dinner celebrating the end of the daily Ramadan fast.

Powell acknowledged that heightened security since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and the war on terrorism have "caused inconvenience" to many Muslims.

But he said, "I want to assure you we are doing everything we can to strike a balance" between security and openness.

And the Bush administration will deal aggressively with issues important to Muslims, he said.

"President Bush in his four years in office will be aggressively moving forward to deal with the concerns that are in your hearts and on your minds with the respect to the Middle East peace process, with respect to reform and modernization, with respect to solidifying democracy in places that never known democracy before and with respect fighting terrorism," Powell said.

The secretary hosted nearly 200 people, including young Muslims and women from a variety of countries in the Arab world and Asia.

Before the meal of lamb and chicken, an imam led the group in the call to prayer in the adjacent John Quincy Adams room, where prayer mats were laid out.

President Bush would ensure that America "remains an open land," Powell said.

He also cited what the United States has undertaken to benefit Muslims, including liberating Kuwait and Bush's call for a Palestinian state, which he said the United States is committed to help creating. He made no mention of ailing Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat.

Post: #8
Title: Re: Colin Powell Resigns
Author: Ahmed Khalil
Date: 11-04-2004, 08:48 PM
Parent: #7

Aides: Ashcroft likely to leave post
Thursday, November 4, 2004 Posted: 2:25 PM EST (1925 GMT)

Aides are saying Attorney General John Ashcroft may be planning to resign.

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Attorney General John Ashcroft is likely to leave his post before the start of President Bush's second term, senior aides said Thursday.
Ashcroft, 62, is described as exhausted from leading the Justice Department in fighting the domestic war on terrorism since the September 11, 2001, attacks. Stress was a factor in Ashcroft's health problems earlier this year that resulted in removal of his gall bladder. (Ashcroft in intensive care)
Ashcroft is expected to resign before Bush's January 20 inauguration, said aides who spoke only on condition of anonymity. They said there is a small chance he would stay on, at least for a short time, if Bush asked him.
The attorney general has not officially informed his staff of his future plans, spokesman Mark Corallo said.
At a news conference, Bush said he hasn't made any decisions about his Cabinet.
Ashcroft, a former two-term governor and senator from Missouri, has long been a favorite among Bush's base of religious conservatives. He also is a lightning rod for Democrats and other critics on issues ranging from the anti-terrorism Patriot Act, which expanded rules for eavesdropping, to abortion rights and gun control. (Ashcroft details uses of Patriot Act)
Names that have been floated in recent weeks as a possible replacement include Ashcroft's former deputy, Larry Thompson, who would become the first black attorney general.
Others include Marc Racicot, who was Bush's campaign manager, and White House general counsel Alberto Gonzalez, who would give Bush a notable Hispanic appointment.