العزيزة امانى السنى

العزيزة امانى السنى

09-06-2004, 09:01 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1094457677&rn=6

Post: #1
Title: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: bayan
Date: 09-06-2004, 09:01 AM
Parent: #0



The publication in Germany in September 2002 of a book entitled 'Sklavin' ('Slave'), has provided a clear insight into the continuing propaganda war that is being waged against Sudan. The book, and the claims made within it, has also shown the lies, duplicity and naivety at the heart of this campaign, and those associated with it.

In September 2000, 'The Sunday Telegraph' published an article written by Christian Lamb alleging that Mr Abdel Mahmoud al-Koronky, a senior Sudanese diplomat who had served as Sudan's Charge d'Affaires in London
between September 1998 and April 2000, had kept a "slave girl" in his house. (1) The "slave girl", Zeinab Nazer, alleged that she had been "enslaved" following a raid on her village in the Nuba mountains. The newspaper had received the "story" from Baroness Cox's Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) and Sudanese opposition members. Mr al-Koronky initiated legal action against 'The Sunday Telegraph'. It should also be noted that 'The Sunday Telegraph' has long been hostile to Sudan, and defended the case.

The 'Sunday Telegraph' Admits the Nazer Story is Untrue

After an extensive twenty-one month investigation of the claims, the newspaper, part of a well-resourced international media group, subsequently admitted the article was untrue (See Appendix). Every one of Ms Nazer's claims have been proven to be false. Far from being a "slave girl", Ms Nazer had been employed as an au pair within the al-Koronky household for three months. She arrived in Britain on 13 June 2000 with a British government-issued visa to work for Sudanese embassy officials. She was with the al-Koronky family from 13 June until 30 July 2000, when Mr al-Koronky and his family left for a vacation in Sudan. Ms Nazer then spent 41 days with another Sudanese family. During these periods, she visited shopping centres, supermarkets and restaurants and visited numerous other Sudanese families and friends, including several members of the Nuba community living within the United Kingdom. Amongst them were members of the Sudanese political opposition. They then suggested to her that she seek political asylum, claiming to have been a "slave".

The story that was constructed for her meant that she had to lie about her age. To have been abducted as a fourteen year-old in 1994, as she claimed, she would have to have been born in or around 1980. Inconveniently for her story, she was born in late 1972. Her Sudanese passport (No. 248065, issued at Omdurman on 7 September 199 and visa application (dated 7 May 2000) clearly state that she was born on 25 December 1972. Her father, in a statement made in August 2001, stated that she would then be "about 29 years old". He also stated that she was not abducted from the village in 1994 and that she was working in Khartoum at that time. It was also documented that she sat the Intermediate School Certificate examination at Dalanj School in 1986. Her examination number was 10906. She passed the exam with a total of 148 marks. Her school certificate was obtained. It was an examination that is taken at 13/14 years of age. Mr al-Koronky's lawyers were also
able to produce a certificate from the Shuhada and Suba Town Municipality that she was a licensed tea seller at the local market from 1996-1999.

Claims of Slavery in the Nuba Mountains Contradicted

Ms Nazer had claimed that dozens of children were enslaved with her and that numerous other villages were attacked. A stark contradiction of these claims about endemic slavery in the Nuba mountains came from an
organisation hostile to the Khartoum government. The London-based African Rights had established in the 1990s a "human rights monitoring programme that covers each of the seven districts of the region" - that is to say the Nuba Mountains. It further stated that "[t]his programme uses Nuba citizens as monitors; to date it is the only formal human rights monitoring programme in Sudan". The preparations for this monitoring and investigations programme began in 1994. The programme was set up by Alex de Waal. It is significant to note that writing three
years later, in 1998, Mr de Waal noted that "'African Rights' monitors in the Nuba Mountains have come across two incidents of possible - but unconfirmed - enslavement in two and half years". (2) He pointedly
referred to the sorts of claims made by Baroness Cox and others of "mass enslavement in the Nuba Mountains". Mr de Waal wrote that they have "alleged that there is mass enslavement in the Nuba Mountains, which is
contested by Nuba human rights activists." (3) Mr de Waal also cited an October 1995 article entitled "What is Slavery", published in 'NAFIR: The Newsletter of the Nuba Mountains', written by the Nuba human rights
activists to whom he had referred.

Ms Nazer had claimed mass enslavement in the Nuba mountains, claiming that 30 children had been "enslaved" with her alone. 'The Sunday Telegraph' article in question, for example, echoed her claims that "government militiamen often raid the Nuba Mountains for girls as young as seven who are sold into slavery in the city".

In conceding that Ms Nazer's claims were false, 'The Sunday Telegraph' acknowledged that they had "greatly wronged" the diplomat in question, "unreservedly" withdrew the allegations, and "sincerely and
unequivocally" apologised for the "distress and gross hurt" the article had caused. The newspaper also paid "very substantial" damages to Mr al-Koronky. (4)

There is little doubt that Ms Nazer has been caught up in the anti-Sudanese propaganda campaign, and that she has been ruthlessly exploited by the anti-Sudan industry in Britain and Europe. It comes at a pivotal time in the Sudanese peace process and this sort of propaganda seeks to obstruct reconciliation in that country, something which only serves those hard-line factions that seek to perpetuate the conflict.

In October 2002, the Home Office rejected Ms Nazer's political asylum claim. A senior British diplomat is reported as having observed that Nazer had been shown to be liar. (5)

The Involvement of Baroness Cox and Christian Solidarity Worldwide

In the course of the legal case, 'The Sunday Telegraph''s Christina Lamb stated that Nazer's "slave girl" story was brought to her by the British-based Christian Solidarity Worldwide, a Christian fundamentalist
organisation headed by Baroness Cox. Interestingly, Cox denied that CSW had anything to do with the story. (6) Cox's claims with regard to Sudan have long been questioned. (7) She has been described as "overeager or
misinformed" by reputable human rights activist and past director of African Rights Alex de Waal, with regard to her previous claims about slavery in Sudan. ( Her claims that Sudan was involved in chemical weapons have been denied by the United Nations, the British government and UNSCOM. (9) Cox's claims about genocide in Sudan were dismissed by the British government. (10) As a general view on Baroness Cox's reliability on Sudan, it is worth nothing that in Andrew Boyd's sympathetic biography of her Dr Christopher Besse, of Medical Emergency Relief International, a humanitarian aid organisation with which Cox is closely associated (Dr Besse and Baroness Cox are both trustees of Merlin), is quoted as saying:

"She's not the most popular person in Sudan among the humanitarian aid people. She has her enemies, and some of them feel she is not well-enough informed. She recognizes a bit of the picture, but not all that's going on." (11)

For someone who is even said by her friends to only recognise "a bit of the picture, but not all that's going on" to be making the sort of claims she has made on Sudan is regrettable. It has not stopped her making more blunders.

The claims made by Baroness Cox and Christian Solidarity Worldwide to have "redeemed" tens of thousands of Sudanese "slaves", for example, were sharply called into question earlier this year. In February 2002,
in an unprecedented international focus, 'The Irish Times', London's 'Independent on Sunday', 'The Washington Post' and 'International Herald Tribune', chose to publish, or republish, articles exposing the gullibility, fraud and corruption at the heart of claims of "slave redemption" in Sudan. (12) 'The Washington Post' reported that in
numerous documented instances "the slaves weren't slaves at all, but people gathered locally and instructed to pretend they were returning from bondage". (13) 'The Independent on Sunday' reported that it was
able to "reveal that 'redemption' has often been a carefully orchestrated fraud". (14) 'The Irish Times' reported that: "According to aid workers, missionaries, and even the rebel movement that facilitates it, slave redemption in Sudan is often an elaborate scam." 'The Irish Times' article also stated that in many cases "the process is nothing more than a careful deceit, stage-managed by corrupt officials". Baroness Cox's naivety was once again there for all to see.

Recycled Lies

Amazingly enough, within weeks of Nazer's story having been proved to have been false, it was recycled in the 'Sklavin' ('Slave'), a book published in German in Germany, beyond the reach of the British legal system. And equally surprisingly, perhaps, her name appears to have changed from Zeinab Nazer, which appeared on all the legal documents which she signed. She is now known as "Mende" Nazer, probably because it sounded less Muslim than Zeinab. That would fit in more easily with the imagery of Arab "raiders" "enslaving" Christians in Sudan.

While she put her name to the book, it was actually written by Damien Lewis. Along with his associate Baroness Cox, Mr Lewis's track record on Sudan is deeply questionable. His unreliability was exemplified by another one of his projects, 'Death in the Air', a "documentary" film he made in the course of 1999. (15) A 27-minute long programme, it claimed to be an investigation of the alleged use of chemical weapons within southern Sudan in July 1999 by Government of Sudan forces. It claimed to have produced "compelling" evidence to substantiate this claim. The word "chemical" was used 44 times in the programme. "Gas" was also mentioned several times, as was "poisoning" and "[c]ontaminated". "War crime" was also mentioned. Damien Lewis claimed in his programme that: "The results of the analysis by the UK and Finnish chemical weapons agencies provides tantalising evidence..." He further states: "Experts say the evidence so far is compelling" and said that there is "[a] convincing body of
evidence." Those interested in media accuracy, press sensationalism and misinformation in general, and with regard to Sudan in particular, can read the transcript of the programme and compare it against the results of the tests conducted which were central to the claims made in it. (16)

The dozens of samples he theatrically produced in the course of his programme were subject to detailed, vigorous independent testing by chemical weapons agencies of his choosing in three countries: there was not the slightest trace of anything remotely indicative of the use of chemical weapons. Even a cursory examination of what the British and Finnish chemical weapons agencies actually said unambiguously contradicted the claims made in 'Death in the Air'. The Finnish laboratories stated: "Analysis of the gloves, control soil sample and one water sample, revealed no relevant chemicals. Analysis of all soil samples and one water sample revealed the presence of
2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT). In addition to TNT, one soil sample contained the following degradation products of TNT: 1,8-dinitronaphtalene, 1-nitronaphtalene and 1,5-dinitronaphthalene." (17) That is to say, no evidence of any chemical weapons. There was, however, evidence that a conventional bomb had gone off.

The British government's chemical and biological defence agency at Porton Down rigorously tested seventeen samples of water, soil and shrapnel provided by Lewis for the spectrum of known chemical agents. In the government's response, the British Minister of State for Defence Procurement stated that "very careful analysis of all the available evidence" led the government to "conclude that there is no evidence to substantiate the allegations that chemical weapons were used in these incidents in the Sudan." More of Lewis's samples were independently
tested in the United States. The minister also stated with regard to these and other samples that "a separate set of samples taken from the sites of the alleged CW attacks in the Sudan was tested independently in the US. The results of these tests also indicated no evidence of exposure to CW agents. I understand that Mr Lewis also passed samples to the Finnish institute responsible for chemical weapons verification ("VERIFIN") and I am advised that this analysis likewise found evidence of TNT but none for CW agents." In fact, the British government remarked on "the consistency of results from these three independent sets of analysis".19 Yet despite all these tests on his samples Mr Lewis somehow found the courage to claim in his programme that the tests provided
"tantalising evidence...", that "[e]xperts say the evidence so far is compelling" and that there is "[a] convincing body of evidence." It is for the readers of this study to draw their own conclusions about Mr Lewis's credibility and ethics as a reporter.

Such is the reliability of the man who wrote 'Sklavin' for Nazer.


The Zeinab Nazer case is an important one. It provides a telling, and carefully documented insight into the propaganda campaign against Sudan.

Firstly, it provided the first instance where claims of slavery in Sudan could be examined in an independent, legal format where fact rather than propaganda would be established. And in 'The Sunday Telegraph' the CSW
"slavery" faction had a wealthy entity willing to bank-roll their claims. 'The Sunday Telegraph' gradually realised that the "slavery" claims were unsustainable and admitted that it had made a terrible mistake in publishing them. Secondly, it showed that even when its claims of "slavery" had been exposed as black and white falsehoods, the
anti-Sudan industry has nevertheless continued to propagate these lies. And, tellingly, but not surprisingly, Baroness Cox and Damien Lewis have not had sufficient courage to repeat these lies in Britain - preferring instead to voice them in Germany.

When confronted by the fact that Nazer's claims have been proven to be false, Nazer campaigners are now saying that having written the 'Sklavin' book, she would now be unpopular in Sudan. If Ms Nazer is now in a predicament because of her lying in an attempt to win asylum, it is one of her own making. British or European taxpayers should not be made to pay for her deceit.



1 "Sudan Diplomat 'Kept Slave Girl in London Home'", 'The Sunday Telegraph' (London), 17 September 2000. The story was also carried internationally. See, for example, "Sudan Diplomat Kept Servant Girl as Slave in London Home: Report", News Article by Agence France Presse, 17 September 2000.
2 Alex de Waal, 'Exploiting Slavery: Human Rights and Political Agendas in Sudan', 'New Left Review', Number 227, p.145.
3 Alex de Waal, 'Exploiting Slavery: Human Rights and Political Agendas in Sudan', 'New Left Review', Number 227, p.145.
4 "Statement in Open Court", Case No. HQ006869, In the High Court of Justice, Queen's Bench Division, between Abdel Mahmoud al-Koronky and Dominic Lawson, Christina Lamb and The Sunday Telegraph Limited, 4 July 2002.
5 "Foreign Office Investigates Claim that Woman was Kept as Slave by Diplomat", 'The Guardian' (London), 9 October 2002.
6 See Letters to the Editor, 'The Sunday Telegraph' (London), 1 October 2000.
7 See, for example, 'Baroness Cox and Sudan: How Reliable a Witness?', The British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London, 1999, available at www.espac.org.
8 De Waal is a director of the human rights group, Justice Africa. He was formerly a co-director of African Rights, and has worked for the Inter-Africa Group. He has written several books on Africa. He is an acknowledged expert on Sudan.
9 House of Lords 'Official Report', 19 March 1998, cols. 818-820.
10 House of Lords 'Official Report', 10 December 1998, column 103.
11 Andrew Boyd, 'Baroness Cox: A Voice for the Voiceless', Lion Publishing, Oxford, 1998, p.324.
12 "The Great Slave Scam", 'The Irish Times', 23 February 2002; "Scam in Sudan - An Elaborate Hoax Involving Fake African Slaves and Less-than-Honest Interpreters is Duping Concerned Westerners", 'The Independent on Sunday', 24 February 2002; "Ripping Off Slave 'Redeemers': Rebels Exploit Westerners' Efforts to Buy Emancipation for Sudanese", 'The Washington Post', 26 February 2002; "Sudan Rip-Offs Over Phony Slaves", 'International Herald Tribune', 27 February 2002. "Slave Redemption" has also been extensively questioned. See, for example, 'The Reality of Slave Redemption', European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London, March 2001; 'The Use of Intertribal Raiding as "Slavery" Propaganda in Sudan: A Statement of Concern to Mrs Mary Robinson, The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights', European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London, March 200, all available at http://www.espac.org. Christian Solidarity International's Sudan activities have long been seriously questioned. See, for example, 'Time to Speak out on Christian Solidarity International and Sudan: An Open Letter to Anti-Slavery International', European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London, June 2001; 'Prejudiced and Discredited: Christian Solidarity International and Sudan', European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, London, 2000, available at http://www.espac.org; David Hoile, 'Sudan, Propaganda and Distortion: Allegations of Slavery and Slavery-Related Practices', The Sudan Foundation, London, March 1997.
13 "Ripping Off Slave 'Redeemers': Rebels Exploit Westerners' Efforts to Buy Emancipation for Sudanese", 'The Washington Post', 26 February 2002.
14 "Scam in Sudan - An Elaborate Hoax Involving Fake African Slaves and Less-than-Honest Interpreters is Duping Concerned Westerners", 'The Independent on Sunday', 24 February 2002
15 Lewis had made earlier, equally-questionable, propaganda documentaries, including "Sudan: The Secret Story", featuring SPLA commander John Garang and Baroness Cox alleging oil-related "genocide".
16 'Sudan - Death in the Air', Phoenix Television, web-posted at The entire transcript of the programme is available at www.phoenix-tv.net/html/orange/recent/sudanche1.htm
17 As published in 'The ASA Newsletter', Issue No. 79, 2000, Applied Science and Analysis Inc., available at www.asanltr.com/newsletter/00-4/sudan_verifin.htm
18 For text of the British Government's Letter to Baroness Cox Regarding the testing of Damien Lewis's samples at the Chemical and Biological Defence Agency, Porton Down, (Reference D/MIN(DP)/ECS/13/3/3), 5 June 2000, see 'Damien Lewis, Sudan and 'Death in the Air': A Case Study in Irresponsible Television', European
Sudanese Public Affairs Council, August 2001

Post: #2
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: bayan
Date: 09-06-2004, 09:02 AM
Parent: #1

Slavery and Abduction

Post: #3
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Amani Alsunni
Date: 09-06-2004, 09:37 AM
Parent: #2

شكرا حبيبتي بيان علي هذه المساهمة الرائعة ، لكن صدقيني أي سوداني بعيدا عن مجموعة انتماءاته (السياسية والرياضية والعرقية والدينية والحغرافية) يحتاج لمعرفة وفضح والوقوف بشدة ضد اي حالة استرقاق موجودة في اي مدينة او اي قرية....ظللت اكرر للاخت رودا انني طيلة حياتي لم اري في كوستي وسنار ومدني واهلي المنتشرين في كل بقاع السودان اي إماء ( وللحقيقة سمعت وقرأت عن أشياء مثل هذه في الماضي) لذا عزمت ان ابذل كل الجهد للتعرف عن اي حالة حقيقية علي ارض السودان اليوم وتجنيد كل الجهود لكشفها بدوافعها وخلفياتها لو وجدت (خارج حدود ظني وعلمي الت\متواضع)
وما عدمتك

Post: #4
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Amani Alsunni
Date: 09-06-2004, 09:37 AM
Parent: #2

شكرا حبيبتي بيان علي هذه المساهمة الرائعة ، لكن صدقيني أي سوداني بعيدا عن مجموعة انتماءاته (السياسية والرياضية والعرقية والدينية والحغرافية) يحتاج لمعرفة وفضح والوقوف بشدة ضد اي حالة استرقاق موجودة في اي مدينة او اي قرية....ظللت اكرر للاخت رودا انني طيلة حياتي لم اري في كوستي وسنار ومدني واهلي المنتشرين في كل بقاع السودان اي إماء ( وللحقيقة سمعت وقرأت عن أشياء مثل هذه في الماضي) لذا عزمت ان ابذل كل الجهد للتعرف عن اي حالة حقيقية علي ارض السودان اليوم وتجنيد كل الجهود لكشفها بدوافعها وخلفياتها لو وجدت (خارج حدود ظني وعلمي الت\متواضع)
وما عدمتك

Post: #5
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 09:54 AM
Parent: #4

ومن يقرأ هذا البوست يعرف لماذا دكتوره بيان تنكر على الضحيايا حتى الحق فى التعبير عما جرى لهم، بل وتذهب أكثر من ذلك وتجرم من مر بتجربة الأسترقاق

ولى عوده.
ليس باسمنا يا سفيرة النوايا الحسنة

Post: #6
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Amani Alsunni
Date: 09-06-2004, 09:57 AM
Parent: #5

الاخت رودا هل تريدي ان تقولي أن ما جاء في هذا المقال محض إفتراء وان ما جاء في الكتاب هو السليم أم العكس هو الصحيح وبالتالي ينهد الاساس الذي تبني عليه كل حملاتك هنا

Post: #7
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: مراويد
Date: 09-06-2004, 10:00 AM
Parent: #1

Quote: Sudanese Public Affairs Council, August 2001

يكفى هذا الرجل فخرآ انه كان من قادة الجموعات التى تطالب بسحل مانديلا و ارهابيي ال ANC اثناء حكم الابارتايد، هل غريبه انو يدافع عن نظام عنصري اخر؟؟

Quote: In the interim, the Diary did indeed obtain a photograph of Dr Hoile, the publication of which it began to trail in Diary items, referring now to his denial of ever having worn "Hang Mandela accoutrements" (September 20), or "paraphernalia" (September 25). It published on September 26 what it presented as a picture of Dr Hoile wearing his "Hang Mandela kit" - in the form of a sticker attached to his tie

Quote: David Hoile and NOI-AMC: Playing the Devil Advocate
By: New Sudan African Society

The London based European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council
(ESPAC) headed by David Hoile, a South African born Briton has been known for sometimes now for consistently accusing the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) of war mongering,recruiting children into its army ranks, among others. Furthermore,Hoile denies there is such a thing as slavery in Sudan (but preferred only to rename and baptize it as "abductions"), and finds no link between the oil exploration in Southern Sudan and the massive aerial bombardment and displacement of the population in the oil region by the Sudan army to provide security zones for oilcompanies. Recently it launched vicious media attack on human right activists, and accused the new Bush Administration and US
Congress of "obstructing peace" by the passing Sudan Peace Act.

The organisation, ESPAC, finds no fault and wickedness with a regime that toppled a democratically elected government in 1989, sent thousands to ghost or concentration houses, forcedly drafted hundreds of thousands of university students and school children and declared "Jihad" on population in South Blue Nile, South Sudan, and Nuba Mountains. It finds no fault and iniquity with a
regime that armed militia to pillage, and lay waste towns and villages in South Sudan, South Blue Nile, and Nuba Mountains, bombed relief centres, hospital and schools, razed villages and captured women and children and took them into slavery. The "see no evil" and "hear no evil" organisation, [with ever increasing
applause and admiration of the Nation of Islam and the American Muslim Council (NOI-AMC)], is never alarmed by the well-documented facts that the regime it now seeks to defend was and is the one--a regime which until recently hosted international terrorists such as Bin Laden, Carlos the Jackal, and Hamas. It is
the regime that sponsored terrorists responsible for bombing of the US embassies in East Africa (resulting in hundreds of African and American civilian casualties), assassination attempts on Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, and the bombing of International Trade Centre in New York.

The "see no evil, hear no evil" organisation, applauded by NOI-AMC, has thecourage and the gut to take on a "European" name, and speak on behalf of Europeans and the British about what it calls "European-Sudanese Affairs"; no matter how questionable, ridiculous, convoluted, lubricous and controversial their position clearly appear to any rational observer. Small wonder, Hoile who founded and ######### the ESPAC is a man characterised by extremely chilling background. In a revelation published by Search Light (December 2000), Hoile was once a deputy head to Marc-Henri Glendening, who once chaired the Federation of Conservative Students (FCS). Glendening, Hoile's right-wing bedfellow, was best known for his infamous attitude towards blacks as reflected in his villainous saying: "it is the right of any man to discriminate against blacks if he so wishes". Driven by nothing other than opportunism and racial bigotry, Hoile and his organisation have now found a new cause for being "colour blind" so much that he can now team up with the Nation of Islam-American Muslim Council (NOI-AMC), in order to defend the grotesque, genocidal, and murderous Islamic
regime in Khartoum. It is as if in the heat of a moment David Hoile has become a partner to an organisation (NOI-AMC) which is an exact opposite to the British National Party, BNP, and the Klan (KKK) to which Hoile should rightly belong.

But that is not all to Hoile's background to sufficiently explain the very atypical and peculiar stand his ESPAC has been advocating for regarding the Sudanese Arab created and led civil war that has already claimed more than two millions African Sudanese lives. There is more about Hoile that can make most wonder why a man who should be behind-the-bars is still at large. According to Search
Light magazine, Hoile was a passionate apologist for the infamous RENAMO in Mozambique, an agent of South African Apartheid military intelligence. The International Freedom Foundation, IFF (UK), which Hoile and Marc Gordon (another notorious right-winger)****helped found,***** had one of its mission statements: "the combating of sanctions and support to constitutional initiatives
through publications, lobbying, conferences etc," according to the investigation by Khan Commission into South African secretintelligence operations. In the spirit of that extremely questionable mission of IFF, Hoile wrote his book "Understanding the Sanctions" with funds from John Carlisle, the pro-South African racist Tory MP for Luton North. This was nothing other than attempts to break the economic siege on the Apartheid.

Hoile, the current defender of the Islamic Arab regime in Khartoum, persistently accused the South African's African Nationalist Congress (ANC) of being in the "grip of Communism". That the ANC was going to turn South Africa into a Communist country. One of the icons and role models of African freedom movements, according to Hoile, is (the pariah) Mr. Jonas Savimbi of UNITA who
was hired by South Africa to destabilise Angola. None of those bizarre accusations or assumptions had any shred of connection to the truth, as we know it. It only***** saves***** the fact that Hoile and his highly faulty and controversial causes had not withstood the tide of change which swept away the South African Apartheid system, bringing in its place: democracy, respect for human rights,and sanity itself. In the same rein, we can be sure that Hoile's
ESPAC and his collaborators in NOI-AMC are no doubt destined to the graveyard and dustbin of history, so long as they maintain their support of this grotesque, genocidal, murderous and insatiate African enslavement policies of the Arab Islamic regime in Khartoum.

Just to avoid the danger of us being accused of bias and rhetoric, or running a "media circus" as ESPAC-NOI-AMC would like to label the regime of Sudan's critics, we would like to ask the same questions (which ESPAC and NOI-AMC has often asked). This is--what evidence is there to support the accusations that are held against the Arab Islamic Khartoum regime? Not one, not two and
not three, but plenty-- On the question of modern day slavery in Sudan, the existence of the practice was first highlighted by two Khartoum university professors and themselves devout Muslims: Dr. Ushari Muhamoud, and Dr. Sulyman Ali Baldo in 1987 following their investigation into a massacre of thousands of African Sudanese by government armed militia in the city of Daein in Western Sudan. Since then the existence and practice of slavery was independently**** confirmed**** by the Amnesty International, UN Human Rights Watch, United States Commission for Refugees (USCR), the Canadian Foreign Ministry and host of Non-governmental Organisations (NGOs) working in Sudan, and testimonies from former victims of slavery. Moreover, drilling for oil in South Sudan has only increased human suffering in South Sudan since the Khartoum regime has resorted to policy of a scorched-earth warfare which has led to massive displacement and death among the local African Sudanese population. Again these have been documented and acknowledged by the investigators
from UN Human Right Watch, Amnesty International, USCR, British Christian Aid, Canadian Haker's Report on "the human cost of oil development", and most recently the UN Special Investigator Leonardo Franco, among others. The IMF reported an increase in the regime's military spending since oil export begun in 1998. This is an enormous amount of credible information which supports two
important facts: That the Sudan regime is involved in gross violation of human rights (of abhorrent nature such as slavery, and waging a genocidal war on African Sudanese), and that this situation can only get worst if oil exploration (with attendant scorched-earth warfare) is allowed to continued.

Unfortunately, by finding no fault and vileness with the present Khartoum regime and taking a hostile stand against measures (economic or otherwise) that would increase the pressure on the regime to negotiate a peaceful settlement in good faith, the ESPAC and their accomplices in the NOI-AMC are in effect propagating for the maintenance of the status quo and thereby heightening and lengthening the suffering of the African Sudanese in South Blue Nile, Nuba Mountains, and South Sudan. We should make no mistake by not realising that the present regime in Khartoum is *****bent**** on finding a military solution to war. It is committed to using the proceeds from oil exploration to import more advanced
military hardware as well as building its growing arm and ammunition industry to achieve "arm sufficiency" as Reuters (on 16th June 2001) quoted Omer Al Bashir stating: "Sudan will celebrate the festival of the revolution this year with the production of tanks and heavy equipment by Sudanese hands". This regime is
determined as ever to frustrate the claims of South Sudanese, people of Nuba Mountains and South Blue for self-determination or the dismantling of the current system by separating religion fromstate.

Every peace loving person in the world should therefore work very hard to achieve a just and peaceful settlement to Sudan's conflict. Ignoring the policies of appeasement promoted by questionable organisations such as ESPAC we would encourage you all to add your voice to the ever-increasing voices for peace, liberty and justice in South Sudan, Nuba Mountain and Southern Blue **** Nile****.

No to slavery in Sudan, No to oil exploration without peace, No to import of Sudan's blood tainted oil, and Yes to a peaceful settlement which must recognise the right of self-determination for the African Sudanese in South Blue Nile, South Sudan, and Nuba Mountains.

Finally, let David Hoile, his cronies and co-accomplices in the NOI- AMC know in no uncertain terms, that by their skewed and hypocritical stand on the Arab created and led conflict in Sudan, the union between Hoile and NOI-AMC is nothing other than for gluttony. Thus, they are headed for the graveyard of history and shame. With the established existence and practice of slavery in
the Sudan by credible bodies such as the UN Human Right Watch, Amnesty International, USCR, British Christian Aid, Canadian Haker's Report on "the human cost of oil development", and most recently the UN Special Investigator Leonardo Franco, freed slaves among others, Hoile and the Nation of Islam-American Muslim Council should agonize not over denial, but their ruined and
irreparable credibility.



Quote: Who is David Hoile of the notorious European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council (ESPAC)?

Mr. Hoile has used a variety of organizations to give apparent substance to his interminable propaganda efforts. In addition to "The European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council," he also uses the name "British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council," and "Westminster Associates." The latter is important because, as the authoritative Africa Confidential has revealed in its most recent issue (Vol 42, No 17), "the parliamentary register of interests lists the client of [Westminster Associates] as the Sudan government."

The Sudan government is completely dominated by the extremist National Islamic Front; it is the regime responsible for the bombing of civilian and humanitarian targets throughout southern Sudan; it is the regime presently responsible for denying emergency humanitarian relief to tens of thousands of the most desperately needy people in the world; it is the regime that has been repeatedly and unambiguously found responsible for massive scorched-earth warfare in the oil regions of southern Sudan. Those who have reached this latter conclusion include: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the last three UN Special Rapporteurs for Sudan, Christian Aid (UK), the Harker Mission of the Canadian Government, and numerous others.

But Mr. Hoile is clearly happy to take money from this brutal regime. Is there anything in Mr. Hoile's character that could account for a willingness to work for such savagely cruel paymasters? As it happens, The Guardian, Britain's most distinguished newspaper, has recently given us a couple of rather clear glimpses of Mr. Hoile's twisted soul in the "Diary" entries of Matthew Norman (August 29, 2001 and August 30, 2001).

Perhaps most revealing is Mr. Norman's acerbic inquiry of August 30th:

"When we speak to David [Hoile of ESPAC] to discuss some recollections readers have been sharing about him, he keeps asking if we can provide a photograph of him wearing a hilarious "Hang Mandela" badge or T-shirt. Can anyone help?"

Perhaps you had to be there with David Hoile of ESPAC to see the humor of wishing Nelson Mandela to be executed.

In any event, Talisman Energy of Canada sees something of value in David Hoile's perceptions: they have used his materials in communicating with the news media about the situation in Sudan, where they are the direct beneficiaries of the scorched-earth warfare that has been so authoritatively established. Mr. Hoile's propagandistic denials of these realities are evidently just what they want to hear. Perhaps in their views of Africa they share more yet with this profiteering bit of human viciousness.

----Eric Reeves

Post: #8
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 10:10 AM
Parent: #7

شكرا يا أستاذ يامراويد،
أنا أعرف هذا المتكرش ديفيد هويل شخصيا!!!!!!
وهو مدير

European- Sudanese Public Affairs Council

وشركة العلاقات العامه هذه مدفوع لها من الحكومه السودانيه دونما نكران دكتور هويل لهذا!
سأعود لهويل، قبله أود أن أسأل الدكتوره بيان ان كانت تثق فى ديفيد هويل وتتبنى آراءه، أو لماذا نقلت ماكتبه؟

ولى عوده

Post: #9
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 10:22 AM
Parent: #1

أمانى السنى كتيت:

(الاخت رودا هل تريدي ان تقولي أن ما جاء في هذا المقال محض إفتراء وان ما جاء في الكتاب هو السليم أم العكس هو الصحيح وبالتالي ينهد الاساس الذي تبني عليه كل حملاتك هنا)

نعم هذا بالظبط ما أقول، أن هذا الرجل كذاب،!!!!
ونعم يا امانى أن نظرت الى أندفاعك لتأييد مايقوله أمثال ديفيد هويل دونما تعرفى عنه وعن تاريخه، تاريخ توضيفه و وكالة علاقاته العامه، أن فكرت فى هذا تعرفى لماذا لايمكننى أنوغيرى ان

أثق فى أمثال دعوتك الى (مساعدة) من تم أسترقاقهم !

ثم يا امانى (أخص عليك) تصدقى (الكافر) وتكذبى بت بلدك؟


Post: #10
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Amani Alsunni
Date: 09-06-2004, 10:48 AM
Parent: #9

الاخت الكريمة / رودا

انا والله لا املك لك شخصياالا المحبة كأخت سودانية، واختلافنا حتي لحد الشتم لن يفسد للود قضية...لكن مع امتلاك كلانا لكامل الحق في الدفاع عن وجهة نظرها ـ أنا لا أعرف ديفيد هويل لكن فرحت عندما مدتني الاخت بيان بما يدعم حملتي لاستقصاء الحقيقة إنطلاقا من قناعتي بأن لا رق في السودان ولا حافز في الاسلام لمثل هذه الدعوة....سأفرح جدا اذا استطعت اثبات ان لا رق في السودان ، بل هنالك تظلمات واطراف مهمشة مقابل مركز نام نسبيا ويتولد عن ذلك تقسيمات مخلة للعمل داخليا( حيث غالبية من يعملن للخدمة داخل البيوت من الاطراف والاقليات التي لم تنل حظا من التأهيل لمهن أيسر وهذه المهن مثل العتالة، المكوجية ، الطلب وغيرها) ولكن ذلك لا يعتبر بأي الحال من الاحوال استرقاقا....صدقيني إن تأكد لي بأن هنالك اي حالات استرقاق الان سأضع يدي علي يدك لنناضل ضد ذلك معا وإذا لم تثبت الحالات ارجو وبنفس الشجاعة ان تتخذي الموقف المتوقع منك....
أما موضوع المقال فبعيدا عن ديفيد هويل هل مضمونه سليم ام غير ذلك ( هل تحققت الصنداي تايمز ووجدت ان الامر مجرد اكاذيب فاعتذرت للكرنكي ام لم يحدث)

Post: #11
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: nour tawir
Date: 09-06-2004, 10:55 AM
Parent: #9

Dr. Bayan

I know this case
Zeinab was exploited by one of the corrupt nuba politicians who works for the Sudan government.He used this girl in London,presented her to the British NGO's to tell a faulse story because he wanted to be the beneficiary in this case
The name of the corrupt nuba politician is Munir Sheikh Al Deen.He worked for both the government and the opposition.
Finally NIF government sent him to Sudan in British aiways, first class ticket.When he went,to Sudan for certain agenda concerning the government against the nuba.
ie: he said on several papers that there is no need for self determination for the nuba.
When Moneer faced pressure from the nuba inside and stopped the propaganda for the NIF government,NIF government brought up Zeinab file against him
Which is a State security.
The man is a nuba, but he is corrupt and we the nuba do not accept that.
He is facing problems right now with his own government,who turned against him.
First they gave him a house in a place called Wahda near Hag Yousif
They brought him on T.V and newspapers as university graduate and has P.H in law.
NIF government knows its all faulse, but because they needed him at first
So, you can see that we are brave enough to confess when we are wrong
The man founded one of the branches of the National Parties which was supposed to be used as a weapon against the nuba.
Now the man is in Khartoum and he has enough trouble with his own friends who are NIF government

Post: #12
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Amani Alsunni
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:11 AM
Parent: #11

شكرا اخت نور علي الاضافة الصادقة وانا أعرف عن منير شيخ الدين أنه عسكري سابق وحاليا رئيس الحزب القومي الديمقراطي الجديد(حزب يضم مجموعات من النوبة) في السودان وكان له موقف من التجمع ولا يرفض مبدأ الحوار مع السلطة ، واعوانه يدعون انه عذب كثيرا في معتقلات الامن....ما رأي الاخت روضة

Post: #13
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:32 AM
Parent: #11

األستاذه نور،

شكرا كثير لهذه المشاركه القيمه،

وأن كنا لانزال حتى اليوم نتغالط مع بعض أبناء وبنات الوطن حول وجود ضاهرة الرق القبيحه؟
ورغم أن هنالك الكثير من المعلومات المغلوطه ، و المتاجره بآلام البشر، الا أنه كاذب من ينكر أن هنالك من تعرض للأسترقاق ولايزال فى السودان. أن يكذب أحد ما هذا، لبلأمر المؤسف حقا، هذا حتى وأن وجد أمثال (أمين) او العقيد (خميس) اوغيرهم ممن أختار أن يخون اهله.

أن يأتينا أحدهم ب(ديفيد هويل ) لبالأمر المستفز، و اغير مقبول.

فالذين تعرضوا للأسترقاق يعيشوا مع أسوأ انواع التراما، ويزداد مقدار الجرح النفسى بنكران البعض لما تعرضوا له حقيقه، ويزداد أكثر بتجريم البعض الآخر وهذا غير مقبول ، لأنه غير أنسانى!

(تراما/ Trauma) أو جرح نفس مابعد المحرقة ، او غرس اصابعنا فى أعينكم !!

Post: #20
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: nour tawir
Date: 09-06-2004, 12:16 PM
Parent: #13

Hi Roada

Denying the problem can only make it worst
In fact I can't wait untill I have time to talk to Amani, because I believe many Sudanese are victims of NIF faulse media
It will be difficult for any one on this Board to imajine the conditions in the so called Salam camps. Concentration camps are even better because I had to read a lot about the Nazis.Comparison is not applicable in this manner

Also I hope Amani can watch the film who is kept with Dr.Hamouda, because in this film the slavers were very frank, and they also talked about traficcing and how they resll them. Slavers were veild and they refused to show their faces for security purposes as they said.During NIF regime it all started with Nazir Ali El Tom of Kababish 1991 who used to sell them in public auction
A slave was very cheap. But with the exportation, when the POPULAR DEFENCE FORCES in the nuba,south and other parts started this transaction ,prices went up
One more thing they were exported and the money was used for military purposes early 1990's
We pulled the roof
transaction slowed down
As for women as I will show, I always laugh at one of the cases at El Obeid when the lady of the house hepled the slavewoman to run away when she discovered that her husband spent the nights with the slavewoman
There are times we laugh and cry at the same time. Aren't they


Post: #16
Title: Hoile the PR man for the NIF and his lies
Author: Zaki
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:47 AM
Parent: #11

First the paper is the Telegraph and not the Sunday Times
Hoile asserts that the allegations are not repeated in Britain. This is not true because the book is published in Britain by a British publisher and available in bookshops in Britain. So far we did not see any legal action against the publisher.
The book is published by Virago Press and it is called "Slave". The ISBN for the British version is 1 84408 114 1
If you read the book you find details about the legal case and the paper was criticised for not checking its facts and it is very clear there was a suspicious role played by a certain character.
The words published in the paper were not those of Mendes and she was never interviewed.
Now let Hoile provide us with the details of any legal action taken against the British publisher of the book.
Something else we must not forget. Papers do not fight libel actions because of the costs. The cases of Jonathan Atkins and Jeffrey Archer are two to remember. They both got apologies from the papers and compensation but when those who gave false evidence on their behalf (the case of Archer) or those who were the subject of the allegations (Mohamed al-Fayed in the case of Atkins) decided to spill the beans both former ministers ended in prison for the lies they made in front of a court.
Please read the book and the comments on the case before you accept Hoile paid for propaganda.

Post: #21
Title: Re: Hoile the PR man for the NIF and his lies
Author: nour tawir
Date: 09-06-2004, 01:22 PM
Parent: #16

Dear Zaki
I was not the one who referred to the paper
I brought up the story of Zeinab the nuba woman who was exploited by Muneer Sheihk Al Deen, Nuba politician
Please have a second look to the interventions

Post: #14
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:44 AM
Parent: #1

دعنا نعود لهذا الديفيد:

هذا جزء من حوار سابق نشر فى (سودان لست)
وهذا ماخطه الصديق بيتر فينى:

David Hoile - a summary

David Hoile is a PR man for the Sudanese regime, with a long track record which illustrates his political predilections. As a student at Warwick University in the UK in the 1980s he sported the slogan "Hang Mandela" on his necktie.

His interests as Director of London-based Westminster Associates have included advisory work for the Sudanese Foreign Trade Ministry and the Sudan embassy in London. This was declared in the UK Parliamentary Register in 2000 when he was a researcher for Conservative MP Andrew Hunter in 2000. He was an advisor to the official Sudanese delegation to the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Brussels in 2001.

There are ten entries in Hansard records of House of Lords debates referring to his current role as a defender of the Sudanese government who sets upon any critic of its human rights record.

He has diligently attacked a wide range of observers of Sudan in his reports for the Sudan Foundation, British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council and European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council.

His targets in the past have included the US Congressional Research Service, the Dutch government and the New Sudan Council of Churches. They range from the New York Times to the Sunday Telegraph, from Amnesty International to Africa Confidential, Christian Aid to Christian Solidarity International.

Background to David Hoile / ESPAC / BSPAC

The "British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council" - BSPAC and "European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council" - ESPAC - are headed by David Hoile.

David Hoile, who formerly promoted the public images of Renamo in Mozambique and Inkatha in apartheid-era South Africa, is a director of Westminster Associates. Westminster Associates was contracted in 1996 to improve Sudan's international public image. The government of Sudan appears to be Westminster Associates' sole client, or at least its only prominent one.

During the period 1999-2000, when David Hoile was parliamentary research assistant to the Conservative MP Andrew Hunter, Hoile's officially declared interests - listed in the Parliamentary Register dated 12 September 2000 - were consultancy / advice for the Sudanese embassy in London and the Sudanese External Trade Ministry.

Quote from AFRICA ENERGY INTELLIGENCE n° 301 - 20/06/01


David Hoile: Founder of the British Sudanese Public Affairs Council in London in 1998 and of the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council that has operated out of Brussels since 1999, David Hoile finds himself in charge of two lobby groups favorable to Khartoum's fundamentalist regime. (...).

Hoile and Sudan's delegation to ACP-EU

David Hoile is listed as Advisor to the official delegation of the Sudan to the 3rd Session of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly, Brussels 29th October-1st November 2001, published by the Protocol and Public Relations Dept, in the document LIST OF PARTICIPANTS, # ACP/23/.../01 on 30 October 2001.

Post: #15
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:46 AM
Parent: #14

Observations on David Hoile and his European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council (ESPAC) - by John Ryle

John Ryle was the UK Nominated Member of the International Eminent Persons Group on Abduction and Slavery in Sudan (2002).

He writes:

Date: 2 Aug 2003 I am happy to put on record my view of the European Sudan Public Affairs Council (ESPAC).

I know of no specialist in Sudan affairs who gives any credence to ESPAC as a source of information or analytical insight. This is not because ESPAC represents the view of the Sudan Government. An official Sudan Government analysis of current issues and events would have a legitimate role in the debate. But ESPAC - although it is generally assumed to be financed by the Sudan Embassy in London and therefore to represent an official view - does not present itself as the voice of the Government of Sudan, but rather as a independent public affairs organization working for peace.

Although it is called a Council it has not, so far as I am aware, published a list of member organizations or individuals, nor a constitution, nor a list of staff positions. With the exception of reports by its director (who is not Sudanese) the documents published on its website do not have named authors. The European dimension implied in the title of the organization does not seem to be borne out in reality. ESPAC has every appearance of being a one-man show.

ESPAC reports employ an apparatus of footnotes and an informed tone. These reports, however, are characterized by systematic one-sidedness in coverage of peace issues and by substantial misrepresentations of the political realities of present-day Sudan. The reports are also marked by systematic distortion of the views of recognized specialists and by repetitive, defamatory attacks on individuals. The stridently ad hominem tone of the latter attacks suggests a personal motive that goes beyond the routinely slanted rhetoric to be expected of a lobby organization.

The views of ESPAC expressed above would be shared, I think, by most informed parties. I cannot bring to mind any occasion on which ESPAC reports were cited as a credible source in mainstream international media (or, in fact, quoted at all), nor do I recollect the Director of ESPAC or other representative of the organization being invited to speak on Sudan issues in any recognized specialist forum, academic or otherwise.

John Ryle Chair, Rift Valley Institute UK Nominated Member, International Eminent Persons Group on Abduction and Slavery in Sudan (2002) Research Associate, School of Oriental and African Studies


Quote from AFRICA CONFIDENTIAL 27 June 2003 Vol 44 No 13


SUDAN: 'Oppressive and totalitarian'

Mr Smile uses ESPAC ... The friendly face of the NIF charm offensive is Foreign Minister Mustafa Osman Ismael, known as Mr Smile. When he visited Washington in late May, he was said to be upset not to have been invited to meet Ted Dagne, the veteran Horn of Africa specialist at the Congressional Research Service. Within days, the Sudan government lobbyist David Hoile (who used to advocate hanging Nelson Mandela) had issued against Dagne one of his habitual vitriolic attacks via his 'European Sudanese Public Affairs Council'. We hear that Hoile accompanied Mustafa Osman to some DC meetings.


References to David Hoile / ESPAC / BSPAC in Hansard House of Lords Debates 1998-2002

There are ten references to David Hoile and his organisations in Hansard from debates on Sudan in the last five years.

Lords Hansard 8 December 1998


8 Dec 1998 : Column 905 9.20 p.m.

Lord Cocks of Hartcliffe: My Lords, I am glad once again to be able to thank the noble Baroness, Lady Cox, for bringing this subject to our attention and enabling us to talk about it. Perhaps I may say how very much we all appreciate her courage and persistence in bringing us absolutely invaluable first hand evidence of just what is going on.

I have spoken on the Sudan in the past. In July I was elected to be a joint vice-chairman of the All-Party British Sudanese Parliamentary Group. At that meeting there was mention of the British-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, which has an address in London. I asked about the council because it was new to me and I asked how it was being funded. I was told that it was being funded by the Sudanese Government.

8 December 1998 : Column 907 9.27 p.m.

Lord Avebury: My Lords, I was interested to hear what the noble Lord, Lord Cocks, said about the Sudanese Foundation appearing at the annual meeting of the British group, as I wrote to Mr. Hoile, the director of that foundation, on a couple of occasions, to ask him to let me have a copy of the report and accounts of his outfit. I never received a reply. It is good to hear from the noble Lord, Lord Cocks, that Mr. Hoile receives all his money from the Sudanese Government. I hope that those who receive his literature will take careful note of that.


Lords Hansard 19 January 2000

Bonded Labour and Slavery

Speaker: Baroness Cox

Column 1184

The government of Sudan--the NIF--condemn us, denying that there is slavery; but there is enough evidence from other and diverse sources to enable the United Nations to include slavery as part of its general indictment of the NIF regime. David Hoile, in the publications of the pro-NIF organisation, the British Sudanese Public Affairs Council, which are distributed widely, including to many of your Lordships, attacks us virulently and me personally.


Post: #17
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:47 AM
Parent: #15

Lords Hansard 18 December 2000


Column 604

Baroness Cox:
    The NIF does not like us going to "no go" areas for we see what it does not want the world to see. It has told us that it will shoot us out of the sky if it can; and it expends a vast amount of time and money discrediting us, as do its friends such as David Hoile, and the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council, who publish perhaps flatteringly frequent publications misrepresenting me, with selective quotations and distortions of my position.

    5.45 p.m.

    Lord Pearson of Rannoch: My Lords, I had not intended to speak in the debate. I would not have done so had I not received this morning--like other noble Lords--an extraordinary package from the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council consisting of a letter from a Mr David Hoile, of whose interests one is not aware, and no less than two pamphlets and a booklet. The booklet runs to 120 pages and does not carry a price tag. One can only assume that it is for distribution purposes and not for open market consumption.

    18 December 2000 : Column 616

      I agree with the noble Lord, Lord Ahmed. It is time for the dead hand of propaganda to be removed from this debate. We should listen to my noble friend Lady Cox.

      5.47 p.m.

      Lord Avebury: My Lords, the greatest tribute to the noble Baroness, Lady Cox, is that every time she raises the subject of Sudan, we all receive this flood of bumph from the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council and the egregious Mr Hoile, who is sometimes referred to as "oily Hoile". Unlike some other noble Lords, I always read his pamphlets with great care, except when they arrive immediately before a debate and I do not have time to do anything more than open them. I can assure Mr Hoile that I shall read his remarks, but not until after the debate. He must send them a little earlier if he wants me to entertain them before I speak.

      I have been in correspondence with Mr Hoile on a number of occasions. I have asked him if he would tell me how the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council is financed, and I have yet to receive any response. I should like to know. It is a matter of legitimate interest to everyone who is in receipt of these documents.


      Lords Hansard 13 March 2002

      Trafficking: Children

      13 Mar 2002 : Columns 885 and 886

      Baroness Cox: My Lords, I warmly congratulate the noble Lord on initiating this debate, on introducing it so comprehensively and on his tireless endeavours on behalf of those suffering from violations .....

      Obviously, slave redemption is not the solution: the solution is to stop the slavery. International protest brought down apartheid, so why is there so much reluctance to protest against slavery? Perhaps because David Hoile's well-funded organisation, the European-Sudanese Public Affairs Council, which acts as a mouthpiece for the NIF, widely disseminates publications full of misleading half-truths and references taken out of

Post: #18
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:50 AM
Parent: #17

Background to BSPAC and ESPAC - by Damien Lewis

(Damien Lewis is a feeelance documentary maker and journalist who has made several films in Sudan.)

Both ESPAC and BSPAC are based at the same central London address. It has been difficult to ascertain exactly who funds Mr. Hoile and these two organisations. Mr Hoile states only that they receive "private funding". Most observers conclude it is the Government of Sudan and wealthy individuals associated with that regime. As Lord Avebury, Chairman of the Parliamentary Human Rights Group, states in a House of Lords debate (8th December, 199, "It is believed Mr. Hoile receives all his money from the Sudanese Government. I hope that those who receive his literature will take careful note of that".

Mr. Hoile has criticised non-Governmental and Governmental groups for their work on Sudan. The American Antislavery Group is accused of being; "Self-serving propagandists". The US Commission on International Religious Freedom in Sudan is accused of being, "Partisan and Hypocritical". The International Crisis Group, and the former Clinton Administration Africa Director, John Prendergast, are accused of, "a self-serving inability to differentiate between fact and misinformation". The Clinton Administration is accused of the, "Obstruction of Peace in Sudan". The Bush Administration is accused of; "Encouraging War and Hindering Peace". The United States' Congress is accused of being: "Poorly Informed and Confrontational".

ESPAC has written an essay on the BBC entitled, "A Case Study in Prejudice and Poor Reporting" and another called "Irresponsible Journalism". On Channel 4 Television, ESPAC has written an essay entitled; "Propaganda Journalism and Channel 4 TV in Britain". ESPAC writes of the Washington Post; "Irresponsible, Inaccurate and Inept". ESPAC writes of the New York Times under a heading; "A Study in Poor Journalism". On the London Observer newspaper, ESPAC writes of; "Questionable Sources, Questionable Journalism". On the Canadian Globe and Mail, ESPAC has issued a report entitled; "Turning a Blind Eye to War Crimes". Of London's Daily Telegraph, ESPAC writes of "Taking Sides in Sudan" and "Islamophobia, Poor Journalism or Bad Judgement?" The Sun Media group of Canada is presented under a document entitled, "Misreporting Sudan".

David Hoile's own background has been reported widely over the years. He became Vice-President of the extreme right-wing Federation of Conservative Students in the 1980s. In 1985 he was exposed in the National Student magazine for wearing a badge bearing the slogan, "Hang Nelson Mandela". (This fact was reported again in the Guardian newspaper in 2001.) In 1985, he was also reported in the National Student magazine as claiming to have been a member of Rhodesia's security forces, and he is written about and pictured in London's Time Out magazine on patrol with the extreme right wing Contra rebels in Nicaragua. In that Contra article, Time Out reports; "'It was a very enjoyable experience', said ex-white Rhodesian soldier Hoile, who carried a Kalashnikov automatic rifle with him on patrol".

The credibility of David Hoile's recent comments on behalf of the European Sudanese Public Affairs Council should be viewed in light of the above.


Reviews and newspaper references to David Hoile

From the Journal of Southern African Studies, p530, (1996): ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

Review by Alex Vines, King's College, University of London - of David Hoile's book, "Mozambique, Resistance and Freedom: A Case for Reassessment", published by the Mozambique Institute, London 1994.

David Hoile is a legacy of the Cold War. Schooled in Rhodesia, he left at independence for Britain and has since specialised in right-wing causes: the Contras in Nicaragua; UNITA in Angola; Renamo in Mozambique and Inkatha in South Africa. In 1996 he moved north, on to Sudan issues, the new frontier for under-employed Cold War warriors.

Prior to crusading for these causes, he was a senior member of the Federation of Conservative Students in Britain until it was abolished for its extreme activities by Conservative Party Central Office.

Godfather to his child is ex-Rhodesian Special Air Service and ex-South African Special Force officer, Garth Barrett. Barret specialised in covert military operations inside Mozambique for many years in support of Renamo.

Hoile became involved seriously with Mozambican issues in 1989 when he published a pro-Renamo book (Mozambique: A Nation in Crisis - Claridge Press, London 1989). His first direct contact with Renamo was in September 1990 and in mid-1991, with funds provided by British businessman Robin Birley (stepson to millionaire Sir James Goldsmith).

Hoile launched the Mozambique Institute, using a commercial answering service in London as it address. Birley's sponsorship of the Mozambique Institute later developed commercial spin-offs through the Boston-based Rovuma Rio company which has worked timber concessions in Renamo areas.

    Hoile never dared to contradict the Renamo official line, and his book reflects this fact.

    Much of what Hoile denies [actually] occurred: from Renamo's many human rights abuses, to its extensive use of child soldiers. In 1993-4, travels by this reviewer in Renamo dominated zones confirmed that with no doubt. UN agencies and NGOs working in Renamo administered areas also confirm this view.

    What was widely underestimated was the localised nature of Mozambican politics and the fact that brutal military efforts against Renamo by Frelimo had been more widespread.

    Canadian anthropologist Otto Roesch is described by Hoile as a "Frelimo apologist" (p.56) when, in fact, it was this academic, through his published field work in central Mozambique, who showed that support for Renamo was variable and localised, and that national generalisations were difficult.

    Roesch found in central Mozambique a strong following for Renamo compared with his original fieldwork in Gaza which showed the opposite.

    (Roesch, Otto: `Mozambique Unravels? The retreat to tradition', Southern Africa Report May 1992; `Renamo and the Peasantry in Southern Mozambique: a view from Gaza province', Canadian Journal of African Studies 26,3).

    The October 1994 multiparty election results, with Renamo's strong following in five provinces, demonstrated clearly this complex patch-work response.

    David Hoile was in a unique position in 1990-92 to travel and report on what life was actually like in Renamo controlled areas. He could have furthered international understanding of Renamo in a crucial period when such information was at a premium. He failed to do this, preferring to act as an unquestioning propagandist for Renamo. "Mozambique, Resistance and Freedom" is an epitaph to a missed opportunity.

    Alex Vines

Post: #19
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-06-2004, 11:53 AM
Parent: #18

"Hang Mandela" - Guardian Diary

Matthew Norman Wednesday August 29, 2001 The Guardian

Iain Duncan Smith may have sacked that Monday Clubber Andrew Hunter from his team, but what of his researcher David Hoile? In his other post, as director of the British-Sudanese public affairs council, Dr Hoile lobbies ceaselessly for a government fabled for its systematic abuse of human rights. Dr Hoile, who promoted British involvement in that engaging oil pipeline project, routinely dismisses the regime's atrocities and writes letters attacking critics such as our own Julie Flint, who this month highlighted how new oil revenues are being used to buy missiles. A safe Tory seat for Dr Hoile, then, if such a thing should exist under IDS.

-------- Guardian Diary


And so to David Hoile, the rightwing apologist for the Sudanese government, who obtained a correction in this newspaper after the Diary reported his offer of $1m to anyone who could produce a photo of him wearing Hang Mandela kit in the 1980s.

"I have never worn such a thing," he vowed, "and I'm saddened that journalistic standards have been thrown aside, even in such a frivolous column."

Chastened and distraught by our failure to help Dr Hoile, my colleague Emmett Borcik has flouted the rich Diary tradition of underachievement, and tracked down the snaps.

The first is taken at a 1983 NUS conference at Warwick University, when David was the alluring vice-chairman of the Federation of Conservative Students. The second provides an enlarged version of the image sellotaped to his tie. In order to allow Dr Hoile time and space to get reacquainted with these old friends, we shall not raise the question of the bounty until tomorrow.


GUARDIAN 17 February 2003

Apologist used to block asylum: Pro-Sudanese consultant cited to discredit expert

by David Pallister, The Guardian, Monday February 17, 2003


Post: #22
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: bayan
Date: 09-06-2004, 05:33 PM
Parent: #19

العزيزة رودا
الى اى مدى يمكنك ان ان تمشى فى درب الحقيقة.. قد يكون هناك استرقاق وقد لا يكون
وولكن قصة زينب هذه ثبتت انها كذب وقد اعتذرت الصحيفة وعلى حسب علمى ان الكورنكى رفع قضية عليها...
الاكاذيب التى تتبناها المعارضة فى تحربض الغرب على حكومة السودان هى التى تساعد فى بقاء هذه الحكومة بعد ان فقدت المعارضة مصداقيتها.. عندما كذب من كذب وضرب مصنع الشفاء وظهرت الحقيقة الفاضحة كذب ما ادعته المعارضة وكانت النتجية.. ان تصبح الادوية الحيوية فى غير متناول اليد للعدد ضخم من الغبش وصارت الملاريا القاتل الاول فى السودان.. فهل ستدفع تعويضات عن كل من مات لعدم تمكنه من شراء الدواء....
الان مثل هذه القصص يضر بالضحايا الحقيقين فمن الاجدر بكم ان تغربلوا القصص وتعرفوا الحقيقة
و الكاذبة لان من يكذب بدعوة التعذيب قد يحرم شخص قد عذب فعليا..ومن يكذب فى انه قد تم استرقاقه
ايضا يضر بقضية من استرق فعليا وتفقد كل القصص مصداقيتها.. ولذلك ا لاحرى بك ات تحققى فى مصداقية ما ورد فى هذه القصة.. ولقد اعتذرت الصحيفة رسميا بأنها نشرب هذه القصة وهى قصة كاذبة..بقض النظر عما كتبه هاولى .. راجعى ارشيف الصحف فى عام 2002 وستعرفين اذا كانت الصحيفة على حق ام لا.. وبعدها ادينى سلوك هذه الزينب التى اساءت للضحايا الحقيقين..
وانا مع امانى فى انه لو ثبت لنا انه هناك استرقاق حقيقى فسنبذل قصارى جهدنا لدفع الظلم والعدوان..
فقط اود ان اجد دليل واضح وعالى المصداقية..
بالله ادينى (سوم كريتد).. فأنا ليست مجردة من الانسانية حتى احرم الضحايا حتى من التحدث عما حدث لهم لكن اريد الحقيقة ولا شئ الا الحقيقة

الاخ زكى

الكتاب غيرت فيه اسم الشخصية فلم يعد سيرة ذاتية..صار رواية مثل كوخ العم توم وغيرها من الروايات التى تحكى عن الرق.. ولذلك تسقط اى قضية تجاهه او بالاحرى لا يمكن ان ترفع اى قضية على قصة خيالية ولا كيف؟

العزيزة نور
شكرا على الموضوعية والصدق فى الطرح.. وشرفتى البوست

Post: #23
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Deng
Date: 09-06-2004, 08:16 PM
Parent: #1

اماني السني وبيان.

اعتمادكم علي مقالات أجير حكومة الجبهة ديفيد هويل يكشف لي عن عدم داريتكم بمسألة السودان بطريقة واضحة جاداً. فكيف يمكن لكم نقل كتابات شخص مدفوع الأجر بواسطة حكومة الجبهة والاستشهاد بأكاذيبه؟


Post: #24
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: bayan
Date: 09-06-2004, 08:58 PM
Parent: #23

دينق خلينا من هاولى دا
هل اقرت الديلى تلغراف بكذب المعلومات واعتذرت رسميا للكورنكى ام لا؟

Post: #25
Title: الحقيقة المرة
Author: bayan
Date: 09-08-2004, 07:25 PM
Parent: #24

الى الان هذا السؤال قائم

هل اعتذرت الصحيفة للكورنكى لكذب ما نشرت ام لا؟
وهل قصة زينب قصة حقيقية ام ملفقة؟

Post: #26
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-08-2004, 07:51 PM
Parent: #1

(الى اى مدى يمكنك ان ان تمشى فى درب الحقيقة.. قد يكون هناك استرقاق وقد لا يكون)

دكتوره بيان، أنا أمشى فى درب الحقيقه حتى نهايتها، ومتى عرفت عنى نكران الحقيقه؟
ومتى عرفتى خجلى من نقد تجاوزات من يهمنى امرهم؟
المنبر أمامك وبوستاتى ممتلئه بنقد من يهمنى امرهم....متى ما أعتقدت انهم حادوا عن السراط المستقيم...ولكن العار ان تقولى :

(قد يكون هناك استرقاق وقد لايكون)

أترى الفرق يابيان؟

كيف تأتى لنكران آلام الناس و(تجريم) الضحايا بهذا القدر من البرود؟

وهنا فى هذا البوست تجدى المزيد من تبييت النيه:
أتمنى أن يقراة الجميع وينتبهوا الى (منهجك) للنيل ممن تريدين النيل منهم مع سبق الصرار والترصد.

ليس باسمنا يا سفيرة النوايا الحسنة

Post: #27
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: bayan
Date: 09-08-2004, 08:15 PM
Parent: #26

الاخت رودا

انا ليست لدى اى معلومات عن الاسترقاق وكل ما نتلقاه معلومات سماعية قابلة ان تكون خطأ او صواب لقد طلبت منك اكثر من مرة
ان تأتى لنا بالادلة حتى نصدق لاننى لم ارى اى عبد فى حياتى
او أمة... كل ما نريده هو الحقيقة..

عن قصة زينب التى جعلتك تقولين ما تقولين هل هذه القصة حقيقية
هل فعلا كانت زينب رقيق ام كانت تعمل بمرتب.. يرسل جزء منه لاسرتها
والباقى يعطى لها كغيرها من البنات اللائى يعملن فى كل بيوت السفراء فى الخارج..

هذا هو سؤالى هل زينب صادقة فيما أدعت؟
وهل ما ارتكبته من ذنب سيفقد الضحايا مصداقيتهم؟
وهل اضرت اكاذيبها بأنه لن تجرؤ صحيفة انجليزية نشر ما يحدث فى السودان مرة اخرى بذلك فقد الضحايا صوتا واسع الانتشار,..
يا روضة فقط ارجو ان تتريثى قليلا ستعرفى اننى فى صفك
وليس ضدك.ز فانا انسان اولا واخيرا ..

Post: #28
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: Roada
Date: 09-08-2004, 08:49 PM
Parent: #27


ماتقولين و لبساطه ، لأنك لم ترى عبدا أو امه فى حياتك هذا قد يعنى وجود أو عدم وجود الرقيق!
اولاترى أن هذا المنطق مختل ؟

من يابيان رأى (العبيد) فى أمريكا الشماليه ليصدق أن الرق وجد وأستمر لأكثر من 300 سنه؟

لايمكنك يابيان أن تكذبى آلاف الشهادات...وآلاف العلامات التى تركتها ممارسة الأستعباد على أجساد الناجين، وأرواحهم، وكيف لا يمكنك تصديق مئات التقارير التى تناقلتها المنظمات الدوليه من أول المعروفه بصدقها الى (المهزوزة السمعه) كالحكايات التى نسمعها هنا وهناك؟

أن وجود اى من (الأنتهازيين أو الأنتهازيات يابيان لابنفى الرق فى السودان ) ، و يعد اكثر انتهازية ان يتم استقلال الممارسه الأنتهازيه الفرديه لنكران الواقع.

لقد قمت وآخرون بنقل الكثير من الشهادات فى هذا المنبر ولازلت تصرى على النكران و التسويف كلما أتيحت لك الفرصه، وهذا النكران يابيان اساءه واعتداء اكثر ايلاما من التجربه نفسها أحيانا. والبوستات التى وثقنا فيها الشهادات أمامك فى هذا المنبر، كذلك منظمات حقوق الأمسان و تقارير المم المتحده وما اليها...ولكنك تصرى على النكران!!!!!!!!!!!!!

عموما وان كان الأمر يهمك لهذا الحد وبصدق (لخطفت) رجلك الى المناطق التى وردت فى الشهادات و حاولت التحقيق و الوقوف بنفسك على صحة أدعاءات مسجلى هذه الشهادات.

Post: #29
Title: Re: العزيزة امانى السنى
Author: bayan
Date: 09-08-2004, 10:09 PM
Parent: #28

يا عزيزتى

انا فقط محتارة من اصدق وكيف اعرف ان هذه القصة حقيقية
ام لا..لقد صدقنا قصة الكورنكى وهاجمنا بها الكيزان هجوماكبيرا
واتى التقرير والاعتذار الرسمى...وبلعنا السنتنا.. انا اقرأ كل ما تكتبيه.. واريد حقا ان اصدق ولكن..هناك هذا الشك فى هذه الافادات
فهل رايتيها انت بام عينك ام تقارير كتبت على رواية رواة قد يكونوا مثل زينب وانا ارى انك امرأة عالية المصداقية فقط قولى لى اننى اعرف ابوك وهى كانت رقيق لادمو الذى اشتراها من محمد وستجديننى قد صدقتك بدون اى شك.. الان ارى ما تكتبه الاخت نور وهى تذكر اسماء تجار الرقيق بالاسم
فأذا اثبتت ذلك بالوثائق نحن معكم الى آخر المدى..
من حقى ان اشك طالما تأكدت من ان هناك الكثير من القصص الكاذبة
ولذلك طلبت منكم ان تغربلوا لنا القصص الحقيقة من الغير حقيقية
مازالت كولا بك تنشر اكاذيبها دون رقيب و يستخدمها بعض الناس فى اثبات ممارسات الانقاذ التى قتلت والدها على الرغم من اللخبطة و الاكاذيب فى قصتها..
وشكرا لك