US Senate approves 95 million dollars in Sudan aid

US Senate approves 95 million dollars in Sudan aid

06-25-2004, 02:30 AM


Post: #1
Title: US Senate approves 95 million dollars in Sudan aid
Author: Deng
Date: 06-25-2004, 02:30 AM
Parent: #0

US Senate approves 95 million dollars in Sudan aid

US Senate approves 95 million dollars in Sudan aid

WASHINGTON, June 24 (AFP) - The US Senate Thursday passed 95 million dollars in emergency humanitarian assistance to the war-torn Darfur region of western Sudan.

"This amendment will send urgently needed aid to a region in Sudan that is suffering a humanitarian crisis of historic proportions," said Republican Senator Sam Brownback, one of the chief sponsors of the bill, which was approved by voice vote.

"This additional assistance could help save the lives of many in the coming months."

The funding was approved as an amendment to a military appropriations bill, and will be available immediately once US President George W. Bush signs the Defense Appropriations bill into law.

Human rights groups estimate that the death toll could reach one million people if humanitarian organizations are unable to deliver aid to Sudanese refugees diplaced by the conflict.

Senate Minority Leader Tom Daschle told fellow senators that humanitarian aid alone would not relieve the crisis, but called for the international community to rally to stem the disaster.

In particular he said, Washington's newly-appointed UN ambassador, John Danforth, "should be empowered to initiate discussions within the Security Council on planning for an intervention force, if this should be required to ensure that lives are saved and a genocide prevented," Daschle said.

"Consideration should be given to non-US troops including from Europe and Africa; the Security Council should consult with the African Union," the Senate's top Democrat said, to "make clear to Khartoum that the international community is serious and to be ready if it is necessary to intervene."