The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel

The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel

06-16-2004, 09:34 PM


Post: #1
Title: The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-16-2004, 09:34 PM
Parent: #0


Below is the text of the speech given this morning by the Sudanese activist Ms. Tamador Sheikheddin during her group’s performing at the National Geographic Ctr. in DC in celebration of the UN Day of Refugees. The event attended by Mr. Colin Powel, US Secretary of State and was a full-house event where the strong words of the message were strongly received and applauded by the audience.
By Mohamed Elgadi

The Sudanese performing group “Brides of the Nile” presents a diverse range of dances from different ethnic and geographic regions of Sudan. They are scheduled for another three shows in DC within this weekend. They were among selected artist groups that got invited by the UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Julie for a reception at the Hay Adams Hotel in DC tonight (I spoke with one of the five members of the group, and she was so excited because their message reached to Mr. Powell)

This massage forwarded by Mohamed Elgadi

I was there and I will talk about the event later, and here is the text of Tumadir's speech


Dear Mr. Colin Powell,

On behalf of the ‘Brides of the Nile’ performing art group and other human rights advocates in the US and Africa, I highly value the personal role you have played attempting to bring peace to Sudan. The price of war in my country of birth has been appalling: more than two million of us have been killed in the past two decades. Five million of us have been internally displaced. In the past 15 months, we have witnessed a new escalation of conflict in the Darfur region, with killing so organized and ethnic-focused that it must be called genocide.

The UN Security Council expressed its deep concern at the continuing reports of large-scale violations of human rights and international humanitarian law in Darfur, including indiscriminate attacks on civilians, sexual violence, forced displacement and acts of violence, especially those with an ethnic dimension, and demanded that those responsible be held accountable.

Former UN General Secretary Dag Hammarskjold, who paid his life to bring peace in Africa, said “The Longest Journey is the Journey Inward.” The peace process in Sudan must have a Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) mechanism that holds accountable those behind the mass killing, mass rape and mass torture in the Ghost Houses and elsewhere.

Mr. Secretary of State, what steps can you take to put more pressure on the Khartoum regime to stop this human tragedy in Darfur region?

Tamadir Sheikheddin Jibreel

Post: #2
Title: Re: The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel
Author: nada ali
Date: 06-16-2004, 10:31 PM
Parent: #1

لك الشكر يا كوستاوى،
و التحية للمبدعة تماضر

Post: #4
Title: Re: The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel
Author: Kostawi
Date: 06-17-2004, 04:45 PM
Parent: #2

Thanx Nada

I have taken many pics from Tumadir Group that day and I will try to share them with

Post: #3
Title: Re: The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel
Author: Adil Osman
Date: 06-17-2004, 04:44 PM
Parent: #1

هذه ترجمة سريعة لكلمة تماضر فى الاحتفال باليوم العالمى لللاجئين بواشنطون، الذى حضره السيد كولن باول وزير الخارجية الامريكية.

السيد كولن باول

نيابة عن فرقة عرائس النيل للفنون ومنظمات حقوق الانسان فى امريكا وافريقيا، اقدر تقديرآ عاليآ دوركم الشخصى لاحلال السلام فى السودان.

لقد دفع الشعب السودانى ثمنآ فظيعآ للحرب الاهلية: فقد قتل اكثر من مليونين من السودانيين منذ 1983 . ونزح 5 مليون سودانى من قراهم ومدنهم.

وخلال ال 15 شهرآ الاخيرة، شهدنا تصعيدآ خطيرآ للحرب الاهلية فى دارفور. حيث شهد الاقليم قتلآ منظمآ، استهدف قبائل ومجموعات اثنية بعينها. ويتحتم علينا ان نسمى هذه المذابح باسمها: الابادة الجماعية.

ولقد عبّر مجلس الامن الدولى عن قلقه العميق ازاء الانتهاكات واسعة النطاق لحقوق الانسان والقانون الانسانى الدولى فى دارفور.

وتشمل هذه الانتهاكات: الهجوم العشوائى على المدنيين. والاغتصاب والعنف الجنسى ضد النساء. و اجبار المواطنين على الهروب من قراهم والنزوح واللجوء. واستهدافهم على اساس قبلى وعرقى. ولقد طالب مجلس الامن بمحاسبة المسئولين عن هذه الانتهاكات.

داق همرشولد، السكرتير السابق للامم المتحدة، والذى دفع حياته ثمنآ لاحلال السلام فى افريقيا فى الستينات، قال:

( انّ الرحلة الأطول والأصعب هى الرحلة داخل أعماق النفس البشرية ).

ولهذا أعتقد أنّ مسيرة السلام فى السودان يجب أن تشتمل على لجنة للمصالحة والحقيقة، تحاسب المسئولين عن المذابح الجماعية، واغتصاب النساء، والتعذيب فى بيوت الاشباح والمعتقلات.

السيّد وزير الخارجية المحترم:

ما هى الاجراءات التى يمكنكم اتخاذها كى تضغطوا على السلطة فى الخرطوم لوقف هذه المأساة الانسانية فى دارفور؟

تماضر شيخ الدين جبريل

ترجمة عادل عثمان

Post: #5
Title: Re: The speech given this morning by Tumadir Sheikhed: To Colin Powel
Author: Roada
Date: 06-17-2004, 05:21 PM
Parent: #1

many thanks ya Kstawi,
and this is MY SISTER