مذكرة الحركة الوطية للاصلاح والتنمية للرئيس ابوسانجو

مذكرة الحركة الوطية للاصلاح والتنمية للرئيس ابوسانجو

09-05-2004, 07:57 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1094367437&rn=2

Post: #1
Title: مذكرة الحركة الوطية للاصلاح والتنمية للرئيس ابوسانجو
Author: محمد حلا
Date: 09-05-2004, 07:57 AM
Parent: #0

2nd September, 2004

H. Excellency President Olusegun Obasanjo
Chairman of African Union
The federal Republic of Nigeria

Your Excellency,

The National Movement for Reformation and Development (NMRD) appreciate your unrelenting efforts to help our people in Darfur by sponsoring the Peace talks in Abuja, to bring permanent peace to reality.

Since August, 2004 we were informed by the mediator, Republic of Chad to prepare our delegations for Peace negotiations in Abuja, under the auspices of the African Union. Based on the official invitation from the Presidency of the Republic of Chad, being a mediator and aware of our revolution against Dr.Khalil Ibrahim during N'Djamena ceasefire talks, we arrived at the Abuja Peace negotiations, but unfortunately we found that N.M.R.D is completely excluded.

Your Excellency,
Excluding and ignoring a significant war factor (NMRD fighting group's forces) from the equation of the peace negotiations plan will never lead to success or peace implementation assurance, since NMRD is capable and ready to resume the military operation in Darfur at anytime.
We have spent series of unrelenting efforts to address to the African Union (being the sponsor) and the Republic of Chad (being the mediator), the security problems and ceasefire violations that may come out as a consequence of excluding NMRD fighting group from the peace equation.

Your Excellency,
Kindly, we would like to call upon your Excellency, being the chairman of the African Union and H.E.President Idriss Deby, The President of the Republic of Chad, being the mediator that, keeping N.M.R.D out of the Peace negotiation Halls will consequently lead to the following:
1- Giving GOS a convenient excuse to resume the military operation and genocide against innocent civilians in Darfur (IDP& Refugees) since the security situations are getting worse and potentially capable of getting out of control due to GOS and it's Janjaweed militias continuous violations of the ceasefire.

2- N.M.R.D did not sign the N'djamena ceasefire agreement although NMRD delegations were there and consequently not committed to it. It is on the same basis that N.M.R.D will not be committed to any peace agreement that may be reached in Abuja.
3- N.M.R.D will resume the complete military operations in all the fighting fronts, being convinced that the GOS and it's Janjaweed militias have no sincere desire for ceasefire or putting an end to the agenda of total elimination of African tribes of Darfur. This situation has become unavoidable as we realize the continuous exclusion of N.M.R.D participation in Peace Talks at the insistence of GOS.
4- The resumption of any military operations by the N.M.R.D will bring the Peace negotiation back to square one and disqualifies any agreement you may reach in the Abuja Peace Talks and devalues the unrelenting efforts your Excellency continues to put, so as to bring an end to these tragic events.
5- The conspiracy to exclude N.M.R.D indicates clearly that the negotiating parties, particularly the GOS and JEM, are not serious to reach a lasting and sustainable peace agreement. Each of them has a secret agenda. Firstly, the GOS considers it necessary to exclude the NMRD fighting forces from the negotiating table because that provides it with the best pretext to continue with it's -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------military agenda and genocide. On the other hand JEM is comfortable with government's insistence of N.M.R.D exclusion as it provides the discredited leadership of Dr. Khalil Ibrahim the opportunity to continue misrepresenting and exploiting the misery and suffering of the people of Darfur. This, he has successfully done by posturing as leader of fighting people of Darfur when in fact he has no reasonable presence on the ground. NMRD stands to be challenged on this point.
As a conclusion we of the N.M.R.D would like to inform your Excellency that, we will resume our military operation immediately, but purely for defensive and pre-emptive reasons since it is the only way the AU will recognize that NMRD fighting forces really exist.

Yours sincerely,
Mohammad Abdul Rahman Halla
Spokesman of NMRD
Head, NMRD delegation to Abuja Peace Talks
o H.E Idris Debey the President of Republic of Chad.
o UN Secretary General.
o EU Presidency.
o AU Chairperson Alfa Omer Konare.
o AU Representatives in Abuja Peace talks.

Post: #2
Title: Re: مذكرة الحركة الوطية للاصلاح والتنمية للرئيس ابوسانجو
Author: Ahmed Khalil
Date: 09-05-2004, 08:07 AM
Parent: #1

الحركة الشنو؟......دي حركة ماكويسة.