شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان

شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان

10-07-2004, 12:11 PM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1097147475&rn=5

Post: #1
Title: شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 10-07-2004, 12:11 PM
Parent: #0

في عام 2001 اعلنت منظمه الصحة العالمية خلو السودان من شلل الاطفال ولحاق السودان, بعد مجهودات خارقة لسنوات عديدة, ببقية دول العالم التي تخلصت من هذاالوباء الفتاك.الان وبفضل الكارثةفي دارفور عاد شلل الاطفال ووصل عاصمةالمشروع الغير حضاري !!.

لا املك الا ان ارد قول الصديق فردا: يا للبؤس !!

التفاصيل ادناه:

News Article by AFP posted on October 07, 2004 at 09:47:09: EST (-5 GMT)

Anti-polio campaign in Sudan redoubled

CAIRO, Oct 7 (AFP) - The World Health Organisation said Thursday
it will redouble efforts to vaccinate Sudanese children against
polio following an outbreak of the disease in the war-torn western
region of Darfur.

Eleven cases of the disease have been detected this year,
including in the capital, the WHO said.

"Armed conflict has contributed to the re-infection by the wild
polio virus in Darfur that has now spread to the capital city,
Khartoum", said WHO Representative Guido Sabatinelli on Wednesday.

A WHO statement said Sudan had been polio-free since April 2001,
but that cross-border movement between Chad and Sudan re-introduced
the virus.

It said the "conflict in the Darfur region ... where the first
polio case made its appearance, prevented the immunization of all
children under the age of five in earlier campaigns."

Epidemiologists warned in June that outbreaks of polio in West
Africa were a threat and could spread to other countries if not

Addtional immunization days, beginning on Sunday, have been
scheduled for this month and next, targeting six million children.

UNICEF Representative JoAnna van Gerpen noted that measles
vaccination campaigns in Darfur and other parts of Sudan have been
successful in preventing massive outbreaks of that deadly disease.

"We hope to do the same with polio," she said, "But the clock is
ticking. If we don't stop this right now, the potential for more
cases is great."

Post: #2
Title: Re: شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان
Author: Agab
Date: 10-07-2004, 12:45 PM
Parent: #1

Salamat Adil

nasal Allah alsalama to all our kids

Post: #3
Title: Re: شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان
Author: طلال عفيفي
Date: 10-07-2004, 04:34 PM
Parent: #2

Up للأهميه ..
الأمر بجد محزن ومخيف ..
شكراُ للتنبيه يا عادل ..

لو في أي تحركات لمواجهة الأمر أرجو الاتصال بي ..
[email protected]


Post: #5
Title: Re: شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 10-08-2004, 06:18 AM
Parent: #3

العزيز طلال شكرا لاهتمامك.

لحسن الحظ ال WHO تتابع تفاصيل انتشار الوباء و كل الاجراءت المتبعه في هذه االحالات Infection Control Measures.و نرجو ان تتم السيطره علي الوضع سريعا.

مع خالص الود


Post: #4
Title: Re: شلل الاطفال يعود مرة اخري........ في السودان
Author: Adil Isaac
Date: 10-08-2004, 06:03 AM
Parent: #2

Dear Agab

I share your prayers and best wishes to our kids

