Conditions are ripe

Conditions are ripe

08-04-2004, 04:42 AM


Post: #1
Title: Conditions are ripe
Author: Asskouri
Date: 08-04-2004, 04:42 AM
Parent: #0

The Government says it accepts the SC's resolution, the army says no.The Minister of information says the government rejects the decision,whereas the minister of foreign affairs says there is nothing in the decision for the government to reject.The Defenders of Faith and Country Org says it will wage a ( Holy war) against the Americans.
Why shouldnt they wage a ( Holy war against the government first??)
I watched the news on GOS TV, and realised that few turned out for the demo ( it was very clear from the way the camera was showing the demo)apart from this, three speakers ( Fatihi Khalil of the Bar Association, Abualgasim MOhamed IBrahim (The Maoist) and Mr. Halalooyaha - Ibrahim Ahmed Omar) featured in the demo . Mr. Halalooya was chanting ( Kheyber Kheyber ya Yahood) and ( Rady reay to defend the religion).It was obvious that the support base for the government has eroded dramatically.)
Apart from Mr. Halalooyaha none of the government's party leaders appeared in the demo.
It seems that the conditions for the overthrow of the government are ripe now.
The demo delivered a message to UN RR
Clearly the demo was ill organised, mistimed, and served no purpose as the SC resolution doesnt call for military intervention( at the moment). However there is still 26 days to go and we will see what they will do.
It would have been much better for Mr. Halalooyaha and his group to conduct their morbind government 's campaign in a more productive way, or opted to send what is left of his fanatics to Darfur to help maintain security in there.
Chanting in Khartoum streets will not stop the world from helping the victims in Darfur.

THe news item below is copied from SPLAMTODAY website

Thousands demonstrate in Khartoum

KHARTOUM/NAIROBI (dpa) - Tens of thousand of people were demonstrating in Khartoum Wednesday against a possible intervention by western troops in the troubled Darfur region, reports said.

The demonstration, organized by the government, brought together tens of thousands, possibly even a hundred thousand people on the streets of Khartoum, reported the British Broadcasting Corporation.

The demonstrators said they were ready to wage a holy war against any western troops sent to Sudan and Darfur.

On Tuesday U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan dismissed Sudan`s negative reaction to the U.N. resolution on the Darfur humanitarian crisis, saying Khartoum is "moving in the right direction" in implementing it.

Those reactions included the Sudanese army calling the resolution passed by the U.N. Security Council last week a "declaration of war" and vowing to fight any foreign troops that would show up in Darfur.

The resolution, passed last week, calls on Khartoum to implement commitments to resolve the crisis in Darfur, where government-backed militia have been accused of humanitarian abuses in fighting rebels, or face sanctions. The Security Council wants to see signs of progress within 30 days.

Annan said the reaction from Khartoum showed that Sudanese officials understood the resolution, which he said was "loud and clear".

Britain`s most senior military commander General Sir Mike Jackson last week said his country would be able to send 5,000 troops to Darfur if a military intervention was decided upon.

The present U.N. resolution however rules out military intervention.

More than one million people have been forced to flee their homes in Darfur since the conflict broke out last year. U.N. estimates say up to 50,000 people have died as a result of the conflict. Nearly 200,000 have escaped across the border to Chad. dpa ve pmc