كلمات رشيقة ....من داخل بريدي الخاص ....

كلمات رشيقة ....من داخل بريدي الخاص ....

08-31-2004, 02:32 AM

  » http://sudaneseonline.com/cgi-bin/sdb/2bb.cgi?seq=msg&board=95&msg=1093915943&rn=0

Post: #1
Title: كلمات رشيقة ....من داخل بريدي الخاص ....
Author: sudania2000
Date: 08-31-2004, 02:32 AM

البداية : شخص ما اراد معرفتي ...و كتب يقول ....
thanks for your comments about DARFOOR and about the propaganda they make it just to destroy our community, please continue and we all listening ,,,,,

و الحق اخري يقول ............
what a nice, meaningful words you wrote.... it is really great to me
honest even with your shadow when you couldn't find some one to be
honest with .............
sincerely ....

عادة لا احفل كثيرا ...بمثل هذه الرسائل الا اذا كانت لطلب مناقشة فكرة ..او بهدف ...رؤية ما في ما اكتب ..او لاثراء النقاش...او لطلب محدد...وكثيرا ما اغفل لمشاغلي عن الردود ...والامر يحتاج وقتا لا املكه...و بالاضافة الي الخوف من المجهول الذي يجعلني ...افكر اكثر من مرة قبل ان اكتب الي المجهول....لكن شيء ما هنا دفعني للكتابة و الشكر ...لم افهم كنهه ...قد تكون رغبة ..اصيلة لمعرفة ماذا اعجبه..في محاولاتي التي توردني موارد...مختلفة ..
قررت الكتابة ...وجاء الايميل الاخر ...اكثر شفافية .....و اعجبني العمق في التعبير ..لذا اردت المشاركة بلاضافة الي الثناء علي غمري بهذه الاريحية ....وحب الوطن العميق..لقد ابكتني هذه الكلمات....

i am really pleased to be able to know such person like you, you
might be wondering ! but in the same time i might not know you, but i
like those people who really concern about the other’s issue, we all
in a journey in this life, but we forgot to make it a useful and
fulfilling journey, all of us love SUDAN in our minds, souls and
hearts, but we never expressed this love in a manor way to build this
country…. We always proud of our country and proud to be a SUDANI but
when it comes to give whatever we have in our hands to build it we
just go back in the last row and watch…………. I am always asking myself
are we raised wrong, are our families really gave us those principle
that we can fight for our country ……. No they just planted this love
and all the principle to be practiced in the boundaries of our homes,
if I am really love my country I wouldn’t be here, I should have been
there with my family, with my neighbors, live with them, eat with
them…..feel the hunger when they feel it…..feel the cold when they
feel it……try to give them something better than the money, but
unfortunately we all flying around this stupid word “MONEY” that’s
why we can’t see the beauty of this life, because the beauty is in
ourselves…..it is beside our homes, it’s in the earth and the dust
that we use to play with when we were young…..the beauty is in the
face of our grandfather when he smile for you and call you with a
spoil name and play with you, and put his hand inside his packet
pretending that he is trying to give you a peace of candy and you
realized he is just kidding then you and him start laughing and
laughing ……..and ……..where are all that now …… nothing left for us
….. But the Paine that we feel it each moment in our life.
…… I am always read the posts in sudaneseonlie, but I don’t have an
account to share the others my thoughts,

اشكرك سيدي علي اشراكي في هذا الجمال و الان اريد ان اشرك معي بعض الاخيار في هذه القطعة الرائعة التي تنم عن روح شفافة ...وقلب شقي بالتفكير في الغير...اشكرك مرات و مرات ....

I am still try to know myself,
is that person inside me?, still in the stage of discovering the deep
corners of me, if we just think about how we got to this life…this is
how ALLAH create us in such a perfect way and to give us a message
that we all have to understand, the creation is not about creating
just the man kind and determine the behaviors that will be
practicing, it’s about thinking of the boundaries that determine our
knowledge, thinking of how we are small in everything thing, but
unfortunately we always trying to be big and accomplish anything that
will give us more step a head …. To where? To something that will
never be count in ALLAH scale as a big, see how we are ignorance and
still insisting to be as ignorance as we speak now…..what a life …?

Post: #2
Title: Re: كلمات رشيقة ....من داخل بريدي الخاص ....
Author: fagyra
Date: 09-02-2004, 07:56 PM
Parent: #1

Dear Sudania

Thank you for sharing these lovely words with us. It does say a lot about the writer and his passion. Not many of us question the different factors of our living, but he sure does
Thanks again