Civilized, Palatable lynching

Civilized, Palatable lynching

06-23-2004, 03:31 PM


Post: #1
Title: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Shinteer
Date: 06-23-2004, 03:31 PM
Parent: #0

This morning, I went office uninformed about the final fate of the Korean Citizen kidnapped in Iraq. A colleague told me that he is gone; slaughtered like a lamb.o I never felt any nerve-shaking wave of a surprise.o

I borwsed the devilish Net and I found millions of denouncers and renouncers. I still felt no association with these renouncers. They all are talking about Islam being against this behaviour!!! what Islam are you talking about? this is a field of killing. I don't sympathize with any foreigner being salyed in Iraq; be him a Westerner, Asian, or an Arab traitor.o

It is so ironic to find all the denouncers of this slaying incident are from the SLAYED world, and none of them say anything about the daily Civilized Lynching of Thirdworlder's Muslims (or whatever) in their own homes of birth!!!!. Isn't it really strange to condemn a killing of a Korean or a Red Devil on a day where 14 Iraqis where lynched (or so), and no one mentioned them, at worst of a compassion?o

Hey, Killing in Iraq of any foreighner will not find any consoling word from me to the victim. what brought them there? to help? whom to help? eh, help yourself Billy. There is a big joke going out there in Iraq; let the fools perish in its kiln. Happy frying.o

What is the difference between killing two dozens of Iraqi civilians, and slaying a deluded mysterious Korean or Amreican civilian in Iraq?.o Hey brothers, wake up, killing is the same; souls are the same, no matter how they are chopped off.o

Post: #2
Title: Re: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Bashasha
Date: 06-23-2004, 04:36 PM
Parent: #1

Quote: Hey brothers, wake up, killing is the same; souls are the same, no matter how they are chopped off.o

"شيخ العرب" شنتير!

لعلمك الكوزنة في مفهومنا ما بطاقة عضوية، في اي من احزاب طاعون الاسلام السياسي، وانما ذهنية تمثل زبدة سودان التركية السابقة.

هو لو ذبح الابرياء كما الشاة، من الاذن للاذن، عندك لافرق بينو او بين ضحايا الغارات العسكرية، يبق من حق ناس رودا او ثوار دارفور، يجو البطانة او يجزو رؤوس مواهيم العروبة امثالك!

رايك شنو؟

Post: #3
Title: Re: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Shinteer
Date: 06-23-2004, 04:41 PM
Parent: #2

Ok Bashasha. I am a koaz. Are we finished with this or not?o

I am sorry, fellow Bashasha, I forgot this important word, and I forgive me if i edit this part.o I already confessed to your majesty that I am a Koaz, BUT I forgot to mention the ........... wallhi I am out of reason. bashasha .. go away and rub your ########### in any dry wood and come back. OK?.o

Post: #4
Title: Re: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Shinteer
Date: 06-23-2004, 04:46 PM
Parent: #3

Oh, I am sorry, I didn't see the Term Butaana. Ask Raoda if she knows Butaana or if she ever saw a person from Butaana ya Bashash.o

I will be be patient with you ya Bashasha, for a while.o

Go ahead.o

Post: #5
Title: Re: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Shinteer
Date: 06-23-2004, 05:01 PM
Parent: #4

You, first, Bashasha, how many persons from Al-butaana have you ever seen?. This a serious question. The other question is: can you locate the so-called Al-Butaan geographically, and mention which tribes are living there?, we are a country of tribes, aren't we? This is also a serious question ya Bashasha?o

I assume that you know, as you are a Historian graduated from the Department of History at the so-called Univerisy of khartoum. I am not asking you to test your knowledge, per se, I am asking you as an intellectual Historian. that is all.o

Next Questions will come, in a very cool-minded mannar.o You should enlighten us, shouldn't you? I am ready ya Bashasha to be enlightened by you, the polyglot genius.o

Post: #6
Title: Re: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Bashasha
Date: 06-23-2004, 05:12 PM
Parent: #1

شيخ العرب
خلينا في المهم، هل يحق لي ضحايا دولة الفصل العنصري لمواهيم العروبة جز رؤس الابرياء من شيوخ العرب امثال شنتير ام لا؟

Post: #7
Title: Re: Civilized, Palatable lynching
Author: Shinteer
Date: 06-23-2004, 05:54 PM
Parent: #6

Out of date too