Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues

Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues

10-17-2004, 03:02 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1098021764&rn=8

Post: #1
Title: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: Deng
Date: 10-17-2004, 03:02 PM
Parent: #0

The Killing Continues
Sunday, October 17, 2004; Page B06

FIVE WEEKS after Secretary of State Colin L. Powell described the killings in Sudan as "genocide," the slaughter continues unabated. Sudan's government, which is responsible for these crimes in the vast western province of Darfur, still sends its soldiers to attack civilians and has not reined in its murderous allies in the Janjaweed militia. On Oct. 4 U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan declared that Sudan had made no progress in halting the killing and no progress in prosecuting killers either. A week later a U.N. official reported that 220,000 people had been driven from their homes over the past month, swelling the number of displaced people to something near 2 million.

The displaced people of Darfur have lost crops, livestock and tens of thousands of loved ones. Some subsist on berries in the countryside; the rest huddle in dirty camps, where between 6,000 and 10,000 people die monthly for lack of food, medicine and sanitation. The camps are encircled by the militia death squads, making them prisons without walls. Men who venture out are sometimes killed; women risk rape on their daily search for firewood. Nobody knows how many people have died so far, but the commonly cited number of 50,000 is certainly too low. The World Health Organization reported on Friday that 70,000 have died since March in the camps to which aid workers have access. That leaves out most deaths from malnutrition outside those camps, as well as most violent deaths. Eric Reeves, an independent Sudan watcher who has analyzed family death rates reported by displaced people, puts the total death count at 300,000.

In Rwanda's genocide 10 years ago, the West pretended it could not see what was at stake until after 800,000 had been massacred. In Sudan's slow-motion catastrophe, involving death by starvation as much as death by violence, the West has acknowledged what is going on yet refuses to respond with any urgency. Food has been trucked and airlifted to the camps for displaced people, but roughly a third of those in need still go hungry. A series of diplomatic efforts to rein in the violence has progressed at a snail's pace. The United Nations has passed two resolutions calling upon Sudan's government to end the killing, but neither involved credible threats of sanctions. British Prime Minister Tony Blair visited Sudan this month, but it isn't yet clear that the fresh promises he extracted from the government are worth more than previous ones.

The Bush administration and its allies need to look their responsibility in the eye. A genocide is occurring on their watch, and neither the United States nor any other powerful nation is managing to prevent it. It isn't enough to pass resolutions, issue condemnations and hope that history's judgment will be merciful; the test of the Bush administration and of European nations such as Britain and France will be whether they used their clout in the region to prevent genocide from happening. For weeks there has been talk of a deployment of African Union troops in Darfur, but the Bush administration has failed to exercise the leadership that might make this idea real. For weeks there has been talk of sanctions, but the Bush administration has not done everything it could to persuade the United Nations to get serious about them.

Meanwhile the killing continues.

Post: #2
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: Deng
Date: 10-17-2004, 03:12 PM
Parent: #1

أهمية هذا المقال.

صحيفة الواشنطن بوست تعتبر من أهم الصحف الأمريكية, وعندما تكتب عن ما يجري بدارفور
في افتتاحيتها فهذا معناها أنه اهتمام غير طبيعي للحدث ويعتبر يوم الأحد من أهم أيام الأسبوع لصحيفة الواشنطن بوست حيث يقرأها أكبر عدد من القراء . ومثل هذا المقال سوف يزعج إدارة الرئيس بوش إزعاج غير طبيعي. لأن المقال يتحدث عن فشل المجتمع الدولي للتصدي لحكومة السودان لما تقوم به من عمل إجرامي بدارفور.


Post: #3
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: Kostawi
Date: 10-17-2004, 05:46 PM
Parent: #2

Ya Deng
Bush بكوس في الطريقه البتخارجو من كيري....
He got no time for that
Let's hope after the election

Post: #4
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: abuarafa
Date: 10-18-2004, 05:32 AM
Parent: #1

UN Receives New Reports Of Attacks Against Displaced Persons In Darfur, Sudan

The United Nations is continuing to receive fresh reports of attacks against internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Sudan's strife-torn Darfur region, where tens of thousands of people have already been killed and more than 1.65 million others are displaced.

Some IDPs from the village of Uma Kasara in South Darfur, one of three states in the region, told UN humanitarian officials that unidentified gunmen burned their village on 2 October, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters this week

They said about 650 families from their village and two neighbouring villages had to flee because of the attack. Three policemen were reported killed. UN agencies have also been informed of other attacks and burnings in villages across South Darfur.

IDPs are still arriving at the already overcrowded camp in Kalma, close to the state capital of Nyala, joining an estimated 60,000 residents there.

More than 1.45 million people are internally displaced within Darfur and another 200,000 live as refugees in neighbouring Chad, part of what UN senior officials have described as the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Fighting began early last year when two rebel groups took up arms against Sudanese Government forces. In response, Government-allied militias known as the Janjaweed have repeatedly attacked civilians, killing or raping villagers and destroying homes, wells and cropland.
انت عارف ياد دينق حكومة الخلافة الاسلامية مشغولة بصفقة لحوم مع مصر
انت الجماعة ديل بصحوا من النوم متين

Post: #5
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: Deng
Date: 10-18-2004, 06:50 PM
Parent: #1


تعرف ناس الجبهة دييل أحسن ليهم يشوف ليهم طريقة تخارجم. الخارجية دي بعد الانتخابات حيمسكوها ناس هم ما بقدرو عليهم. بالتحديد أنا بتكلم عن سوزان رايس وجون بندر قراس.


Post: #6
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: Deng
Date: 10-18-2004, 07:01 PM
Parent: #1

Susan Rice

John Prendergast

في حالة فوز جون كيري سوف يلعب هولا الاثنين دور كبير في السياسة الامريكية تجاه السودان. لقد عملوا من قبل في إدارة الرئيس كلينتون وكان لهم دور كبير في محاصرة نظام الجبهة المجرم عالمياً.


Post: #7
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: خضر عطا المنان
Date: 10-19-2004, 05:20 AM
Parent: #6

The Killing Continues

الحبيب : دينق

ليس هذا الموت المستمر فحسب وانما نزيف الدم والأخلاق والقيم
والموروث الاجتماعي والديني ......الخ .. لن توقفها أي قوة
على سطح الأرض سوى رحيل هؤلاء المتأسلمين الأوغاد .. وكنس كل
ما يذكرنا بعهدهم المخزي التعيس .. وكل من تعلق بثيابهم القذرة
من ضعاف النفوس ومرضى الضمير الذين يعج بهم المجتمع السوداني
اليوم .

ولك محبتي .

خضر عطا المنان

Post: #8
Title: Re: Washington Post Editorial:The Killing Continues
Author: عارف الصاوي
Date: 10-19-2004, 11:27 AM
Parent: #7

العزيز دينق
هو سؤال مهم واستراتيجي من جانب هو يهم المعسكر الديمقراطي الذي يسعي الي توطين قيم الديمقراطية ,وهو ايضا يهم المعسكر الشمولي اذا ارادوا ان يستمرو في معركة نزيهة قوامها الحجة والمنطق
طبعا يا دينق انت فاهم انو الجماعة ديل هم بداوا يتحدثون بلغة مختلفة وهي في جوهرها تكتيك لمزيد من الوقت فقط
لكن دعنا نمشي معاهم حتي النهاية وحتما نفسهم قصير
ما يهمنا نحن هو التفكير بعمق في المتغيرات التي حولنا وقد تحدثت مع قاست قبل عام في حوار بالخرطوم لجريدة الصحافة وسالته عما يتردد عن انه متشدد تجاه السودان فرد قائلا انه متشدد في مسائل الديمقراطية وحقوق الانسان .لا اكذب عليك فقد اسعدني رده وقتها لكن دينق هل سنظل نعتمد علي امريكا لتجلب لنا ديمقراطية في طبق من ذهب هي طبعا تفكر لمصلحتها وليس لنا غضاضة في ذلك لانه هو المنطق الذي سنعتمده ان اردنا ان نصبح دولة لها وزن في عالم اليوم وبالتالي ما في عدو لوجه الله ساكت كدا وانما المسالة كلها تاتي في اطار تفكيراستراتيجي لمصالح شعبنا في المقام الاول وده تفكير سايد في منطق السياسة اليوم
ناتي للمسالة الاهم بنظري وهي ان الكسل من الفعل والتظير هو سم ملازمة للديمقراطيين السودانيين ,هم يريدون ان تاتي الاشياء هكذا صدفة او غيره اعتماد علي معادلات خارجه عن فعلنا كالتعويل علي موازنات اخري هي قد تؤثر لكن اشك ان تتخذ امريكا مواقف جاده تجاه السودان الا بعمل مؤسس وواضح وطبعا ده عايز تشكيل مجموعات ضغط داخل امريكا وفي الغرب وعايز كمان اختراق لمؤسسات مالية واعلامية والتاثير في مؤسسات المجتمع المدني وقبل كل ذلك يجب ان نعرف ما نريده بالضبط؟ فمثلا كوريا الجنوبية تعاملت مع الغرب لكنها كانت تعرف ما تريده بالضبط من النظام الراسمالي الغربي واعتقد انها حصلت علي ما ارادت ببناء قدرات بشرية مؤهلة
ختاما السؤال يا دينق الذي يؤرقني باستمرار هو ونحن نحاول بناء مشروع نهضوي في السودان تاسيسا علي مبادئ العدالة والمساواة والاخاء مشروع يقوم علي نقد المشروع القديم وتشكيل قطيعة واعيه معه حتي لا نعود لانتكاسات في غنا عنها
شكرا لك ونلتقي